This legion raid is not yet released in NA-West, but will be live soon, this guide will help you prepare most of the boss'patterns in gate 1, we made this Lost Ark guide just for an early legion raid guide for the NA players.
Legion Raid: Kakul Saydon Guide - Recommendation
Whirlwind Grenade (Rare Battle Item)
Cooltime: 30s
Throws grenade and inflicts 297 damage.
Foes are launched into the air.
Stagger: high.
Grenade: Limited to 3 uses in certain areas.
Cannot be dismantled.
[Crafting] Stronghold
Sacred Bomb (Bound) - Rare Battle Item
Cooltime: 30s
Binds when obtained.
Bomb removes incapacitated status effects on party members.
Freeze/Petrification/Stun/Sleep/Earthquake/Electrocution/Disease/Fear are examples.
Consumed before tradable items.
Bomb: Limited to 5 uses in certain areas.
Cannot be dismantled.
Time Stop Potion (Epic Battle Item)
Cooltime: 30s
Use to temporarily become invincible. Does not shield you from wipeout skills from some powerful monsters.
Potion: Limited to 3 uses in certain areas.
Cannot be dismantled.
[Crafting] Stronghold
Kakul Saydon Gate 1 – Sidereal Skills
Sidereal skills are the same with Vykas, it's a game changer if you use it at the proper time. Take note that if the leader dies, you can pass the "leader position" to another member to use these skills.
Kakul Saydon Gate 1 – Positioning
Before the fight, assign yourselves in these orders for the Heart Mechanic. 1 o'clock, 5, 7, and 11.
Kakul Saydon Gate 1 – Mayhem Gauge
The gauge below a player is called the Mayhem Gauge, everytime you get hit by Kakul Saydon's attacks, the gauge fills up. If the gauge reaches half, a cross-patterned explosion will spawn below the player, run at the edge of the arena so you won’t hit other players. Hitting other players with the explosion spawns a puddle on that player, getting hit by the puddle fills up a player’s gauge. When the gauge is full, the player transforms to a clown for 15 seconds and the boss will get a buff that reduces incoming damage by 3%. If you transformed into a clown, you will be limited with 3 main skills.
Q-Skill: Throwing a bomb. Decreases the armor of the 4-legged clown that spawns randomly on the map.
W-Skill: Reduces a certain amount of gauge to other players who are in range, but will increase the gauge for those who are out of range.
E-Skill: Drops a gift that contains an orb, players who haven't transformed to a clown yet must grab it to reduce their gauge.
If you think these mechanic info is too much, best is to avoid filling up the gauge and being a clown.
X160 HP Cards
After meeting Kakul Saydon, 4 different cards will be assigned to each player, these cards will play a huge in most of the boss'mechanics.
X130 HP Stagger Check
1 or 2 purple mirrors will spawn at a random side of Saydon, hitting the mirror reflects your damage to yourself that can kill you. If the boss spawns 2 mirrors, you just have to make sure to attack it in the middle and not hit the mirror.
X112HP Heart Mechanic
Go to the position where you were assigned earlier, avoid the rotating orbs since this can get you blinded with huge damage. After a few seconds, the clone shows a heart or show nothing, the players must ping their area if the boss shows a heart on theirs.
1 st Case: If only 1 player pings a heart, all players must look at that location.
2 nd case: If 3 players pings a heart, those 3 players must look where the “no heart” is located.
You can use basic attacks to face at the location you want to be looking at. Failure to do this can deal huge damage and kill a player.
X88 Saydon’s Dance
A curtain transition will appear and you must match the card above your head with the card symbols on the ground. 4 different dances will replace your Q, W, E, and R skills. Watch the boss'dance and you must match it with the right skill before the explosion. But you only have to copy the boss if it’s looking at the players. If Saydon is somehow looking at the other direction, you must do a different dance from what the boss do. Failure to do this will make it spawn a horn hammer that can deal a huge damage.
X60 HP Stagger Check
Kakul Saydon will do another Stagger Check, remember, do not to attack at the side where the mirrors spawned. If one player transformed to a clown, the leader can use Ctrl+X Wei to insta-stagger the boss, failure to stagger could wipe the party.
X50 HP Roulette Mechanic
Kakul Saydon spawns a Roulette on the ground where you have to stand and match the card above your head. Remember that there will be 2 diffetent cards, one plain card and the other is a striped card. The card assigned to each player changes every time the roulette is spinned, after the spin, there will be an inside and outside explosion. To avoid the inside explosion, you must stand on the roulette with the same card above your head. You have to do this 3 times, after 3 rd explosion, move outside the roulette to avoid the last inside explosion, failure to do this will deal a huge damage and fills up your madness gauge, also during the roulette, random flame rings will spawn, avoid this since this can fill up your mayhem gauge upon hit.
X22 HP Heart Mechanic
Saydon will do another heart mechanic, if the boss only showed 1 heart, all players must look where the heart is located. If Saydon showed 3 hearts, al players must look where the "no heart" is located.
General Pattern
Saydon will start to spawn a 4 sided dice, this indicates the starts of this mechanic, players must move far from the boss and position in a horizontal line position, the order must be blak, black, red, &red. The result of the dice indicates if the player assigned in that cards gets frozen, or the only one who won't get frozen.
If you still don't get it, you can refer on this illustration, these are all the possible combinations of the cards order:
Random Cards General Pattern
1 st case: 3 players are frozen and the cards targets the unfrozen player, and must guide it to the other players accordingly. By this time, the target player must know the order of the cards once the first card appears.
2 nd case: Only 1 player gets frozen where the cards target the frozen player, players must take their cards accordingly.
Failure to do this deal a huge damage, fills up the madness gauge, and could even wipe the party. If someone already died and Saydon suddenly did this pattern, the leader can use the Inanna Skill Ctrl + C. Players can now tank the cards since this skill reduces your gauge and your damage taken, and you'll get healed in intervals.
Pizza Cards General Pattern
Saydon spawns 4 different shapes on the ground and players must match their cards to the one that's on the ground. Kakul Saydon can summon this pattern twice in a row.
Whirlwind General Pattern
Saydon starts to summon whirlwind and throws random cards everywhere, moving far from the boss is the best solution for this pattern. Saydon will spawn a random roulette box, this will show any shapes that the players have or drops a bomb that explodes.
Random Roulette Box General Pattern
Saydon will spawn a random roulette box, this will show any shapes that the players have or drops a bomb that explodes. Players who will get hit by the bomb explosion will fill up their Mayhem Gauge, if the roulette box showed a card shape, the player with the same shape can take it to reduce its Mayhem Gauge, if the wrong player takes it, that player will fill its gauge a lot.
Rainbow General Pattern
Saydon spawns rainbow lines on the ground in either horizontal or vertical indicators, these rainbow lines explode afterwards.
Flamethrower General Pattern
Saydon spawns multiple random portals that summons multiple flamethrowers, getting hit will damage and burn you for a short time.
Chasing AOE General Pattern
Saydon spawns different kinds of AoE attacks that targets a player, you can dodge it once the AoE is locked.
Forward Dash General Pattern
Saydon will start charging to dash forward that hits the players on its way, the boss can do this multiple times.
Mob Spawn General Pattern
Saydon will spawn multiple mobs that generates a puddle which fills up your gauge upon contact, kill them as soon as possible, if these mobs are not killed in time, their puddles will spawn all over the arena which makes it hard for you to dodge.
Ball & Cross General Pattern
Saydon will spawn a ball a ball on its hand, if it's a yellow ball, there will be a cross (+) shaped explosion on the ground, if it's a red ball, there'll be an X-shaped explosion on the ground, afterwards, Saydon jumps and shows a yellow indicator where it will drop, the explosion continues outwards so once you see it jumps, you must move as far from the indicator as possible.
Teleport & Birds General Pattern
Saydon teleports at random areas on the map and summons birds that target the players, getting hit by the birds stuns the player.
Laser General Pattern
Saydon summons a huge laser in its front that could fear a player upon hit, if someone got feared during this pattern, you can use sacred bomb on that player to help and release them.
Counterable Dash General Pattern
Saydon will start to glow and dash forward, you can counter it before it starts to dash.
Ball Riding General Pattern
Saydon starts riding the ball, this is another counterable pattern, failure to counter could deal lots of damage to the party.
Bomb AOE General Pattern
Satdon spawns a big AoE bomb explosions, damage area is the yellow solid markers, identity the damage area so you can get to a safe zone on time.
Large Ball General Pattern
Saydaon spawns a large ball that multiplies in to smaller ones, make sure to move far from the ball since it also bounces in random directions.
Target Explosions General Pattern
Saydon targets 1 player that will have yellow circle indicators on the ground, this will explode that can damage you and up your gauge.
Weapon Spin General Pattern
Saydon spins his weapon then smashes the ground with a cross-pattern explosion, it teleports at a random area followed by an inside explosion and 2 outwards explosion. Move inside after the explosion to dodge the outer explosions.
Ground Portal General Pattern
Saydon will start to spawn portals on the ground where it might appear and then drops a huge ball that has an inside explosion and outer ring explosion.

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