How you're going to make your NBA 2K 23 build, because unlike previous 2ks we do not have a demo or much information about the NBA 2k23 Builder system and launch day is right around the corner. The NBA NBA 2k23 Builder what are you going to need and want for your new NBA 2k23 build and what mistakes?
NBA 2k23 Latest News- Make The Best Build - Next Gen & Current Gen Player Build Tips
- Credibility
Now just a couple of things since NBA 2K11, tons of experience in my career and making builds, some of the biggest Wagers using some of the best builds, thousands of games played, especially on some of the very recent 2ks, a 90 plus win per cent in these two games with almost 10 000 games played in every single one of them, and every single time a new 2k comes out day one, always make the best ISO build which is a build to make and make a good ability for other positions, a lot of inside information about this NBA 2k23 Builder, so fast enough seat belts grab that popcorn is about to get crazy anyways.
- Basic Builder INFO
What they said about the Builder and inside information, they have about it the next-gen encouraging Builder is going to be very similar for current gen players, pie charts are gone, so anything you know about pie charts or anything your use about the Builder system throw that out the window, because pie charts are never going to return, and they're not going to be NBA 2k23, the billing system is gonna be a lot like the one on your screen.
This is the NBA 2K21 next-gen Builder, so for players that don't know what this Builder is like, it's pretty simple right, you pick your position, you pick your hand, your pick your jersey number, just like any other Builder, you go through your height, weight, wingspan, a body shape that affects all your stats caps, and all that stuff and then you can go into the Builder and custom upgrade whatever you want.
There's no choosing a pie chart and certain stats on either finishing, shooting, playmaking, defence rebound, or physicals, all affect what badges you get and what level, they're on based on bronze through the Hall of Fame, if you want to know more about this build system, if you do have no idea anything about it, highly recommend watching some NBA 2K21 or NBA 2K22 next-gen build.
- How to get REP 2k23
This means for current-gen and next-gen players, this is for next-gen players, but you won't need to make any more quote-unquote rep builds, because getting rep in both gens, now because this is the build system will no longer have to mean that you have to throw lobs or play a certain way or play on a certain build, like a play shot nor interior finisher how the rep is going to work.
Now on both gens is teammate great, so you can make whatever build, you could want, you can play, however, you want you're going to get a good grade as long as you win the game and pass the ball around, so don't even worry about making any kind of rep build, because it doesn't matter what build you make you can still get the max rep in every single part game with a lockdown a centre a guard.
- Difference between BUILDERS
It doesn't matter what you do and the builders are a little bit different,
Mike Wang who does work for 2K and he does work on this game, and he knows the ins and outs of it, and try to ask him what the difference are between the current genetics and Builder, but he didn't respond, he did say that the current Builder is going to be based off the 2K 22 next-gen Builder, if that's gonna be that means, it's going to be exactly that, but it's gonna be based off that, and then the 2K 23 next-gen Builder is going to be something that's based on that as well, but it's like an upgraded version like they fixed a lot of things, they made it a lot more balanced and all that stuff.
- All New Badges
All the new badges in NBA 2k 23, and what they do and their meanings and all that this is gonna be very important when you're making your build because you're going to want to know what bad is you're unlocking and what they exactly do, so pause this take a screenshot whatever you need to do with it, this is all the new badges for NBA 2k23.
Now give you some tips that are usually the same kind of tips, and usually the same kind of guidelines, you should follow on a build to 2K year basis.
- Builder Tips
If you were a next-gen player in 2k22 glitch builds have been patched, so that glitch where you could go and switch your build type, and then go back in and get higher speed on higher taller builds that glitch is gone, it's confirmed the testers that have played the game, have confirmed that the glitch builds are gone, there's no point of even trying that or testing that and so far all the testers and everybody that has played the game.
This build system is not only the hardest build system of all time, but it's going to take you some people say up to 10 hours to make your bill which is crazy. Once make that process a lot faster, they're also saying it is the most complicated build system of all time, so make sure y'all turn on notifications because gonna have some build, help you all out with all that and make that process a lot smoother faster and easier, but something to know is before you even make a build, just make some when you first get on the game, just make some random 60 overall build, and then look at all the animations you know, when you could you know look at the animations, and then it shows you that it's locked and what you need for certain animations.
If you want dunks to go look at what ratings you need for those dunks how what vertical you need for those dunks if you want good dribble moves to go look at what dribble moves or what rating you need for the dribbles that you want, for example, jump shot's gonna be different this year.
Later go look at what rating you need for the jump shot, now another thing to note is usually there are a lot of just safe builds that you can make now.
If it's gonna be like that this year with how people are saying is the ability system is so complicated, and a lot more balanced, but usually there's a lot of safe builds from to make, this is bills that were op in the past or safe in the past might be safe options to at least start 2K 23.
For example in NBA 2k21, a three-point playmaker if you remember that in 2k22, a three-point playmaker and it was very good, it was the same play shot pie chart with loctank in the next-gen, an example is the 6-7 demigod build, basically exact build in 2K 22 next-gen, in the entire year on next-gen, it was a very good build, now obviously the bill system is very different for some of you that didn't play next gen because it just literally just custom attributes, but a safeguard build.
Just anything with shooting and play-making upgrading, so just make sure you upgrade those two things, and you're going to be valuable on the core because one thing to note is shooting is always valuable in the park.
Everybody needs some kind of shooter whether it's the twos or the threes whatever the safest lock builds upgrade your defences by shooting the safest Center builds if you want to make some kind of inside Center.
Later but yeah and any kind of inside Center just make sure you got a good defense, make sure you got good physicals outside centres, just make sure you can shoot, the ball you got your shooting upgrade and your defense upgrading and you're not gonna get babies in the paint, but gonna talk about the statistical stuff with those safe builds and good builds later on.
There's a lot of information you gonna need to know about that because things are going to be very different in 2k23, especially with this building, now usually any build over seven foot is pretty risky unless you're a post score or a 5v5 record Pro end player, so suggest not going seven foot or over that's usually too slow for Park twos and threes to hedge or get back on defense or just you know get back for a rebound or whatever the case might be.
Another thing that's going to be very important for the 2k23 Builder is stamina, the clip of Lonzo ball and Jason dribbling running out of energy fast, but not only that there's gonna be that stamina bar on defense this year too, so you only have three what right trigger boost on defense as well, but stamina is also gonna be huge for both offensive defense, so suggest maxing that stamina on every build, you make this year especially to start 2K 23. Now go over a couple more things about the 2k23 Builder and stuff that surrounds it.
- Jumpshots for Builder
Then what do the developers have to say about the game, NBA 2k23's Builder now here is a list of all these jump shot stats that you need to unlock for jump shots, now this year jump shots were completely different, there's no number of jump shots and for these jump shots you need a certain mid-range or three-pointer to even get, your custom jump shot was like Stephen Curry Rudy Gay, and then Dante Exum, if you don't have a certain rating to get Stephen Curry, you can't even use that in your custom jump shot or if you don't have a certain rating for Don to XM, you can't even use that very custom jump shot.
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