What late game builds are you going to play in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2? Today we'll be covering the late game D2R 2.5 build tier lists for each class. Thanks Maxwell team for putting a bunch of time and effort into all of this tier list. This new D2R Ladder Season 2 tier list is going to be taking Terror Zones and Sunder Charms into account.
D2R 2.5 Best Builds For Late Game - Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2 Builds Tier List
On this D2R Ladder Season 2.5 tier list, you actually see a number of these builds being dropped down a tier or so, but don't worry. It's not that they've actually gotten weaker, these builds are actually the exact same if not stronger than they were, it's just a matter of the 2.5 changes kind of shifted the core of the game. So we had to redefine what s tier actually means, Season 1 s tier versus Seasons 2 s tier. Season 2 is about give or take like two times as powerful as it was before. Again this is because of the addition of the new Sunder Charms and Terror Zones these are all perfectly viable builds still or else we would have just taken them off.
D2R Ladder Season 2 Amazon Build Tier List
A Tier - Lightning Fury
The Lightning Fury is probably the strongest character in the entire game and is going to be receiving some of the most benefits from these Sunder Charms. Because the Sunder Charms are going to break all the immunities and if she's already running Infinity, she's going to be doubling her damage if not more through all this Pierce that she's going to gain. A lightning strike is just stronger as well and all of these builds can pretty much do Uber's really easy.
C Tier - Freezing Arrow, Plague Javelin, Strafe
Freezing Arrow stays at c tier this Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder season 2 because that buff with the cold rupture Sunder Charm was actually really going to help out with her damage and be able to farm more spots. Now unfortunately things like poison and physical as well as magic build didn't receive as much love from these. Because there are not nearly as many immunities and we already had a really good way of dealing with them through various curses and effects. Thus making the Strafe Amazon, Multiple Shot, Jab Fend, and Plague Javason all bump down a tier. Again that is not to say that these are not perfectly viable.
D Tier - Exploding Arrow, Multiple Shot, Jab Fend
Exploding Arrow Amazon is viable because there are so many low HP monsters that are fire immune.
D2R Ladder Season 2 Assassin Build Tier List
S Tier - Lightning Sentry
When the first PTR came out, Traps were not actually receiving any benefit from the Sunder Charms. Same thing with minions and things like that. Now if the power of the Sunder Charms actually comes to traps, then the Lightning Sentry Assassin is going to stay in the S tier.
A Tier - Fire Blast
Fire blast is actually a very underrated build in Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch 2.5 update. This build has so much damage potential, especially with these new Sunder Charms.
B Tier - Dragon Talon, Wake of Fire
Dragon Talon is going to be going down this time just for the lack of physical immunity throughout the game. Wake of Fire is going to have mass AOE and it'll also have the benefit of these charms.
D Tier - Phoenix Strike, Blade Fury, Whirlwind, Rift Assassin
Phoenix strike Assassin does move down, but is still a very solid build, same thing with Blade Fury. Whirlwind Assassin is going to be staying the same and then we have the new Rift Assassin on this D2R 2.5 build tier list.
D2R Ladder Season 2 Barbarian Build Tier List
S Tier - Berserk Goldfind
A Tier - Double Throw
B Tier - War Cry
C Tier - Leap Attack, Frenzy, Whirlwind
F Tier - Werewolf
With the Barbarian, everything stays the same as it was last season. So this makes it pretty simple. Berserk Goldfind being s tier. Double Throw is a tier. For b tier, War Cry. For c tier, we have Leap Attack, Frenzy, and Whirlwind. Then in f tier, we have the Werewolf Barbarian.
D2R Ladder Season 2 Druid Build Tier List
S Tier - Fissure
B Tier - Tornado
D Tier - Fury, Summon, Fire Claws
F Tier - Rabies
We have Fissure being s tier and Tornado being A and B respectively. The Fury, Summon, Fire Claws and Rabies Druid builds however did have to go down by one tier. This is just because s tier is so much stronger than it used to be.
D2R Ladder Season 2 Necromancer Build Tier List
S Tier - Poison Nova
Poison Nova Necromancer still dominates and you will be doing physical damage and fire damage and poison damage. But this build is just so strong and you have so many options with this build through curses and utilizing the charms with AOE and it's just a very very good build. S tier D2R ladder season 2 build for sure.
A Tier - Summon
Summon Necromancer is just a strong build. It has a corpse explosion.
B Tier - Corpse Explosion
Necromancer Corpse Explosion basically and that's why it just kind of stays the same. You can use either the fire charm or you could use the physical charm to be able to benefit. So it all pretty much stays the same.
C Tier - Bone Spear
D2R Ladder Season 2 Paladin Build Tier List
S Tier - Blessed Hammer, Fist of the Heavens, Smite
Magic builds such as the Hammerdin and FOH didn't really see a change here. These builds are just the king regardless Blessed Hammer being s, Fist of Heavens being s, Smite being s just for its job in the Ubers.
A Tier - Dream
Dream Paladin actually did stay in a tier because it is just stronger now. With the Sunder Charms you can just kill everything with procs, just charge into anything, melee anything and you can take it all out.
B Tier - Holy Fire, Zeal
Holy Fire is actually very strong and stays in b as well. But Zeal did move down one just because the physical build. Doesn't mean it's bad, it just doesn't have as much AOE.
D2R Ladder Season 2 Sorceress Build Tier List
Because all these things really affect all elemental builds, the Sorceress has seen a lot of changes.
S Tier - Lightning, Blizzard, Fire Ball Meteor, Nova
So in the S tier we have Lightning and Blizzard, but we did actually move Nova up a tier. Just because of the amount of damage you can deal with and the amount of AOE you can have against any monster in the game, especially when you have Infinity. You just decimate the battleground. Then Fireball Meteor, you can go into Chaos Sanctuary and just slap the monsters.
A Tier - Frost Nova, Fire Wall
We have a new build and that is Frost Nova. The Frost Nova Sorceress was added in just because it was actually super relevant, especially with the new Sunder Charms. It just kind of flattens everything, especially on player one. It's mostly a player's one build but it just does the same thing as Nova but with CC and cold damage. With the Firewall Sorceress, she goes up multiple tiers here just because she has so much damage. She goes into the Ubers and flattens them.
B Tier - Fire Ball Nova, Fire Ball Blizzard, Frozen Orb, Meteor Frozen Orb, Hydra
The hybrid builds are all b tier and b tier is super solid still. Technically they all have more viability and options than they did before especially with the Terror Zones and things like that. But their top-end damage lacks a bit with the new Sunder Charms. So pure element builds are just better now with Sunder Charms. So that's why the hybrids all go down or stay in b. Frozen orb just stays in b just because damage does lack a little bit but it doesn't mean it's not a great starter. Hydra moves down one as well but again these things are all stronger than they were, definitely go give them a shot if it interests you at all.
C Tier - Werebear, Zeal
F Tier - Blaze

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