What are the current best mounts and how to get them in Lost Ark? Today we are going to show you the best free mounts you can get in Lost Ark. What do you need to do in order to get these best Lost Ark mounts, first of all, is you need to be level 50 as you will need to have unlocked the sailing and some continents that you can only quest in when you reach level 50.
Lost Ark Best Mount 2022 - Best & Fastest Free Mounts To Get In Lost Ark
There will be a lot more mounts added to Lost Ark during different holidays and events such as the Snowflake deer or the Snowball Mount. In the western version of Lost Ark, every month has the same run speed as the Korean version of Lost Ark. Legendary mounts actually have a faster run speed than epic mounts and epic mounts have a faster run speed than rare mounts and so on. The only thing making mounts have a different speed in the Western Version is its movement skill. The skill you use with your space bar or q doesn't. There are Lost Ark best mounts in the game you can get just by simply playing the game and completing the adventure storm on each continent.
Lost Ark Best Free Mount
1. Adventures Tome
The Adventure Tome opens when you press n and what you need to progress in each continent for example. The first one we are going to take a look at is East Luterra, you get these collectibles from killing mobs and doing dungeons, you have to do the cooking unlock the vistas, doing the dungeons both in hard and normal. The main quest is the world bosses and certain elite mobs that are around the world and you also have other hidden stories and the rapport system which is like an affinity towards some NPCs, which you unlock throughout the story of the game. So you do all these things and you unlock the percentage. The percentage gives you Lost Ark items and it also gives you a lot of roster xp so if you want to grind roster xp.
What Mounts Can You Get From The Adventurous Tome?
- First of all in East Luterra which is one of the first continents you'll be in. When you reach 40%, you will unlock the Borea Steed. Borea Steed is a horse with armor, nothing too special but it looks cool. It also goes well with gunlancer.
- Moving forward you have by order of the continents that you reach you have Arthetine which is kind of harder to complete and it's further into the story. You can get a hoverboard called the Apostel at 50% in Arthetine.
- Last but not least, you have Vern where you most probably will be all of your time. And at 30% it is really simple to get Gray Stripe Raptor. It's a dinosaur and who doesn't want a dinosaur?
2. Island Tokens
In the Sea of Gienah, the northwest of Pleccia. If you go through the story, you will unlock this island. If you follow the main quest, you will eventually end up on this island and you will talk to Grandpa Opher and have some quests. You will find a statue and this statue is one of the eight collectibles you can find in-game from mokoku seeds and everything. They're the island tokens and island tokens are what you get when you finish an island's questline. There are hundreds and hundreds of islands everywhere, you can complete to get the island tokens.
What Mounts Can You Get From The Island Tokens?
Find the Grandpa Opher and it shows you the rewards you can get. There's one mount you can get at 25 island tokens and that is Golden Moss Turtle. Keep in mind they're free mounts but they're not easy to get in any way. You still have to grind for them as you have to grind for most of the things you get in MMORPGs.
3. Quest Mount & Rapport Mount
The next two mounts we are taking a look into in this list are also tied into the story. After you complete the continent of Vern, you will be traveling to Shushire which is the northeast country in the game. Once you complete the story, you will get the Frost Wolf. You will get it from a quest reward and it's given to you directly, you don't have to do any of it besides completing the story.
The other mount that you can unlock that's also a wolf is tied into the rapport system. You basically have an affinity system towards characters and you do daily tasks towards them and you will continuously progress with that characters report system. When you end the game, there will be Poppy which is a wolf whose owner has died. When you talk to her you can use the rapport system on her and one of the rewards later in the game when you reach a higher level with her will be a mount, which is basically the wolf you saw but in black.
4. Ignea Tokens
These ones are really hard to get, they're going to be free but they're going to take you a lot of time. Since to get one of them, you even need to reach the end game of tier 3. Because you have to unlock every single continent that there is in the game. Igneous tokens are what you get when you get a 100% on a continent. There are two mounts you can get from ignea tokens. You have the one from one igneous token which is the White Scarab and you have the one from 14 igneous tokens which are the Golden Terpeion. It's a beautiful gold mythical horse but it's going to be really hard for you to get it and it's going to take a long time. Since it's free, you just have to play the game and complete the continents.

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