Caliligos is a 1490 item level guardian raid in Lost Ark. It is considered the most difficult and annoying Guardian raid in the game due to the boss being very active with a lot of movement AOE attacks that shock you and stun you. On top of that, it is a guardian raid where you must use battle items to complete the mechanic and move to the next phase. This guide covers absolutely everything about Lost Ark Caliligos guardian raid.
Lost Ark Caliligos Raid Guide: Release Date, Ilvl Requirements, Rewards & Mechanics For Each Phase
In Lost Ark, Caliligos has three phases that have different or empowered attacks and patterns that can appear in each phase. Recommended battle items for Caliligos are a flare, pheromone bomb, rolling grenade, and destruction bomb. the most optimal battle item usage is Player 1 uses flare and pheromone to spot the boss at the start and after each phase mechanic, while players 2, 3, and 4 all use roving grenades and destruction bombs to pass the mechanic.
Lost Ark Caliligos Release Date
In the month of December, there will be two more raids. During the Brelshaza legion raid, players will do battle against the shrewd leader of the Phantom Legion, and during the Caliligos guardian raid, players will do battle against a terrifying lightning-wielding dragon.
Lost Ark Caliligos Item Level Requirements
Because a minimum Item Level of 1490 is required to fight Caliligos, you should be prepared for a difficult encounter with him.
Lost Ark Caliligos Raid Rewards
Expected rewards are the next tier of guardian stones, destruction stones, and leapstones while bracelets are not 100% guaranteed to drop.
Lost Ark Caliligos Phase 1, Phase 2 & Phase 3 Guide
Caliligos guardian raid is split into three phases where certain normal patterns and attacks can happen in any phase and some of them are also empowered. The main mechanic happens only in phase 2 and phase 3. Starting off with the normal patterns in Phase 1.
Lost Ark Caliligos P1 Mechanics & Gimmicks
Caliligos stands still and turns blue. You have around 2 seconds to counter. Failure to counter means he will dash forward.
Double Pound
Caliligos moves forward while striking two times with his front legs. A safe spot is anywhere other than in front of him.
Tail Swipe
Caliligos swipes his tail from left to right save spot is on his left side or in front of him.
Air Slam
Caliligos flies into the air targeting a player. He then moves slightly forward and slams the ground. A safe spot is anywhere other than in front of him.
Ground Slam
Caliligos targets a player, moves forward, and slams the ground in front of him. A safe spot is anywhere that is not in front.
Caliligos flies into the air and disappears. Shortly after he indicates with AOE on the ground where he will land, spacebar away or don't stand close to the center.
P2 Transition
Caliligos stand still becomes invincible and starts casting small lightning AOE attacks around them. Use the first pheromone bomb during the transition.
Lost Ark Caliligos P2 Gimmicks & Patterns
Lightning Stacks
In phase 2, Caliligos applies lightning stacks every time a player gets hit by one of his lightning attacks. Upon reaching 5 stacks, players get shocked and stunned for a couple of seconds. Around the boss, there are multiple blue orbs that shoot out smaller orbs. Destroy the orc will grant you and everyone close around it immunity to shock attacks and lightning stacks and also cleanse all the stacks a player has. It is recommended to destroy the orb when you are at four lightning stacks.
Enhanced Air Slam
Caliligos flies into the air, targets a player moves forward, and slams the ground in front of him. Projecting cone-shaped lightning. The safe spot is on the sides and behind.
Backwards Slam
Caliligos flies behind then turns around and shoots out a cone-shaped lightning attack that explodes shortly after. A safe spot is anywhere that is not in front of him.
Caliligos curls up and summons a force field around him while shooting lightning AOE attacks outside of it. Stand inside the force field and do not attack the boss. Attacking the boss will trigger his retaliation attack.
Enhanced Jump
Caliligos flies into the air and summons lightning AOE attacks around him. Stand underneath him and wait for all the outside AOE attacks to explode. The space was away from the center as he will drop down and do another AOE attack.
Lost Ark Caliligos P2 Main Mechanics
The main mechanic happens after you reach a certain amount of HP or after a certain amount of time. Caliligos raises his right arm and starts charging an attack while the stagger bar appears. You have 5 Seconds to stagger him and if you lack stagger, use rolling grenades. After completing the stagger straight after, you have one second to counter the boss. After a successful counter, his horn becomes exposed and you want to use distraction bombs and weak point skills to break it. After breaking the horn, 5 white orbs will spawn in four cardinal directions slowly moving to the boss.
Each player needs to destroy exactly 5 orbs. Destroying more than 5 orbs will apply a heavy bleed on that player that will instantly kill you and not destroying all five orbs and letting one or more orbs hit the boss will result in an AOE wipe attack. Failing to complete any of these four gimmicks during the mechanic means you will not trigger the phase 3 transition and you have to wait until he does the mechanic again while dealing with all the other patterns.
Lost Ark P3 Caliligos Gimmicks & Patterns
Enhanced Tail Swipe
Caliligos swipes his tail from left to right in a cone-shaped area while also shooting out lightning that follows from the swipe and applies lightning stacks. A safe area is in front of him or at his side.
Enhanced Jump
Lost Ark P3 Caliligos raid flies into the air and summons yellow lightning AOE attacks in the outside area. He stays in the air much longer in Phase 3 while a safe spot is standing underneath him. After he shows the AOE indicator underneath him, he spacebar away to dodge his drop AOE attack.
Enhanced Tail Swipe
Caliligos charges the counter spreads his wings, and turns blue. You have two seconds to counter and failing will unleash a big AOE blast that deals a lot of damage.
Orb with Gold Outline
Caliligos periodically spawn a big white orb with a golden outline. Destroy it as soon as it appears, otherwise, after 10 seconds, it will explode and wipe the raid.
Enhanced Air Slam #2
Caliligos flies in the air targets a player moves forward and slams the ground three times in front of him, projecting big AOE blasts. Safe spot is on the side and behind.

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