In Lost Ark, Vykas can be pretty difficult to clear especially if you are pugging it. Who knew evil girl has the prettiest face. Are you having trouble completing Vykas Phases 1, 2, or 3? In this Lost Ark Vykas raid guide for Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3, we are bringing you 15 tips, tricks, and cheese strats that will help you in clearing the raid.
Lost Ark Vykas P1, P2 & P3 Guide - 15 Vykas Tips & Cheese Strates For Easy Clears
Vykas followed by Valtan is the second legion raid in Lost Ark. Before you take on legion commander Vykas in her 'Garden of Crimson Delight,' you'll confront dangerous and strong members of the Covetous Legion. Keep note that we won't be explaining any mechanics in this Lost Ark Vykas P1, P2, P3 guide. So for these to have any impact, we are going to assume that you already know all of the mechanics. But in case you don't, you can find our Lost Ark Vykas surviving guide to all the 3 Vykas phases.
1. Portal Mechanics
In phase 1 during portal mechanics at 49 bars, if your assigned position is at 5 or 11 o'clock and you get a blue portal. You don't have to run around in circles until the next rotation. Simply just run straight over the portal as soon as the orb spawns. The orb will change into blue right before it hits the portal.
2. Countering Vykas In Phase 2
Countering Vykas is very important as it gives a few seconds of uncontested damage. In Lost Ark Vykas phase 2, she has very distinctive patterns that you can use to your advantage by positioning yourself before she becomes countable. For the first counter, Vykas doesn't do anything special before. She just turns blue and becomes countable. If you miss this counter, she will dash forward and turn around. In most situations give you another chance to counter. The second counter is very easy to tell as she stands still and shoots purple rings at the targeted player. After that, she just turns blue and becomes countable.
3. Tricks in P2
The best time to use an enemy to push damage in phase 2 or after a successful counterattack, depleting purple's stagger bar under her hp or during the waffle pattern as she stands the longest.
4. First Mechanics In Phase 2
Then in phase 2 at 120 bars during the first mechanic in 95% of the runs at 11 o'clock, there will always be a clone with one wing open. You can use this to your advantage as you only need to focus on positioning for 3 or 7 o'clock. This is also very useful in case one of the 5 players picking up the orbs in the center is dead, a player scouting at 11 o'clock can replace the dead player and pick up the orb safely knowing that 11 o'clock is most likely 1 winged clone.
5. Second Mechanics In Phase 2
The second mechanic at 65 bars during phase 2 can be very chaotic and hard to pull off if you are running it with a plug and only use text chat. Luckily there is a way to cheese this mechanic that only requires 3 people and the usage of Splendid Panacea. The way Splendid Panacea works is it removes the debuff and grants you deep immunity for 2 seconds and you grabbing an orb gives you that debuff. For example, if we need to grab orbs 2, 3, and 4. We didn't cheese it as people wanted to learn the mechanics properly first. But if we did cheese it, this is how you would do it. You let orb 1 hit the boss, orb 2 you will consume and above your mana bar, it gives you a debuff. Right before orb 3 hits you, use Splendid Panacea to remove the debuff from the orb you consumed beforehand. The panacea will then give you a debuff immunity which means that the second orb you consume won't apply the debuff. Then you simply consume the last orb in the pattern normally.
6. Wipe Mechanics In Phase 3
In phase 3, one of your main focuses other than mechanics is looking at your feet and paying attention if you have a purple puddle symbol. Dropping this anywhere else other than the edge of the arena will most likely result in a very hard time or even a raid wipe.
7. Vykas Counters In Phase 3
In phase 3 as in phase 2, it is very important to counter Vykas as it is more punishing if you miss the counter. He has two distinctive patterns before she is counterable. One is exactly the same as the counter in phase 2 where she will just move a little bit back and turn blue. Missing the counter means that she will dash forward turn around and give you another chance to counter. If you miss both of these changes after the first dash, she will then dash back to where she started and do a big slam aoe. So always be ready to move away.
The second counter is easier to distinguish. She will disappear to do a swirly pattern and then reappear at the same spot where she started the swirly pattern. It doesn't give you a second chance to counter and miss that counter, she always does the same pattern, shooting 4 purple orbs. Anyone getting hit gets an aura that increases gauge to anyone they touch. When she does an inside damage aoe then outside damage aoe, so be fast to react. Sometimes she does both counter patterns one after another. If you count the first, the second one won't be countable as she gets counter immunity for a couple of seconds after you perform a successful counter-attack.
8. Cone Attack
When Vykas start swinging her sword forward, stands behind her as she does a white cone aoe attack in front of her. Then after the attack, move to that same side as she will in most cases turn around and do the same cone attack on the other side.
9. 175 HP Bars
175 bars for puddle mechanic a very easy way to tell if you have a brown or blue is to look at your character and read the text it says. If the text is brown and says swamp of despair, you position the puddle at 9 o'clock as this is the slow debuff. If it's a blue text saying desire or swiftness, it means you stay away from 9 o'clock until your blue puddle drops.
10. 135 HP Bars
At 135 bars after typing mechanic, if somebody failed, make sure supports use shields and damage reductions stay grouped up. After the blast, she will knock everyone down and do not use your space bar to get up. Stay group so you do the air raid attack after without taking too much damage. Feel free to use nineveh to break your shield straight after typing cuts in ends or after air raid pattern has finished.
11. 120 HP Bars
Right before the 120 bars mechanic, she will put purple puddles on 4 players. Do not run towards the edge and drop them in the center. So you can gauge up to 100 and pass the mechanic. Sometimes she does a counter right before and this time it's safer not to counter her. As if you counter her, she might do an aoe attack that will knock back everyone. In some cases push people away from the puddles.
12. 60 HP Bars
At around 60 bars, she will give purple puddles again right before tentacles. Do not drop the puddle at the bottom side, as this is the saison from flying worms. In case she does that before tentacles. Your goal is to get your gauge up to around 80 to 85% and be ready for tentacles.
13. Tips To Kill Tentacles
Destroying tentacles is very chaotic and a lot of people can get charmed and start killing others first. If you are a support, you do not need to DPS. So don't get your gauge up and focus on dodging red flying orbs while having your finger on a sleep bomb in case somebody is charmed. If you struggle with destroying old tentacles, you can save up nineveh. This means that you should not use nineveh after the typing mechanic as it will not region in time for the tentacles. You can see the 3 best lineups for nineveh usage. Using any of these three lineups will destroy 3 to 4 tentacles as they always spawn at the same spot. Nineveh does damage in a straight line and a player using it does not need to be above 75% gauge for nineveh to deal damage. Making it very useful to destroy tentacles if you are struggling. Decide beforehand which lineup will rail either use nineveh and on the other side, if you're a DPS class that has a big aoe or a straight line awakening, you will want to use that on the opposite side to destroy tentacles there.
14. Red Aoe
If you see this red aoe around Vykas, start running south to the flying worm safe zone. If you have someone above 75%, you can also follow that person and make sure he's pinging where the safe zone is.
15. Find the true Vykas
During the final stagger after Vykas summons a purple clone in the middle, an easy way to find the real Vykas is by simply looking at your mini-map. You can use Wei right after everyone goes behind her to stagger, but sometimes it can be inconsistent. And the safer way is to use wei after an air raid attack when she lands in the center.
That's every tip and trick that will help you clear P1, P2, and P3 Vykas in Lost Ark and make your runs more efficient. If you want to buy Lost Ark gold for sale, welcome to Utplay.com.

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