Now when talking about what's the most fun classes to play in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, it's very subjective since your idea of fun and my idea of fun could be two very different things, you might consider it fun to spam one button like a warlock in TBC for example and top damage meters at the same time, or you might prefer a more complex rotation like a feral druid where ultimately the skill ceiling to actually perform well is a lot higher but then you feel rewarded for it when you do perform well, one where it's not a set in stone rotation and it's filled with procs and fun mechanics that just make it feel fun. So here we are going to give you our Top 3 Most Fun Classes to play in WotLK Classic, in terms of three specs: DPS, healer, and tank.
WotLK Classic Most Fun DPS Classes & Specs
Here are our top 3 most fun DPS specs, which are also one of the class with highest damage in WotLK Classic:
Top 3 - Frost DK
Now all death knight specs are relatively fun but we really enjoy the fast-paced action of dual will frost, waiting for those Killing Machine procs so your next ic touch hell and last or frost strike will be a critical hit, Howling Blast on its own is just a very fun ability on the basis that is instant cast and it hits everyone around. Then even looking out for rhyme proc, it increases the critical strike chance of your icy touch and obliterate by 15% and casting obliterate has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on howl in blast, and cause your next hell healing blast to consume no runes and no WotLK classic gold. So it can be extremely fun to press hailing blast into an obliterate get lucky and it procs to be able to howl and blast again. It's just really rewarding, but because it's fast paced and so proc driven, you're constantly having to look out for something - you're having to do something all the time. It's not just stand there press one then two then three rinse and repeat, you're always looking for that next proc whilst managing your runes and whilst also trying to keep your blood runes as death runes to further increase the amount of obliterates or the amount of howling blasts, that you can actually do. As well as checking for your diseases to make sure that they're up all the time, even using pestilence to spread them around to everybody else there is just so much involved with this spec.
On top of the fact that you can queue for five-man heroics in pretty much full DPS gear, and just go frost presence in this spec, and hold aggro and not really take too much damage.
Again something really fun about the spec, whilst we also recommend that you don't go in with absolutely zero defense in 5-man heroics because you are going to put your healer under pressure. When you're massively geared it's going to be a lot of fun in like four tiers seven bits just to running five-man heroics is a dual-wield frost DK. But you do feel like you've got a lot of control as a frost DK as well, and you bring a lot to the party with things like horner winter just bringing strength and agility, bringing the improved icy talons, so you're giving all your melee 20% haste, having an interrupt on a 10-second cooldown or even a silence on a two-minute cooldown.
Top 2 - Fire Mage
Once you start getting decent amounts of crit, fire mage is just absolutely amazing, nothing comes close to Hot Streak in terms of fun. Anytime you score two non-periodic critical strikes in a row, you get a hundred percent chance for your next pyroblast to be instant cast. So as you've got lots of crit, just banging fireballs in, seeing your living bomb explode, and then being able to fire off instant cast pyroclasts, is absolutely amazing. Fire Mage has so much AOE as well still with things like Dragon's Breath which targets a cone in front of the caster doing x amount of damage, and it disorientates them and of course is able to use blast wave. But on top of this, if you decide to take something like fire starter where you're damaging blast wave and dragon's breath have a hundred percent chance to make your next flame strike instant cast and cost no mana, you actually become an AOE machine. So for those real quick short bursts of ads that spawn and you can just jump in Blast Wave, Dragon's Breath into an instant cast flame strike, it is a lot of fun. The biggest fun factor comes from the single target DPS, whilst it may seem quite slow paced in comparison to things like the frost DK, it is just that hot streak that makes it feel so good.
But like we went into with the DK it's not just that that makes it fun being able to spell still really cool abilities to buff yourself having invisibility, so you can potentially not have to run back when the rest of the group wipe, having so much control, hard CC's like polymorph and obviously just very high amounts of survivability. You can even get really cool things like blazing speed which gives you a 10% chance when you're hit by melee or ranged attacks to increase your movement speed that can be quite fun very nice situations where you'd actually need it, but either way, it's still quite fun when it goes off.
Top 1 - Demo Lock
There's something about demonology that we absolutely love even. If affliction and destruction done double the damage of demonology which they don't, we would still want to play demonology, we love the cooldown metamorphosis where it transforms you into a demon you gain unique abilities - it increases your armor by 600 damage by 20%, it reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by 6% and reduces the duration of stun and snare effects on you. Now some of the unique abilities you get are just so cool like being able to put up a big immo aura, charging into the boss with your big fellguard (the felguard is a really cool pet out of all the demon and hunter pets).
Demo Lock brings demonic pact which increases everybody in your raid spell power by 10% of your spell power, when it procs as well as bringing tons of other utility like soul stones and health stones, or being able to summon. The most fun thing from demonology is the rotation - the rotation is really fun and the procs that you get are just really cool, like molten core which not only does increase the duration of your immolate, but also gives you a chance to get the molten core effect when your corruption deals damage.
Now this just synergises really well with talent decimation which is when you shadowbolt incinerate or soulfire a target that is at or below 35% health, the cast time of your soul fire spell is reduced by 40% for 10 seconds. So just the fact that it's so quick to cast when it's under 35% health and it's free to cast so you haven't got to worry about soul shards, and it does so much damage.
Overall these three specs we do consider the most fun specs to play in Wrath for the Lich King, the frost DK will be for you if you like fun fast-paced action looking for procs getting big crits on multiple mobs spreading diseases, being able to summon goal loads of cooldowns loads of utility for your melee DPS, or the mage if you just like seeing those big single target numbers but also being able to do some really great burst AOE as well as bringing all of the normal stuff that you expect to see from a mage, or the demonology warlock if you like turning into a big demon yourself getting up close and personal and doing some really really big AOE whilst in metamorphosis and huge single target all the time as well.
WotLK Classic Most Fun Tank Classes & Specs
Here are our top 3 most fun tank specs, which are also one of the class with the best tanky and DSP talent in WotLK Classic:
Top 3 - Protection Paladin
The paladin is seen as the most versatile tank, it's a variation of the typical sword and board tank but with spells in Wrath of the Lich King, even its strength converts to spell power, which just shows you, that it's not just hitting the mobs but it's all about that hybrid spellcaster melee style tanking. In terms of strength, it really is the most versatile class with an array of abilities that you can use lots of utility to help yourself and your raid, and brings one of the most powerful cooldowns in the game for your raid. Divine Guardian really can make or break hard mode progression and you will see a lot of these being used it is one of the primary reasons we want paladins in our raids. The protection paladin really does offer the most in the way of utility for your group, it has minimal ramp-up in a fight and often has good burst threat when paired with avenging wrath. One of the downsides to this though is it's probably going to be the most common tank you'll see in Wrath of the Lich King despite DK, being the hero class. In terms of weaknesses with the protection paladin, whilst being the most versatile and jack of all trades, they often aren't the best at anything besides ad tanking often being used as a second or even third raid tank rather than the primary one to maximize utility. Another weakness is the fact that they're going to base which isn't an infinite resource and it can on rare circumstances become an issue, some notable talent spells or abilities would be the paladin mount which really fits in well with the whole holy knight type feel of the class, an Avenging Wrath with the wings that come out that really feels like a powerful and influential spell , of course being able to bubble which aside from its famed bubble half it's probably one of the most notable spells in well, and a strong weapon in the paladin's arsenal and an Avenger's Shield.
Top 2 - Big Bear Druid
Largely unchanged although buffed from TBC, which had a very simple rotation, the largely fun aspect of Big Bear Druid comes from hybrid weaving in between tanking going into the kitty and doing some damage or switching out and doing some healing. One of the biggest strengths of the druid is how simple it is to play, it's got a very simple source of survivability coming from stamina plus armor plus dodge, it can be satisfying for players to look at that shapeshifter or master of nature archetype. It can be very good at adding tanking with swipe the hybrid gearing and play style which means you can switch almost seamlessly from cat to bare specs in terms of gearing with minor changes. It's got really good utility out of form with things like combat res innervates and tranquilities, and they really are quite easy to gear because you haven't gotta worry about things like crit caps or defense caps. A weakness for this spec would be it hasn't changed much from TBC and there's not much raid utility you can bring whilst in the form in fact there's none really so if you're main tanking outside of just doing your job of being the tank, you can't really bring anything else or potentially even save anyone. Whilst its single target threat generation is very good, there are tanks that are better and there's nothing really unique that a bear would bring that would make you take one over. Let's say a protection paladin in terms of notable talent spells and abilities, of course, all of your forms bear cat flight aquatic travel you name it you are the real shape-shifter no matter what the situation you have a form to tackle it.
Bearabilities are really well designed and it makes you feel like you are experiencing it from an actual bear perspective, large roars with berserks, mangles, malls, and swipes, it still does feel satisfying no matter how simple it is to play. Tranquility still feels powerful and game-changing if used correctly or if you do actually get a chance to use it if you were the bear's main tank.
Top 1 - Protection Warriors
Warriors are typically one of the most popular classes in any RPG, this is believed to be because people can see themselves as that class. None of us have the ability to cast spells or open portals between places, warriors appeal to a base nature, strength, and victory to be the slayer of dragons and rescuer of princesses charging headfirst into battle. Warriors in Wrath of the Lich King appeal to this nature fantastically, offering arguably the highest tank damage in the game, while showcasing their charge into battle nature and their satisfying revenge ability hitting multiple targets after avoiding an attack. Something that we can imagine in actual sword and shield combat that occurred for hundreds of years. They're also natural protectors of the group vigilance for their team shouts and cries to either buff allies or debuff enemies, even the abilities used by warriors are named in a way that makes them feel satisfying: Shockwave - really does feel like slamming the ground and creating a shock wave, Shield Wall - a famously used military tactic used in medieval combat, Last Stand - the actual feeling of a second wind or surviving against the odds, Devastate - literally an attack that strips the armor of their enemies. Warriors were typically masters of arms often trained in many different forms of combat, we see that in the WotLK warrior as well, using maces, axes, swords, shields, bows, guns, throne weapons, anything you name it. They wear the heaviest armor and often the best-looking gear actually and they truly do feel like the juggernaut at the front of the army, so now you already know that we consider protection warrior to be the most fun tank.
WotLK Classic Most Fun Healer Classes & Specs
Here are our top 3 most fun healer specs, which are also one of the all-around class with the best healing in WotLK Classic:
Top 3 - Resto Druid
The resto druid hasn't really changed that much, it is all hot based still you're going to be keeping up some Lifeblooms and some rejuves using Regrowth where you need to. And now you've got your new ability Wild Growth which heals up to five friendly party or raid members within 15 yards of the target for 686 over 7 seconds, the amount healed is applied quickly at first and then slows down as the wild growth reaches its full duration. It's really nice to have an AOE hot obviously and it's very unique in terms of what it does and how it works, because most healing specs have got some form of AOE, but having AOE that's actually a hot. You also bring Revitalize which gives your breed and wild growth spells a chance to restore energy, rage, mana, runic power on each tick, which of course is a DPS game to your raid, but doesn't necessarily make it more fun. The thing that does make resto druid fun is how Lifebloom works now, so Lifebloom heals your target over 7 seconds and when Lifebloom completes its duration or is dispelled, the target instantly heals themselves and the druid regains half the cost of the spell. So the fun interaction here is making sure that you lifebloom when owen are clarity proc, so you're going to get a free cast of your lifebloom but gain half of the mana back from it as well, so it's a way to constantly be getting mana back through the fire, in another way that's not just mp5 or innovate. This is where some of the fun actually lies as a resto druid, so knowing fights is extremely important.
Top 2 - Disc Priest
Disc Priest can be fun if you really are ruled by meters because when you're pre-bubbling everyone before some AOE comes in, nobody else's hill is going to even get a chance to do anything, because with talents like Borrowed Time which gives you spell haste after you cast a power word shield, it means you need such low levels of haste to get your shield down to a one second GCD. And Disc Priest brings some really strong cooldowns like Pain Suppression and even Power Infusion for your casters which they're absolutely going to love, and because of a talent called Rapture which doesn't just give you mana back when shields are absorbed, but also gives the person who had the bubble, manner, rage, energy, or runic powers, so this is like the disciplined priest version of revitalize for the resto druid. Now the thing we do find fun about
D is being that spec who knows how every boss fight works predicting who's going to be taking the damage next and getting a bubble on him before they take the damage, that is what makes this a fun and engaging spec. It doesn't actually come down to the rotation because ultimately you're going to be using lots and lots of bubbles, prayer mending on cooldown, and penance on cooldown outside of that there ain't that much to do. The vast majority of your healing is going to come from bubbling people, but knowing when to bubble is the key and what keeps you on your toes it's what ultimately makes this a fun spec to play.
Top 1 - Resto shaman
Resto shaman has just got so many tools, heals, totems, you've got so much that you can do to control a fight. Most people say it's just chain heal spam, you will press Chain Heal a lot. Chain healing into the mealy is very very fun and you absolutely could go all the way through a nax run without pressing anything but chain heal, but ultimately you wouldn't be playing your class as you should be. But with the addition of things like Riptide, so you've actually got a hot now which also then synergizes really well with chain heal mind you, because it will consume the hot and increase the amount of your chain heal by 25% when you cast it on the person who's got riptide. Having earth shield to keep up on your tank and use Tidal Waves. If you're tank healing, putting a rip tide up and then you've got two nice quick big healing waves, or if you're spot healing the raid using a chain heal to proc tidal waves and then throwing a couple of spot heals around with lesser healing wave. It's just a very fun spec to play because there's so much to do.