The free Punika Powerpass and Express Event have finally rolled out in Lost Ark, which gives all players a free honing buff to upgrade their alts to 1370! In this guide, we tell you how to get and use the Punika Pass, as wellas give you suggestions on ALT selection for the Free Power pass!
How To Get Free Punika Power Pass Unlock in Lost Ark?
The Punika Power Pass will require you to have completed the content it allows you to skip on one previous character; if you haven't made it to Punika, you won’t be able to completely bypass prior content. So Following the requirements for all the passes we’ve received previously, you need to clear the Punika MSQ first on at least 1 character to have the power pass since its for boosting your alt, not your main. It will only be a boost to 1100 ilvl with no extra rewards. The fine-tune express event during the summer event can help new players to catch up to Punika easily.
Way To Get Punika Power Pass Simply
If you have one character completed the punika power pass already, check your in-game mail, you will find it there.
If you haven't finished the corresponding quest in Punika, go to complete all Adventure Quests (marked by purple exclamation marks) on Punika to collect stamps and become a citizen. Once complete the final quest “Honorary Punikan, talk with Nia in Nia village to start “Beaver's Friend.”Then you need to do some purple Berver side quest to get the honorary Punika title before getting the power pass.
How To Use The Punikas Pass To Get Alt Characters To 1370?
Use the Punikas Pass, you will be able to hone your character to 1302
Select a character with item level 1302 or higher and less than 1370 in the expedition team to take part in the Hyper Express Event.
Hyper Express characters will not only earn honing materials and level up quickly to Item Level 1370 but also can acquire level boosting growth rewards according to the item level.
Best Alt Characters To Use Punikas Powerpass
Which Alt character will you use for your Punikas Pass? Here are the poll about this from a Reddit post:
No. 1 Pick - Mage: Bard, Sorceress, Arcanist.
No. 2 Pick - Martial Artist: Scrapper, Soulfist, Striker, Wardancer, Glavier
No. 3 Pick - Warrior: Destroyer, Berserker, Paladin, Gunlancer
No. 4 Pick - Assassin: Shadowhunter, Deathblade
No. 5 Pick - Gunner: Sharpshooter, Gunslinger, Artillerist, Deadeye
Our Suggestions On Alt Selection for Punikas Pass
Best Mage Character for Punikas Pass: Bard - If you would like to have support starting at a higher ilvl, Bard is the best choice. Dps have an easier time plowing through t1 and t2 and tower is actually a viable option. The tower on bard is a nightmare.
Best Martial Artist Character for Punikas Pass: Scrapper - Scrapper has been a beast lately, overall good and nuts at everything - counter, stagger, weak point, mobility, chunk. While soulfist requires a much heavier investment to feel good making scrapper the better alt, and is also harder to play but very rewarding when played perfectly. Also, striker needs a lot like runes, high-quality accessories, and gems to feel good therefore it will be more expensive.
Different Between Punikas Pass and Knowledge Transfer
To knowledge transfer, you must reach a certain level of 1100. Consumes only gold, pushes only the main quest, and provides equipment X.
Pinkas Pass requires only completing Payton Quest (Level 802 + Knowledge Transfer). Consumes cash, push all main + sub-quests, and provides 1302 equipment.
When we looked at all the ingredients, we did knowledge transfer to Payton -> Punikas Pass was cheaper.
Lost Ark Punika Powerpass Validity Period
The Free Punika Powerpass lives on July 20th and expires on September 28.

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