In this guide, we will go over the best tank builds that feature different playstyles such as strength/faith tank build and int/strength tank build, dedicated to helping you create an unstoppable killing machine for endgame in Elden Ring after the 1.05 patch!
Elden Ring Best Tank Build Guide
In general, tank builds are among the greatest strength builds in Elden Ring and among the most entertaining in ng+ and higher. The tanky character might seem monotonous, but the ability to simply push past any obstacle can be a lot of fun. Additionally, the ability to effortlessly stagger without being attacked makes such builds incredibly effective in Elden Ring's PvP.
Elden Ring Tank Build Tips (Best Stats, Weapons, Armors, Talismans, Spells To Use)
By tank build in Elden Ring, they are strength builds that prioritize the strongest armor and aim to maximize your HP and minimize incoming damage, and tank through every attack. So before going over our Top 5 Best Tank Builds in Elden Ring, let's break down some General Tank Build Setup Tips for you:
Best Tank Build Attributes
Primary Stats: Strength, Endurance, Vigor
Second Primary Stats: Faith, Arcane
To suit the tanky look and nature, Tank builds usually require high Strength, Endurance, and Vigor to allow them to wear the heaviest armor sets, lift powerful weapons, keep a lot of health and withstand lots of damage. Additionally, for the Healer Tank build, get more Faith points to increase the healing buffs and damage.
Best Tank Build Weapons
Melee Tank Build - Sacred Butchering Knife, Great Stars
Healer Tank Build - Rotten Crystal Sword, any other normal sword
Best Tank Build Armor
Melee Tank Build - Veteran’s Armor Set
Healer Tank Build - Twinned Armor Set
Best Tank Build Talismans
Melee Tank Build - Godskin Swaddling Cloth, Dragon shield Talisman
Healer Tank Build - Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
Best Ash of War Skills for Tank Build
Melee Tank Build - Barricade Shield
Healer Tank build - Barricade Shield, Golden Vow
Top 3 Best Elden Ring Tank Builds
Now that you know the basic requirements to create a powerful tank build, let's share the best 5 tank builds and list the basic setup for each character for your reference.
Top 1 - Unstoppable Juggernaut Melee Tank Build
This build is designed to be absolutely unstoppable, you have a ton of protection, can soak up hits like it's nobody's business, and constantly regen health, making you an absolutely unstoppable killing machine. It is primarily meant to be played as a melee tank build although it does have a little bit of a ranged option in the form of swarm of flies. Obviously, you could swap out whatever you want to swap out for whatever ranged ability you want to swap out, but this one initiates bleed and disrupts the target allowing you to get close to it and close the gap just lay waste to it. This build is designed to be a total boss destroyer, you just tank hits and constantly just mow down the boss continuously swinging your giant mace or blade whichever weapon you decide to go with because you have an option of two, or you can swap back and forth between the two as you want. Because we make use of multiple spells, perfumes, heavy armor, and the bloodhounds step ash of war, we have a lot of maneuverability and can take a ton of punishment and just keep on swinging.
Build Setup
Attributes Points (150 Level)
Vigor: 40
Mind: 22
Endurance: 40
Strength: 55
Dexterity: 20
Intelligence: 16
Faith: 30
Arcane: 16
Right Hand Weapon
Sacred Butchering Knife
Gold Great Stars
Left Hand Weapon
Godslayer's Seal
Icon Shield
Head: Radahn's Redmane Helm
Chest: Radahn's Lion Armor
Arms: Radahn's Gauntlets
Legs: Radahn's Greaves
Blessed Dew Talisman
Taker's Cameo
Godskin Swaddling Cloth
Dragoncrest Shield Talisman
Black Flame's Protection
Bestial Vitality
Golden Vow
Dragonbolt Blessing
Swarm of Flies
Wonderous Physick Mix
Opaline Hardtear
Leaden Hardtear
Top 2 - God-Tier Strength/Faith Healer Tank Build
It's obviously no surprise here but we are wielding the blasphemous blade - one of the best weapons in Elden Ring, definitely on par with the moonblade katana and the rivers of blood. There are many faith weapons you can use on your faith builds but nothing compares to the utter destruction that the blasphemous blade brings to, any opponent in this game whether it's a low-level enemy or even one of the hardest bosses in the game literally stood no chance. This faith build has the best defense and the best offense, and is one of the most simplistic approaches ever making this one of the best faith builds in Elden Ring.
Build Setup
Attributes Points (150 Level)
Vigor: 45
Mind: 25
Endurance: 25
Strength: 50
Dexterity: 16
Intelligence: 10
Faith: 50
Arcane: 9
Right Hand Weapon
Blasphemous Blade
Left Hand Weapon
Heavy Fingerprint Stone Shield
Erdtree Seal
Head: Fingerprint Helm
Chest: Fingerprint Armor
Arms: Fingerprint Gauntlets
Legs: Fingerprint Greaves
Greatsheild Talisman
Great-Jar's Arsenal
Flock's Canvas Talisman
Fire Scorpion Charm
Golden Vow
Blessing of the Erdtree
Flame, Grant Me Strength
Black Flame's Pretection
Erdtree Heal
Wonderous Physick Mix
Flame-Shrounding Cracked Tear
Opaline Bubbletear
Top 3 - God-Tier Int/Strength Tank Build
Using this build has made this Elden Ring play through one of the most effortless painless easiest playthroughs we've ever had so far. When you are using this build, it makes everything in the game way less threatening, you literally have the ability to tank all types of damage from smaller low-level enemies to some of the hardest bosses in the game. If you play this build right, you will seriously be unkillable, so we think you seriously need to make this build as soon as you possibly can because it gives you that opportunity to pretty much go wherever you want in the game without having to worry about dying.
Build Setup
Attributes Points (150 Level)
Vigor: 30
Mind: 30
Endurance: 25
Strength: 48
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 60
Faith: 8
Arcane: 9
Right Hand Weapon
Carian Regal Scepter
Dark Moon Greatsword
Left Hand Weapon
Fingerprint Stone Shield
Erdtree Seal
Head: Black Knife Hood
Chest: Preceptor's Long Gown
Legs: Preceptor's Trousers
Greatsheild Talisman
Godskin Swaddling Cloth
Radagon Icon
Great-Jar's Arsenal
Comet Azur
Scholar's Shield
Carian Phalanx
Adula's Moonblade
Wonderous Physick Mix
Cerulean Bubbletear
Opaline Bubbletear
That's all for our Best Elden Ring Build Guide, hope to give you some useful information, if you need any Elden Ring runes and Items to enhance or complete your build, don't forget to check out our offer!