We're going to be taking a look at the top 5 best mage builds in Elden Ring, and showing you the most efficient ways to create each of the best intelligence meta builds with the best weapons, armors, talismans and spells in the game.
Elden Ring Best Mage Builds - Top 5 S-Tier Endgame One-Shot Intelligence Builds
Mage builds in Elden Ring as known as intelligence builds, are very strong and the best part about it, there are so many different ways to make it. Now we've made a handful of intelligence builds in Eelden Ring, but we've come to the conclusion that these are the top 5 best endgame intelligence mage builds to use. Obviously, the one thing all of these magic builds have in common is they focus on intelligence but what differentiates them is their play styles.
Top 1 - Monk Intelligence Build
This build is going to be perfect for anybody that wants to prioritize survivability. You will have so much fun using this build because it will make you feel unstoppable, the scholar shield spell that we are using on our fingerprint shield is extremely overpowered and it's going to make you unkillable. Once you combine that with some of the amazing weapons that we are using on this build including the death poker and the clayman's harpoon, it's going to make you extremely deadly and very efficient you're looking for extremely high survivability against every single enemy in this game and you also want to do tons of damage with your spells and magic weapons, the blind monk intelligence build is going to be perfect for you.
Base Setup for The Mage Build
Attributes Points (150 Level)
Vigor: 50
Mind: 20
Endurance: 40
Strength: 48
Dexterity: 16
Intelligence: 40
Faith: 8
Arcane: 9
Right Hand Weapon
Death's Poker
Clayman's Cold Harpoon
Fallingstar Beast Jaw
Garian Regal Scepter
Left Hand Weapon
Fingerprint Stone Shield
Head: Hierodas Glintstone Crown
Chest: Errant Sorcerer Robe
Arms: Bloodsoaked Manchettes
Legs: Battlemage Legwraps
Shard of Alexander
Old Lord's Tlisman
Curved Sword Talisman
Green Turtle Talisman
Scholar's Shield
Terra Magica
Carian Phalanx
Night Comet
Adula's Moonblade
Wonderous Physick Mix
Stonebarb Cracked Tear
Cerulean Hidden Tear
Top 2 - Magic Swordsman Build
The next intelligence build, we're going to take a look at is the magic swordsman build, which is also a lot of fun to use and it definitely deserves a spot in our Top 5 mage build list. This build is definitely a more aggressive play style but it's very rewarding. The magic swordsman is proficient with bladed weapons which is why we are taking full advantage of the moonveil katana, dual-wielding two katanas on the build with extremely deadly combo attacks and transient moonlight from our moonblade katana, easily one of the strongest ashes of war for an intelligence build. The swordsman's glintstone staff of choice is the Carian Glintstone Staff which gives us a boost to our Carian Sword sorceries, this is going to make spells like the Carian Piercer, the Carian Greatsword and the Carian Slicer do more damage.
Magic Swordsman Build Setup
Attributes Points (150 Level)
Vigor: 60
Mind: 30
Endurance: 15
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 40
Intelligence: 60
Faith: 8
Arcane: 9
Right Hand Weapon
Wing of Astel
Left Hand Weapon
Keen Uchigatana
Carian Glintstone
Chest: Alberich's Robe (Altered)
Arms: Malenia's Gauntlet
Legs: Page Trousers
Shard of Alexander
Graven-School Talisman
Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
Green Turtle Talisman
Carian Phalanx
Carian Slicer
Carian Piercer
Adula's Moonblade
Night Comet
Adula's Moonblade
Wonderous Physick Mix
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Stonebarb Cracked Tear
Top 3 - Mage Sorcerer Build
The last build on our list is the sorcerer build spell casting is going to be your primary way of damaging your enemies and it's going to do a lot of damage. With the right talismans and spells, you are going to see a drastic increase in your spell damage. You are going to doing so much damage with your spells that your enemies are never going to stand a chance and most of the time they won't even be able to hit you. Sometimes the best defense is an even better offense and that's definitely the case with the sorcerer build, spells are very strong in Elden Ring. The best thing about this build, you are utilizing all of them to their full potential, any spell that you use on this build is going to annihilate your enemy.
Mage Sorcerer Build Setup
Attributes Points (250 Level)
Vigor: 60
Mind: 56
Endurance: 30
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 35
Intelligence: 99
Faith: 25
Arcane: 9
Right Hand Weapon
Wing of Astel
Left Hand Weapon
Lusat's Glintstone Staff
Head: Alberich's Pointed Hat
Chest: Alberich's Robe
Arms: Alberich's Bracers
Legs: Alberich's Trousers
Radagon Icon
Graven-School Talisman
Green Turtle Talisman
Ritual Sword Talisman
Golden Vow (Seal)
Terra Magica
Comet Azur
Night Comet
Carian Greatsword
Adula's Moonblade
Wonderous Physick Mix
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Cerulean Hidden Tear
Top 4 - Battle Mage One Shot Boss Build
This Battle mage obviously is no surprise that an intelligence build would make this list, magic has been very powerful across all of them From Software games, we personally believe the best way to utilize intelligence, especially for endgame is to focus on intelligence and dexterity. A lot of people forget just how important of a role dexterity plays when it comes to making an intelligence build because dexterity not only increases your melee damage but it's also going to increases your spell casting speed. With this battle mage build, we are taking full advantage of one of the best weapons in Elden Ring - the moonveil katana. Some may argue that the moonveil katana is over-tuned, it does too much damage and it's a little too reliable which is exactly why you need to use it. This weapon is the best choice because it works against every single enemy in the game, the attacks are incredibly fast, and it causes a lot of stagger.
Battle Mage Build Setup
Attributes Points (250 Level)
Vigor: 60
Mind: 60
Endurance: 30
Strength: 18
Dexterity: 64
Intelligence: 80
Faith: 8
Arcane: 10
Right Hand Weapon
Left Hand Weapon
Carian Glintstone Staff
Head: Marais Mask
Chest: Battlemage Robe
Arms: Bloodsoaked Manchettes
Legs: Battlemage Legwraps
Shard of Alexander
Godfrey Icon
Graven-School Tlisman
Green Turtle Talisman
Terra Magica
Comet Azur
Night Comet
Loretta's Mastery
Carian Piercer
Adula's Moonblade
Wonderous Physick Mix
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Cerulean Hidden Tear
Top 5 - Moonveil Greatsword Mage Build
This god tier mage build is going to have you walking in Elden Ring with no problem taking care of the foes. It is going to synergize perfectly, you're going to be dealing the highest damage which is going to be over 20,000~30,000 damage pretty much, one shot every boss if you want, or if you would like to enjoy the game itself and just walk around and destroy anything, that is going to be possible with this build.
Greatsword Mage Build Setup
Attributes Points (250 Level)
Vigor: 39
Mind: 52
Endurance: 40
Strength: 61
Dexterity: 29
Intelligence: 80
Faith: 22
Arcane: 10
Right Hand Weapon
Royal Greatsword
Left Hand Weapon
Lusat's Glintstone Staff
Head: Olivinus Glintstone Crown
Chest: Raptor's Black Feathers
Arms: Briar Gauntlets
Legs: Briar Greaves
Magic Scorpion Charm
Graven-Mass Tlisman
Shard of Alexander
Radagon Icon
Comet Azur
Terra Magica
Wonderous Physick Mix
Cerulean Hidden Tear
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear
These are our Top 5 intelligence mage builds to use in Elden Ring. We really feel like you are going to enjoy this guide because we seriously believe that there's a play style for everybody here, we hope you're all ready because these are the top three best mage builds in Elden Ring.