We got a ton of information on what's gonna be coming in the July summer update as far as the new skins are getting at the new event and what's gonna be happening with the express mission pass in Lost Ark. So in this guide, we'll be going through all of the Lost Ark summer skins, items and events for summer update.
Lost Ark Summer Update 2022 - New Event, Summer Skins, Items, Express Mission Pass & More
They have officially announced that on the 20th we're going to be receiving all summer swimsuit skins and weapons skins that everyone's wanted. And the July update will also include 2 limited time events to speed up the progression of creating an Arcanist. Read on and learn all the details about Lost Ark summer update.
Lost Ark Summer Skins List
Summer Swimsuit Skins:
Martial Artist
Summer Weapon Skins:
Assassin (Deathblade, Shadowhunter, Reaper)
Mage (Sorceress, Arcanist, Bard)
Gunner (Deadeye, Artillerist, Sharpshooter, Scouter)
Martial Artist (Wardancer, Scrapper, Soulfist, Glaiver)
Warrior (Gunlancer, Berserker, Destroyer, Paladin)
Summer Musical Instruments Skins:
Martial Artist
Summer Mounts
Summer Pets
Summer Wallpaper
The wallpaper is probably going to be sold as part of a package where you can get all the pieces together where you'll get a skin, a weapon skin, a pet, the mount and as well as the wallpaper. It's always gonna cost real money because usually whenever there's a bundle like this, it's always for royal crystals, but his background looks amazing. You could have your character lying down here but hopefully the berserker can be in the same position if you put him on that spot.
Prestige (Mileage) Shop Skins
They did announce we're not going to be getting these. These are the the skins that you get from the mileage shop in korea. The mileage shop is kind of like a reward shop whenever you spend money in the game, you get mileage points and you can use those mileage points to get like skins and pets and a bunch of different stuff from that shop. This is something that we do not have in the naeu version of the game. We do get a lot of the skins from the amethyst shard vendor but they did announce that we will not be getting these skins because we do not have the mileage shop and though and so they are not going to be selling them separately .
Lost Ark New Summer Event Island
They also announced we're going to be receiving a new event island, the golden islands are going to be like water guns, we can smack like wet each other or do some stuff. This island looks a lot more fun, it's obviously a lot more colorful. The current summer vendor we have is a little dry, it's just like standing there waiting for things to happen. So fans are excited for a more colorful event and hopefully this new event has amazing rewards .
Lost Ark Punika Powerpass & Express Event Pass
We are going to be getting the express event pass and the punika power pass confirmed on July 20th with the release of Arcanist.
The punica pass is going to immediately put a new character to 1302.
The express event mission pass will allow a character to go from 1302 to 1370 at light speeds.
A lot of people were hoping that we're gonna get a 1415 boost, but others are happy with a 1370, this is all free power, so it is a good thing that they're not gonna be just rushing people to 1415 because even from people who use the super expression mission pass, the game can be overwhelming, there's a lot of systems in it, there's a lot of understanding you have to do. If you have a character that instantly gets to like 1415 out of the gate, it'll be hard for that character to even play their main or even hone on their main and progress on their main because they don't really know how anything works in the game yet, they haven't set up their account to be able to afford honing costs they're not going to be able to afford jewelry, it's going to be very hard because you suddenly put their character in a point in the game where it's just pretty much unplayable for them.
1370 is a good place because the worst part of the game is 13 40 37, it is the absolute most dry boring part of the game. The horning chances are still higher than if you're trying to push for 1415 or 1400 or 1430 or whatever it is, but the thing is as you're pushing, you're having little milestones that you're looking forward to, on your 37 you have argos, then you have different phases of argos as you work to 1400, then you have valtan to look forward to 1415, then you have vykas to look forward to at 1430 and then you have walton hart and vargas heart at 1445 and 1460 respectively. It's much more of a smooth progression where you have these small goals to have to look forward to as you like slowly progress your main character and slowly build up your account, opposed to putting a character at 1415 where suddenly they're gonna be expected to be at least in 3 level 3 engravings or 4 level 3 engravings and they're gonna be expected to just know how to do mechanics and be expected to just have money to buy the jewelry they need and buy gems and they'll need card sets or whatever. So it could be very overwhelming for new players because that's kind of kicking them off a cliff. People may happy they are getting that extra 370 because lets us rotate sword out of 6 character roster and like put another character in there and it's gonna be a lot of power because if you're still relatively new, getting an instant 1370 character is going to be very powerful, and if you've been playing for a while, it allows you to get another tier three character, that can also start earning you gold and have a character in your roster that you're not like super hard on playing.
They did mention that during this express mission pass event time period, we are not going to be receiving another class. Now we are still going to be receiving classes on a every two month cadence, but they did confirm that we don't need to worry about saving these passes for any characters that are being released in the future because only arcanist will be released during the punika power pass like express mission pass event period.
Who are you planning on putting passing? What class you plan on playing? Are you disappointed that we're getting a 1370 power pass instead of 1415 power pass? Do you not care which booba skins are you looking forward to?

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