Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder season 2 patch 2.5 is coming with the Sunder charms and the terror zones. Which character will you play for the start of the new season? Which are the best ladder starter builds for Diablo 2 Resurrected? Today we're going to be covering a frenzy barbarian build guide for ladder season 2 patch 2.5, we list the skills, attributes, gears, mercs, playstyle, farming spots and more.
D2R Ladder Season 2 Barbarian Build For Patch 2.5 - Best Starter Build For D2R Season 2
Barbarian Overview
The frenzy Barbarian will be dealing magic and physical damage. These two combinations of damages allow us to farm anything in the game. It's really good for group play, also solo and it's good for magic find, keys, getting runes, doing Ubers. Overall though, it is a C tier build, it doesn't mean it's bad though, it's just in comparison to some of the other builds in the game. This guide does assume that you are already level 75. This build does have an Uber variant, it is very fast paced with high mobility, plenty of gear options as well. It is gear dependent though with those gear options, it is a bit repetitive, it can also feel a bit clunky with the amount of speed that this character has.
Sunder Charms
For 2.5, we added the sunder charm section as well as the terror zone section. For the Sunder charm, use bone break, this is going to make it so we don't run into any physical immunities at all. However, it does make it so we do take increased physical damage from enemies, this does have a varying role of 10 to 30% increase damage which can be a little bit of a hefty hit for us. We have to use Grim Ward to lower the enemy physical resistance even more, as well as amplified damage and decrepify, Atma’s Scarab and Reaper’s Toll are also fantastic sources of this. To counteract the negative part, we're going to be using Crown of Ages, we can also use String of Ears as well. You don't actually need to use the sunder charm for this build because we have berserk which deals magic damage and if you put enough points into berserk, it'll make it so frenzy does some magic damage.
Terror Zones
The places that are best for us are going to be areas with quick access and some target to kill. Council Members, the Eldritch, Pindleskin, Elite packs that are constantly around the area. The worst areas are the inverse of that which basically means trash mobility, immunities and not a whole lot of monsters to take out and then use item find on.
The frenzy Barbarian build takes a lot of skill points to fill out correctly. There's a couple ways to do it, but the way we do it is we have 20 points into frenzy, 20 to double swing, 20 into blade mastery, 20 into battle orders for survivability, this could actually also go into taunt for the additional damage on frenzy, but then we put the rest into berserk. For the 1 point wonders, we use battle cry, find item, grim ward, shout, battle command, increase speed, natural resistances and then leap attack and leap for some mobility.
Stats & Attributes
For our attributes, putting enough points in strength and dexterity for gear, the rest of it goes into vitality because energy we have enough mana stolen per hit through our gear.
Gear Options
There are a lot of gear options for this build and it depends on how you want to build it. Main stats you really want to focus though are in teal and that is going to be attack speed enhanced damage, ignore targets defense so you can keep hitting the monsters, brushing below and deadly strike, those are going to be your main things. For the rest of the build we're going to be using all skills, barbarian skills, make sure we have attack rating faster cast rate on swap is nice to be able to move from place to place, things like Hodo. And then we really need to make sure that we have some source of canopy frozen on your gear somewhere, whether it's through a raven frost or some other piece of gear you have to have cannot be frozen.
Farming Spots
Act 1: The Countess, The Pit, Andariel
Act 2: Stony Tombs
Act 3: Travincal
Act 4: City of the Damned, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary
Act 5: Eldritch the Rectifier, Shenk the Overseer, Pindleskin, Drifter Cavern, Nihlathak, Worldstone Keep/Throne of Destruction, Baal/Waves
The main thing that you want to focus on for farming spots is that you can navigate them cleanly, quick access is also fantastic and you pretty much have no immunities.
Our mercenary plays a pretty important role for us as a might reaper's toll mercenary, he not only gives us might aura to increase our physical damage but he also gives us a source of decrepify through his reaper's tool. This will break physical immunities and decrease the amount of physical resistance of monsters that are already broken. In addition to his Reaper's toll, he's going to be using fortitude and in Dario's Visage with a railroon to make sure you don't have that negative fire res.
Play Style For Barbarian Build
Use frenzy to gain a bunch of stacks and then use double swing against single target, double swing does have faster attacks than frenzy, however it might not have as much damage. So if you're going to be using crushing blow, then double swing action might be the play. Leap and leap attack are great for navigating through large distances before you have teleport, leap also keeps monsters stunned and keeps the area safe. If you use battle cry at the beginning of a fight against bosses or anything, it also makes your fights a lot easier. This isn't as much required when you have a ignore target's defense, source, but against bosses it still is super relevant. Be careful not to override your mercenaries decrepify though because that's going to deal a lot more damage. When you get the opportunity, use grim ward to deal additional damage. The only thing is that the monsters will run away a little bit but you are pretty fast as your frenzy Barbarian, so you should be able to catch some no problem. Berserk is probably the best way to take care of immunities but you can use bone break to Sunder all the enemy physical immunes, this puts them to 95 resistances, use Grim Ward, amp damage and decrepify in combination with all this. Make sure when you start each run that you're going to be using Battle Command, battle orders and Shout. Also if you have Enigma or a Teleport Source, make sure you are repositioning your mercenary to make him effective and be able to get those decrep procs off on your enemies. If you don't have teleport places like entrances or waypoints can be really good to be able to reposition your mercenary a little bit, you can even use Town portals but that one is a little bit slower.
Because we have legs like the Road Runner, we don't really need a huge amount of faster cast rate, hitting is probably 63 on Swap which is very easily done with either two wizard spikes or two hodos. All you need to do is make sure that grief itself rolls 32 IES and you're at max breakpoint, if not, you just throw some piece on, you're good faster, hit recovery isn't too required.
On hardcore, all you need to do is make sure you have overcapped resistances against conviction. We use things like crown of ages, verdungo’s hearty cord and thundergod’s vigor to keep us alive against lightning damage and against physical hits.

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