Today we're going to talk about the unspoken rules in party finder Lost Ark, like the party finder etiquette and just some stuff that people don't say but expect everybody to know. We also explain what x3 means in Lost Ark, how to use party finder.
Lost Ark Party Finder Etiquette & Unspoken Rules Guide
The Part Finder is a way for you to find parties consisting of random people who are playing the game. That means that there are some rules that players need to follow so that the party is successful and you don’t waste everybody’s time. That’s why it’s important to learn these unspoken rules in Lost Ark so you don’t have to ask and bother your party. Here's all about the party finder etiquette, unspoken rules, x3 party order, x3 +1 party order, and how to use party finder in Lost Ark.
What Does x3 Mean In Lost Ark?
The most prioritized one being party order x3, when you're in a party, whether you're doing a legion raid, a guardian rate, everybody always has party numbers and sometimes it's random, sometimes it's fixed when you queue in. But every time you queue in, just check your party number, it'll be 1, 2, 3 or 4 and the x3 rule means your party number x3. So if you are number 1 in the party x3 means you are number 3, so 3 o’clock is your spot, for any mechanics that happen in whatever you're in, if you're in argos or whatever happens, that is your spot. So 3 o'clock being east. Then if you're number 2 in the party, x3 is 6, so south is your spot. Number 3 is 9, so west is then your spot and number 4 gets north as 4x3 is 12, you'll be up on the clock. So those are all your spots, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock and 12 o’clock, in the party finder or any content you do with x3, just really easy because most things happen in that.
Another few ones is 11, is another one 7 and 5, but that's more later down the line, just remember x3 is your party number, x3 on the clock position, assuming the clock is the rate that you're in all the dungeons just that the map pretty much the mini map the area, and then what +1 means is you move one up on the clock, so then 12 becomes 1, 3 becomes 4, 6 becomes 7 and 9 becomes 10. Everybody needs to stand in the corresponding circles on the ground, there's like three different ones and depending on whatever the boss does, you've got to go match it. In that case, you would all split up in this format because the positions are not at the cardinals, they're actually at the inter cardinal positions. So that's why you'll do +9.
So this is what x3 means in the party order in Lost Ark, so x3 +1 party order is these and then x3 is the normal format. So 1/3, 2/6, 3/9 and 4/12 on the clock.
Guardian Raid Battle Items
Player #1 - Flare
Player #2 - Pheromone Bomb
Player #3 - Pheromone Bomb/Destruction bomb/Whirlwind Grenade
Player #4 - Pheromone Bomb/Destruction bomb/Whirlwind Grenade
If you're doing stuff like guardian raids, go to kungelanium as an example, people will put stuff like this, “x2 1f 2/3p 4c”. X2 means that you’ll be doing the raid twice, usually for dailies. 1f means the first party member will bring flare, 2/3p means that the second and third party member will bring pheromones and the fourth party member brings corrosive which means 4c. Understanding these terms will make sure you that you don’t show up in a raid without the things you need.
Understanding Bussing
Another thing about good etiquette is understanding how busing works on argos. A lot of people are starting to do argos bussing now. P3 carry 1.5k pay after p2, so it seems like he's by himself, he'll probably get another buddy with him because you need a two minute, you need at least two people to bus argos and then all these other players are passengers, so he's considered the driver of the bus. What happens is they will beat e1 and d2, you can be afk the whole time just take your armor off, so you can die and make it easier on them. So the bus doesn't run over the place. You want to die and you want to resurrect back at the base, don't resurrect in the fight otherwise you just have to die again. This makes a lot easier and quicker for the bus drivers to then actually kill everything especially in the third phase of argos, you need to die immediately otherwise you could cause a wipe. So take your gear off put in your bag, die really quickly and then you just wait for them to kill it, same thing happens in p2.
And then once they clear p2, you will start to pay them and how they normally do stuff is press alt y and you'll come to the market, you just go over to auction house. As the bus drivers, you'll probably buy some cheap accessories and then you want to sell it, but you want to obviously go search for it because they will link it to you in the chat how to pay them. So you go link and you go to tier 1. Obviously, they won't get here two or three accessories because those will cause theons and maybe you can see a seven quality tier 1 and an accessory if it's a ring or something just click that up there, so it's a lot easier to find. Then you want to see the engravings maybe it's got like adrenaline. You can choose the stats, engravings, reductions, the quality, the tier and then what it actually is, just to make this a lot quicker and finding the specific piece. It was that piece over there, you can see it straight away with the quality and then you go ahead and buy it. Obviously, they will tell you the “minimum bid” and the “buy now price” as well and you just go ahead, click buy now. It will just cost you the gold normally 1.2k upwards depending on the bus and that's how you pay for it.
Just make sure you do respond to them in the party chat, normally once you come in they ask you are you familiar with it you know how to pay all that stuff edc, just give them a simple response like yes, if you new to it, just say new but you wanting to learn, because quite often you get a bad response like why or something like that and then you just end up kicking them because why give us some flip before we even got in there. So then those people are look a little bit suspicious. So if you are in the buses and people are just giving you unnecessary lip when you ask them, if they know how to do it, then go ahead and remove them.
Alt Reclear Vs. Learning Party
If you are joining old reclear groups or re-kick groups or quick easy run like that stuff, just remember an old reclear or a reclear means everyone there has done it and they're on their characters well they should have done it and beyond alts. So it might be a little bit slow but everyone should know what they're doing, so if you're a new player and you just hit 1415, a reclear party or a quick run is not what you're looking for, because you want to look for a learning party or that if you join a reclear run expecting to get a free carry or just get carried through you, it's not a good idea because you'll stop running out in there. Everyone will get annoyed and you might not even end up clearing it. So you just waste everyone's time and your own. Just make sure you join the right group if you are new and you want to learn, make a learning party, just click great lobby, put there learning all that's welcome or that, any help welcome and you put there your item level whatever you want to do, or just look for a learning party, there's a bus if you want a bus alt run and pop it. So don't join reclears if it's your first time because the reclear is meant to be quick and easy, everyone in there knows what they're signing up for and obviously if you are new, you want to sign up to a learning party or something new party helpful.
Congratulations you now know the basic etiquette in party finder for Lost Ark. Now go out there and clear those raids, however, be mindful of your party members.

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