The exciting Colosseum Update is just around the corner, along with multiple PVP modes. In this article, we’ll focus on all of the Elden Ring Colosseum locations for how to get into each of these PVP arenas in the game.
Elden Ring Colosseum Locations - How to Get Into All PVP Arenas in Elden Ring After Colosseum Update
Colosseum in Elden Ring is a kind of large arena located around the Lands Between, but can’t be accessed until the Colosseum Update, as all three arenas will be opened up on December 7. After the update goes live and the new PVP game mode is available, you can unlock them at different locations.
There are three Colosseums that we are going to be able to get in the game, the first one is the easiest to reach, while the other two need to take a little bit more time to get. Below are the PVP arena locations on the Elden Ring map.
1. Limgrave
The first Colosseum will be found in Limgrave, you want to travel to the Warmaster's Shack and head north, you are going to get to the first arena, it is really simple, and you probably don’t need any help.
2. Capital
The second Colosseum is located in the Leyndell, Capital of Ash, make your way through the Capital and go to the East Capital Rampart site of grace to the Avenue Balcony, once you’ve made your way up the dragon wing, you can reach the West Capitol Rampart, the same way you will go through the main story, the Arena can be seen. If you have finished the game this part of the capital will remain untouched by the event, so you can go here.
3. Caelid
Then, the third and final arena is located in Caelid, but this will require you to travel a little bit, head to the Siofra River well in East Limgrave and head down underground, but make sure you bring a Stonesword Key with you before heading in inside, you need to reach this elevator, which is all the way on the other side of the map, you'll need to just travel by your horse and avoid the tough enemies, once here use your Stonesword key to unlock the elevator and you will reach a new arena of Caelid. There's only one way to travel here and that is past the giant to the great jar and the final Arena or Coliseum.
Even though the locations of Elden Ring Colosseum are clear, it is likely that some missions or quests added in the game to unlock them, if that happens, we’ll update the details soon.