Today, we show you both of the Summoner builds in Lost Ark and talk about them and compare them to each other. Including the skills, engravings, stats, gems and card sets for the 2 best Lost Ark Summoner builds. Therefore, you will have a much better time sort of deciding which way you want to go with your Summoner either as an alt or as a main.
Lost Ark Summoner Build Guide - Best Pet & Ancient Summoner Build In Lost Ark
According to the newest plan, The Summoner will be added to Lost Ark in the month of December. There has been no confirmation of a specific release date as of yet. In Lost Ark, the summoner joins the ranks of the Bard, Sorceress, and Arcanist as the fourth and final Mage advanced class. Water, lightning, fire, and earth arracks are her weapons of choice, and she wields them to great effect in battle. That being said, let's talk about the best specialization Summoner and swiftness Summoner build in Lost Ark.
Lost Ark Summoner Ancient Build
The Lost Ark specialization build is obviously based on the specialization stat and at its core is the senior Summoner or the master Summoner class engraving which increases the potency of your ancient skills.
Summoner has an innate that you can juggle in between several ancient skills. There are skills that you either place down on the ground or skills that you just basically cast without placing any telegraphs. There are also skills enhanced by the class engraving but also by the specialization stats. So you're going to want as high specialization stat as possible. Juggling in between other ancient skills is something that you might do in PvP content. For example, an enemy is close and you might want to knock them down and then they move away and you might want to catch them with a very long-range Phoenix skill. So this is when you would sort of swap in between them.
In terms of PVE content, you're safe with Akir. In terms of gameplay, a specialization Summoner is actually not as clunky as you might imagine it to be. There are other classes in the game which take more time to do their things. For a class that plays a full specialization build to sort of have just one, two, or three skills out of which two are cast and one holds you down for longer out of eight. As for your regular skills, the basic idea is that you buff yourself and you do big damage. Sticky Swamp Moss is a self-buff skill that increases your attack power by a lot and Carnivorous Lily does exactly the same thing only a different skill. So you would have to juggle between these 2 skills before or during the cast of a big damage skill.
The specialization rotation is pretty forgiving. Nobody's forcing you to actually stand still there and have a two Akil rotation every time you have a rotation. So you're most likely going to get used to it really fast and you're going to have a great time playing the Lost Ark Ancient Summoner build in the rotation. You can also take it easier based on both mechanics. You're going to buff yourself just the water spirit here, get out of Harm's Way and do the electric store followed up quickly by the shutter earth. But you don't want to over gain ancient energy.
If you cannot use that here, you're just going to use an Ali Marge and then just wait until a better pattern when it's safe to use a water spirit shield and now pull the trigger on the appearance and the ancient spear doing the same above the window. This depends on the boss patterns which we all know in Lost Ark, they're sort of random and it's okay to use skills as efficiently as possible. But at the same time, if mechanics don't allow you to, Summoner is one of those classes in which you can hold back on pulling the trigger. If there is no possibility for you to pull it and it's still going to be fine at the end of the day.
So now that you have seen the skills and how rotation sort of looks like, we would like to tell you that kickstarting a specialization Summoner on day one in our Western release to mainnet is going to be a little bit more costly than kickstarting a swiftness Summoner. If you get to the level 10 gem area which is not yet the case for the majority here in the west, then specialization needs cheaper gems than swiftness. Because we're playing three attack gems and the other ones being cooldown. But we're not there yet and you're not going to kick-start your Summoner with 11 level 10 gems anyway. Gems are sort of similar prices if you take levels 9 and 8.
Card Sets
A specialization build doesn't have sort of any immediate help from your set of gear. For example, you can play swiftness with a charm set specialization, you're going to play it with hallucination or salvation. So that those two sets need your Summoner's things to be top-notch so that they can help you out as opposed to the other way around.
Because of that, you're going to have to have really nice tripods to match your crit rate to match your cooldowns. You're going to have to have some pretty decent gems. Your accessories need to be high quality as well. If you're planning to main a Summoner, even if you're not ready to sort of main it with things be put aside beforehand like gems or tripods or stats. Then you can start off with a specialization build. It's the one that has the higher damage ceiling, it's the one that's still considered by a small margin, but there's still a margin considered the meta build for the Summoner.
Lost Ark Pet Summoner Build
The Lost Ark swiftness Summoner build is a really exciting and fun way of playing your Summoner. This is something that we highly recommend and something that fares relatively well with the other class engraving which is the master Summoner. The difference is not that big unlike other classes for example which have one very dominant engraving. For the Summoner, the difference is somewhere around 12% maybe 14% other people have tested both class Engravings and they got an even shorter difference of about maybe 10% extra damage to the master Summoner specialization build compared to the swiftness build. However, the 10% missing damage is made up in spades by the fun aspect of playing a swiftness pet build and also the fact that it's definitely easier to play less stressful than a specialization build.
Carnivorous Lily is a Summon, Shredi is a Summon, Paulru is a Summon, and Maririn is also a Summon. Shredi is something that you have over your shoulder all the time. The same goes for Lily, it's a static pet on the ground. However, Paulru and Maririn, follow you around. It is noted, as an extra fact that this summons they don't have an HP bar, but Maririn does so he can be killed by things that are happening during a boss fight. Most likely that's not going to happen because he has a lot of HP, so he's going to disappear before he actually dies. You have also awakening which is an interesting skill that has an active. So eventually you're going to have a sort of a zoo doing the damage for you and it's a really cool build in general.
Marilyn, Paulru, and Kelsion skill have actives that can be pressed once every couple of seconds and obviously, they do a big chunk of a larger amount of damage. So this is why this build is a piano build. Simply because if you are actually to maximize its efficiency, you're going to understand that there is a lot really to sort of press in terms of buttons. Because being efficient means using things of cooldown and things of cooldown here in a swiftness build. The most important thing to pay attention to is maximizing your buff duration.
Make sure that you almost always have self-buff on you, so that every hit of the pet would actually do a buffed amount of damage. Obviously, the ancient spear usage and the shutter earth usage also contribute to the damage done. Ancient skills are not really that important then because they're not that important it's actually a plus since specialization build uses Akir as a solo ancient skill. In the swiftness build, nobody is stopping you from using Ali Marge skill in the game. So that's another extra bonus for you to play to actually play the best Lost Ark Summoner build.
You need very high-level cooldown gems on both of your self-buffs and then you need very high-level damage gems on almost all of your skills. Because of this, the build the swiftness build plays a little bit more damage gems than cooldown gems, making the level 10 versions of them more expensive than a specialization build.
With that in mind, the Engravings that you play are going to be the Overflowing Sympathy, Adrenaline, Grudge, and Keen Blunt as your four bases' most important Engravings and then you're going to have Raid Captain for example as your fifth engraving. You're not stuck with Raid Captain though, you can easily remove this and go for a Cursed Doll if that makes more sense or is cheaper for you.
Strictly connected to the Engravings are the accessories and the combat stats. If you're going to play swiftness on most of your accessories then these are at the moment the cheapest out of the three possibilities that you can find. So this should be relatively affordable to get high quality them. The swiftness summoner build needs higher quality even than the specialization build just so you can reach the thresholds of cooldowns to be very efficient and also a movement speed in case you're planning to play a Raid Captain.
Card Sets
A great set of gear to fit this particular build would be the hallucination set. However, this is not the only way to play an overflowing sympathy Summoner. If you're just planning to have it as an old then another option would be to use a charming set and then split the stats 50/50.
Lost Ark Pets Vs Ancients Summoner
Now you have experienced a sort of on both of the Summoner builds in Lost Ark. The difference between the builds is really not that high for you to disregard one completely. Getting accepted into groups on your Summoner is going to strictly depend in the West on other things besides what build you're playing. Things such as your item level, your gems, and how many Engravings you have. People in the west are not going to criticize a Summoner by its build whether that might be swiftness or specialization. Simply because the difference is actually just too few to matter.

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