Today, we are going to discuss the new Lost Ark Roadmap for August and September, under the Arkesian Sun update. It has been revealed that they normally add a lot more to the actual patches on release. The August patch is basically a quality of life patch with the Lost Ark September patch split into two. One which provides the groundwork for the upcoming big content patch at the back end of September.
Lost Ark Under The Arkesian Sun Update Guide
As always, it's led to the usual discussions about droughts burnout, healthy content release cadence, and all the other stuff that people like to whinge about on the official forums. We are going to briefly touch on the notes and why it's healthy that clown has been delayed until the back end of September as well as touch on a few other things that are important to note when it comes to the way smilegate is dealing with content released in Lost Ark Under the Arkesian Sun.
Lost Ark Under The Arkesian Sun Release Date
The update for Lost Ark Under the Arkesian Sun event will begin on August 24 at PT (7AM UTC)
Lost Ark Scouter & Clown Release Date
The release date is September the 28th because that's when the hyper express ends and it has been revealed by rocks on the forums that this hyper express will not continue into the next class release which has been revealed as the scouter.
Lost Ark August Update For Events, Skins & Pets
August is pretty much a chill month for content and it seems that you can't please everybody. Because as soon as there's a slightly down month on content, you get a lot of people complaining about an inverted commerce drought. August is more relaxed, it allows you to really do a lot of things with alts and your account, the constant rush to gear on and make your characters hit a certain point can quite honestly get a little bit tiring at times. Finally, we can relax and just chill through the next two months and improve alts and account at your own pace without worrying about hitting a specific date that's in the near future.
The two additions in August are easy ways to get free skins, the pet ranch, and free silverstroke goals, Maharaka's new event. In the meantime, the best thing you can do is spend your Lost Ark gold on getting legendary books and leveling alts. If you are lacking on else, maybe it makes sense to use your free power pass right now and get leveling that alt. Because you've got a nice two-month break and that all could be a really good goal generation spot come clown's release.
Lost Ark September Update for New Classes & Raids
Lost Ark is focusing on the quality of life early on the September Roadmap. This quality of life changes will really help people create their own groups via the in-game friend list. That is really lacking right now. The trixion upgrades are great and really sure that Smilegate is looking to get us on an equal footing with the Korean client as soon as possible in terms of quality of life. Content is a different discussion a whole different beast because it's a double-edged sword. Releasing content too quickly will lead to burnout and f2p players being left behind too late and it feels like the game just becomes a bit of a waiting game, waiting for things that have already been released in Korea. Therefore, Smilegate is striking the right balance between rushing content and waiting too long.
Lost Ark Scouter Class Update
While the wait is over the next class is the Scouter, the mechanist. This is a really popular class, a very much wanted class, and an easy class to play that's aesthetically very pleasing. Who doesn't want to be an iron man? A simple class to play for new players, a safe class to play, and one that has a wonderful UI to boot that makes you feel like a complete badass.
Lost Ark Kakul-Saydon Raid Update
Finally, the big one we have for the clown raid (Kakul-Saydon Legion Raid) at the back end of Lost Ark September Roadmap update. A four-man raid and widely known as a raid that really makes people quit raiding because it's that tough. We are looking forward to Lost Ark release. It gives you time to level up alts to a really good point, maybe even two waltz for clown which would be amazing, and it gives you a bit of breathing space to play some of the games.
Lost Ark Under the Arkesian Sun Update Items
Until September 28, you can buy all new items from the general and store
- Wingsuit Armors
- Neon Weapon Skins
- Wingsuit Bikes
- Spring Dream Weapons
- Shiba Inu Pets
- Racetrack Stronghold Decorations

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