Today we're going to be talking about every single card type in NBA 2K23 MyTEAM, covering all of the different types of cards that you can get in this game. So we explain where cards are going to be got from because even some 2K fans that are going to be heavily focusing on this game may not know every single thing about the cards and this guide is highly likely to be relevant throughout the entire year.
Every Single Card Type In NBA 2K23 MyTEAM - Best Cards To Buy In NBA 2K23
There are actually a lot of different card types that we are seeing very much on day 1, starter cards, season reward cards, promo cards, trophy case cards, and more. Let’s get straight into these 2K23 card types & most wanted cards.
1. NBA 2K23 Starter Cards
The first card we have is the starter card, so this is the card that every single person is going to get in their regular squad. There is Ja Morant, Joel Embiid and Jimmy Butler. You are able to get all 3 of these cards, so go for Ja Morant, for the reason of Ja probably be the easiest to evo up and the problem with Jimmy Butler is that more than likely you have to complete the evolution which is doing certain things in game, more than likely jimmy butler is going to have a steals evo and if you know anything about steal's evos, they're incredibly difficult to get. So if it's got to get tense deals with jimmy butler, that will probably take you longer than fully evolving Ja Morant who's more likely going to have a dunk or an assist evo which is incredibly easy. Joel Embiid is probably only a blocks one which you can bait them a tto. If you're planning on spending no money on day 1, get all 3 of these cards up to their rubies straight away.
2. NBA 2K23 Promo Card
The limitless promo is the pro is coming out on day 1, assuming most of you know what promos are, so every Friday, there's going to be a new promo and it's probably going to be an underlying promo lasts through the entire season on Tuesdays which is normally what they do. But basically if you take it into account not season 8, every Friday we got a batch like this and the first promo the game is called limitless, players that we know are in it, Stephen Curry, Scottie Barnes and Paul Gasol. Stephen Curry is going to be the best, Paul Gasol is a very interesting card because he could be shooting big straight away and if they give him a half decent release which they might actually do. And Scottie Barnes is fine, they will take away his base alive and seem to be good, but the promo card limitless is that first promos come out. New promo is guaranteed every Friday and then every Tuesday you just never know there could be a primetime overarching set or it could be hunt for glory where there's a new promo every single Tuesday. Another card is the season 1 volume 1 cards. So every two weeks, if you remember it used to be that it was like base set cards were in packs, so that if you were opening a pack you were getting a basic card. And if you were opening a promo pack and you didn't get the promo card, you were guaranteed a card from the base set. But basically, what two card doing now is they're only releasing a certain amount of cards every couple of weeks. So you're seeing cards like Kiki Vandeweghe who's a sapphire. You're seeing Dino Radja, Paul Millsap who are both rubies, if you look at other parts, you can see there's an amethyst rondo, so these cards are going to start at amethyst this year.
Anyway, as well as the rondo, you can see there's Emerald Schmidt, so you're going to be seeing gold emerald sapphires and rubies and amethysts, as far as the season 1 volume 1 set. But there's a certain amount of these cards are gonna update every couple of weeks, so these cards will be progressively better.
3. 2K23 Pre-Order Card
The Michael Jordan card and there's a sapphire Devin Booker and 1cards are going to be quite cool and there's an untradable card, this means unactionable, so it has replaced original owner because there are certain cards you can get the do say original owner. The original owner is now a packed card, if you are the first owner of a card that you have gotten from a pack, that can be sold, you get original owner. But if a card is untradeable, it's an assumption that you are the original owner of the card. So if you can see this on cards here which you can see on almost every card in this lineup and you can see it untradeable, but then you can also see the original owner sticker on Demarcus Cousins because he was gotten out of a pack. So it's like every untradeable card is original owner and not all original owners are untradeable, so instead of putting two different stickers like when you've seen ridge lower, you don't know whether it was an original owner, you got a pack or an original owner, it's tradable they decided to streamline that and make it known which cards are on trade one, which cards are just original owner cards despite the fact that they are tradable.
4. NBA 2K23 Takeover Cards
They are cards that look to be replacing orange rewards, so it seems like every single week instead of at the start of every season was getting a new card in the vault, a new card on the wheel and a new card in the ball drops, it seems like those three are replaced by one card instead of getting one card for each of those and halfway through the season, a new card for them all except for the wheel, and we're getting one every single week. And there's also going to be agendas, so basically takeover rewards are what we would have known as the rng rewards, they were the ball dropped, the vault and the wheel, they were all replaced by takeover kites. As well as that takeover cards now appear in the agendas. So if you don't want to rely on rng, when Terry Dischinger comes out or came out in 2K21, in this hypothetic situation you wouldn't have to play tt offline, you could play tt online, you could play clutch time which obviously wasn't the game back then. Or you could go into the agendas and do a bunch of challenges in order to get the card. It changes the way that you want to play and it does appear that you can get these cards now from almost any game mode that you want unless you're playing unlimited that you can get, unless you're playing live and these are the draft rewards as well. So any modern unlimited and you can play to get these cards. But you'll need to buy someone limited to get the agendas because you're gonna have to do something in every single mode to get the agendas.
5. Free Agent Cards in NBA 2K23
It’s basically a card that when you play a certain amount of games or potentially score a certain amount of points with them because it did refer to in one of the pre-orders as Devin Booker free agent with 95 points. Basically, there's a limited amount of time you can play with these cards and with that, once they go down, once that hit zero, you're no longer able to use them.
6. Level 40 Card in NBA 2K23
This is the card for reaching level 40 which is technically completing the season, because they're giving us galaxy opals this season. Scottie Pippen being achievable in two weeks, he's not the hardest card in the world to get because anyone who goes to the championship edition in this game basically gets Scottie Pippen for 15000, so it's not going to be quite an easy-ish grind to get him, but he is the like what is normally seen as the be-all and end-all card of MyTeam, and for every season he's going to be one of the best small forwards in the game.
7. NBA 2K23 Trophy Case Card
Basically, we know Derrick Rose, the bulls one, but it does appear like all 30 of these will be available on day 1, maybe you have a choice to do, there will be like option packs, you can only get 5 done this season because not all 30 are able to be completed in day 1, maybe all these cards get added in. 2K just start adding like you can do two thirds of it one season one, you have to wait for things season 2 and 3, there's an entire trophy case thing in MyTeam and the rewards are pink diamond cards and if you complete a division, you get an opal, if you complete a conference you get a dark matter, and you get a third dark matter from two conferences and completing it overall.
8. Season Reward Cards
What these are is like they're going to be plenty of rewards throughout the season, they're going to be dropping in random agenda cards, just play 10 games yet this card Fred Jones is going to be in the agenda. You're going to be giving a lot more content than we got in season 2 and 3 last year, we don't think we’ll be seeing at the level of season 6 and 7 last year, but basically what this is is a reward card for the season as it says season rewards and it's not going to be a specific game mode reward highly unlikely to be like an end reward, it's what more than likely is going to be cases, the season rewards are going to be exclusively agenda cards more than agenda exchange.
9. Base Set Series 1 Cards
The base set series 1 cards are just the regular NBA players, so every single NBA player is going to get a base set series 1 card and in previous years that they were like the pack fodder, if you didn't get a promo card, you got these base set cards and they were all terrible. What these base set cards are is that you can get them in the token market to complete the trophy or case for each team you complete their current set, which is not like the cheapest in the world, not the most expensive thing in the world, more likely tokens.
Basically, whichever NBA player you want now you can go and directly buy them with tokens, you don't need to worry about packing and we don't need to worry about getting a bunch of 2K23 MT and it does seem like especially early you're going to be able to use your tokens for like something that you want. These tokens have been useless for the last couple of years.