Diablo has been out for a couple of decades now, some people start off ladder with the exact same character every single time, that's a little bit monotonous and boring. With the season 2 ladder’s start coming up here, now is the time to make some changes, maybe we can try out a different character. So in today’s guide, we are going to be presenting you the top 5 funniest characters to play in Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder 2.5 and they are not going to be that same old blizzard, sorceress or hammerdin.
Top 5 Most Fun D2R 2.5 Ladder Start & Reset Builds - Best Ladder Builds For Each Class
#1 - Summon Necromancer
To start off, we're going to come in with summon necromancer, it takes absolutely no gear to rock this, so it's a very good choice to start a ladder reset with. To say this character worked good with budget gear is an absolute understatement, literally you can take the summon necromancer walk into the cast sanctuary and lay waste to everything in there with your necromancer completely naked. You have so much safety from all them skeletons all the summons running around and the corpse explosion gives you so much damage, all you need is an absolutely average act 2 mercenary and the summons. Usually, your mercenary will get the first kill, you start popping bodies and bam, everything is absolutely knocked down. This character is not a great boss farmer, generally there is ways that you can get around that. If you're out there running the pits, if you're running the cast sanctuary, elegant shank, all different kinds of places this character works great, super safe, tons of damage, clears mobs, you can even clear out in the moo moo farm slapping down cows.
2. Lightning Trap Assassin
Now, for a lot of assassins, if you're out there killing mobs, you will end up using death sentry because it essentially has a corpse explosion type of skill along with it. But then next up we’ll use the lighting traps because they deal a ton of damage, also once you get later game you can get yourself an infinity and you can break essentially all lightning immunes with the conviction aura on that infinity. So the lightning traps can knock any monster out. This is another build much like the summon necromancer that is very good with very budget gear, just throwing on generic caster stuff things like spirit, sword or a lore to get +1 skills, anything that gets you a few skills here and there is going to be absolutely great. And because you don't necessarily need a ton of gear, you don't need a ton of skills to do really good because the corpse explosion from the death century blows up those packs. You can stack quite a bit of magic find on this character as well. Another good thing about starting off with the assassin is most people probably know that fire skills absolutely slap down normal difficulty and work very great, probably about halfway through nightmare at least until you get up to that nightmare cast sanctuary, then they start to slow down quite a bit, but you will walk through with ease normal and through the first part of nightmare. So it does make an absolutely great ladder reset starter, also this has a ton of different safety skills you can use things like cloak of shadows, you can use skills like mind blast to keep your character safe and to keep your mercenary safe and alive as well. On top of that, you can use a skill called burst of speed and that allows you to lay down traps faster. If you didn't know traps actually are laid down or thrown out there based upon your attack speed, so burst of speed you'll make your run around faster, so before you get enigma, you're traveling through the game faster and you can then just use that one point wonder type of skill to then lay down your traps which are your attacks even faster.
#3 - Nova Sorceress
The next new best Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder 2.5 build is the Nova Sorceress. Nova is a skill that got reworked in the 2.4 patch, so it is much better now. And some of the stuff got synergies, so you can actually get the skill up to have enough power to really wreck the nova sorceress because of this lighting skill is a really great key farmer, the summoner, the countess and nihlathak are generally not going to be immune to lighting, once in a while a nihlathak will be but not most of the time, so you can farm all the keys with this character. Because the nova doesn't have that many synergies you can actually go ahead and pile a ton of points into skills like energy shield and then that will provide you with a ton of safety. Another reason that is because one of the synergies for nova is actually one of the synergies that is also for energy shield and that is static. Static being another absolutely powerful skill to use for the sorceress, so you're piling all these points in the static to get your nova damage up but that also gives you 70 trillion radius on your nova, so you're staticking down every monster in the entire map. On a playthrough, your teammates are going to love you for that, so since you're a sorceress, you obviously have the teleport skill, great mobility and all that stuff, you can teleport through the game or your team on that ladder reset and you're getting survivability from that energy shield as well. So if you don't want to do that standard blizzard sorceress or any of the fire skills or meteor sorceress, this is a great fun option to start a ladder with the energy shield nova sorceress.
#4 - Fist of the Heavens Paladin
The next one might be a character that a lot of people have tried out and played, it is new for Diablo 2 Resurrected, another one that got that change in the 2.4 patch, it's incredibly powerful, that's the fist of heavens paladin. A lot of people probably got to try this already, so if you did, maybe you could try one of the other ones on the list, but if you have not, this character is incredibly powerful and it's not exactly like the hammerdin, with that character you got to get right up in people's faces to be able to get the hammers to hit them right. With fist of heavens, you can pick monsters off to the left to the right, really far out on the map, so you don't need to get right up on them. This is another one of those characters that's really good with budget gear, so out there farming early on in the ladder reset, you won’t have a problem. Once you get even the late game end gear, you will slaughter even more fiercely, this build pretty much takes out everything in the entire game with ease since the fist of heaven's damage goes for both undead and demons now since the 2.4 patch. If you have not given this character a try yet, we would definitely recommend it.
#5 - Barbarian
The last character up here is literally the best magic find character in the entire game, it's not exactly a specific build type of recommendation but that is start ladder with a barbarian. A lot of people are thinking the barbarian playthrough is so hard if you're playing through solo, but if you're doing a ladder reset, why are you not finding people to go ahead and play through this ladder reset build with? If you have a full party, they are going to love you because you're pretty much a walking talking call to arms. You'll have battle commands and battle orders at some point in your playthrough, and you'll have other shouts before that you can use to help out your entire party.
A lot of the barbarians are roughly the same in how good they are, so whether you're trying to do the berserk barb or whether you're going with a whirlwind barb or you're going with a frenzy barb, it's not particularly that much different. But what we would recommend is getting your find item skill really high, that's the important thing that makes this one of the best magic finders in the entire game. Another thing that's great about this character with that item find skill is that it doesn't even necessarily matter what player's difficulty you're using that skill on. The reason you find better and more items on higher players' difficulty counts is because the monster's no drop chance is then decreased when there's more people in the game, but that's not the case on how find item works. The chance that an item will drop is based upon the percentage on your find item skill not on the player's difficulty, so even if you're farming on players one difficulty with a barbarian the initial kill will have a higher no drop chance than if you had more people in the game. But if you're out there farming solo and you use the find item no matter if there's one person in the game just you or a full party and you're all farming together, you'll have the same chance of finding an item from a monster. On top of you getting that second chance of getting a good item, you can also stack a lot of magic fine on a barbarian. You can do this because you can actually get 6 Ist swords for your offhand or you can now go ahead and just stick an Ali Baba on your off hand as well because barbarians can dual-wield swords. So even though it can be a tough undertaking with the game out for 20 years, we would really implore you to get that barbarian out there and get to farming using that find item skill no matter which type of build you really ultimately determined to go into.
That's all the 5 new best Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder start builds & most fun ladder reset builds for each class. Which class should you choose to play in the D2R ladder 2.5? Or is there any better option to recommend? Leave your comments below!

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