In this guide, we want to talk to you about the most overpowered cards currently in Madden 23.
Top 10 Most Overpowered Cards
We will let you know that these are not going to be necessary in any particular order, but just the 10 players that we feel right now are the best. we also provide you best Madden 23 Coins if you need.
Dave Casper
Pretty much in the entire game, now we weren't going to put Dave Casper on this list until like he was more available, but if you guys been playing online at all, you've probably faced Dave Casper because we told you about this a couple of days ago, we think it was actually over a week ago now at this point that pretty much if you have you know two consoles that share the same Origin account, well if you're on PlayStation and Xbox or Xbox and PC whatever, pretty much what you can do is level up by going on there, and you'll have all the objectives available to you on like a fresh account, but you will be a higher your mutt level, still you'll just share the same mutt level so people are pretty much going on other consoles leveling up over there and then right before they get Dave Casper, they log on their actual console and then level up so they get the Casper Card, so that's how you guys are seeing a lot of Dave Casper's out there, so with that we think he makes sense here to be put on this list, and obviously he is one of the most overpowered cards in the game, he is six foot four with 89 speed at tight end which is just insane, he also has 86 acceleration, he does also have 91 catching traffic ,the routing of a 91, 89 and 90, that's literally better than most wide receivers right now in the game, and then after the catch 88 brake tackle, 87 juke move, 91 Trucking, he has amazing run blocking as well.
Donald Parham Jr
If you had played literally a single online game of Madden 23 Ultimate Team, you've probably faced Donald Parham, and you know just how good he is, we think this card is like in terms of cards being very overpowered to start a year off, this may be the most overpowered card, we think we've ever used at the beginning of a Madden probably ever because he's just unguardable on like when you throw High balls to him when you free form a ball especially like a corner route and just block out the DB, there's really nothing you can do.
Michael Crabtree
Next up we have Michael Crabtree, and this card has been extremely good for us, 89 speed, 80 in acceleration, he has 90 catching traffic, 90 short, 88 medium, 88 deep route running, after catch ability of a 90 juke move, 87 change direction, love it, but also right here is why he's on this list as well, one AP slot Apprentice, being able to have those extra routes out of the slot has been beautiful for our offense, and for a lot of people's offense, we would say right now overall like if you can only get one wide receiver we would probably say, Michael Crabtree.
Larry Fitzgerald
Another wide receiver that we will say is extremely good is the new Larry Fitzgerald, now we would personally say Crabtree is the best, and Larry Fitz is number two in our opinion, we think we would rather have Larry Fitz over Justin Jefferson, and we would all say over Randy Moss and we'll explain why we're taking him over Moss starting off with the speed, he has 88 speed, compared to rainy Moss who has 87 speed, now Moss is 6'4, but Fitz is just only one and shorter at six three, however, he also gets 90 deep route running like Randy Moss got, but he also has 90 catching traffic, 89 spec catch, 90 catching, 89 sure, 87 medium, he's also very good after the catch with you know 90 carrying, there 86 Juke, 88 break tackle, 77 truck, 86 change direction, he also can run block at 57, so personally, we're taking Larry Fitzgerald over the likes of Justin Jefferson and also over Randy Moss because he's tall enough to do what Moss can do in terms of getting those aggressive catches, he has the 90 deep round earning that there was kind of a debate when Justin Jefferson came out of do you want more speed or do you want the 90 deeper out running, if it says both same speed as Justin Jefferson but the 90 deep rounding, and then Fitz has amazing catching traffic just great hands overall love the fits card.
Derrick Johnson
This one may shock some of you, it honestly may surprise you that we have a middle linebacker on this list, we think Derrick Johnson right now with that one AP lurker definitely deserves to be on this list, he's got 87 speed, 89 Excel Ada jumping, 86 change direction, and then also he has 87 Zone, 91 hit power, 88 blockchain, he's just extremely fast, he's got good height and he gets that one AP lurker if you can fit that lurker into your defense somewhere, do it, because we're telling you the animations you can get with Derek Johnson, they're just crazy, so without a doubt we think he deserves to make this list.
Ricky Williams
Definitely, the best running back in the game right now guys is Ricky Williams, we will say this though, for the price, we don't think he's worth this price, and the reason why we say that is because there's a lot of good running backs in the game, there are people that still use Joe Mixon and he does the job just fine, DeMarco Murray, Jerome Bettis just a lot of good running backs in the game, so we actually don't think he's worth 800k but is he one of the most overpowered players in the game, he also has 88 speed, 91 acceleration, 87 carrying, 90 Trucking, 90 brake tackle, 78 catches, and he's 230 pounds, Ricky is really good.
Lawrence Taylor
LT stats are absolutely crazy, there are people out there that may want to go ahead, and pick up let's say Clay Matthews for outside linebacker, but LT just plays different, he just straight up plays different, he has 85 speed, 84 Excel, 84 strength, 88 power move, he also has 87 blocks shed he'll probably be on our team unless we get like DeMarcus Ware or something for a very long time.
Aaron Rodgers
As for the best quarterback in the game, it's still Aaron Rodgers, Aaron Rodgers is definitely still the best QB, and the reason why he's the best quarterback is that currently there just really aren't any like really good QB abilities in the game, you don't have any set feet lead or past lead Elite or Gunslinger, because he has the quickest release in the game, his accuracies are perfectly fine, good throw power 72 speed, you're really not going to take off much with him, but once in a blue moon maybe you can do that, you can see census pressure, there are so many times when there is a DB right in our face and we'll get the ball for Rogers it'll be an accurate pass, and that is why you need Rodgers.
Chris McAlister
Chris McAlister is the best cornerback in the game, he is six foot one with 88 speed, 90 Acc, and then he has 90 man, and 90 Zone, the only cornerback in the game with 90 man and 90 Zone, also we have 65 block sheds, 63 hip-hower, 64 tacklings, he's not crazy, but you know what he's perfectly fine enough in the Run game, a good hype speed, man, Zone, best corner.
Troy Polamalu
He's really fast, he has the 89 speed, he's got great Zone coverage, he has the hit power, he just makes plays Troy Polamalu is just one of those guys that every year like height, he has always kind of been a thing in safety, and I don't care when it comes to Troy like we will pick him up, and he'll be out there perfectly fine, now do you want him playing deep, probably not, you don't really want to take partum one-on-one with Troy Polamalu, it's not gonna work out too well for you, however, wewill say this I did actually get an interception on a jump ball between Troy p and Parham, probably just got super lucky, I'm just gonna say that but uh 3 AP acrobat as well very nice, because 550 for acro is just crazy, so being able to get those diving interceptions the diving swats having the speed that he has the Zone the hit power, we will take the 5 foot 10 Troy p, and be perfectly okay with it, we just wouldn't recommend always playing him maybe in like a deep blue or the middle probably not the best spot for him.

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