In this NBA 2K23 Badges Tier List, we rank up all shooting, defensive, and finishing badges to help you choose the right ones for your players in Season 3!
NBA 2K23 Badges Tier List - Ranking Every Finishing, Shooting, Playmaking & Defensive Badge in Season 3
NBA 2K23 has entered its third season, and every season brings new updates and changes. This undoubtedly has an impact on our build and team. Badges that were meta at the beginning of the game's release may no longer be so applicable to your build, and some previously underrated badges have brought unexpected surprises. So it's time for a new ranking for badges and to figure out the best ones to help you make a high-quality player!
S Tier = Broken
A Tier = Excellent To Use
B Tier = Usable
D Tier = Not enough badge points or don't use
NBA 2K23 Finishing Badges Tier List
Now let's rank all finishing badges to determine which are the best ones to equipe for increasing your ability in scoring around the rim in NBA 2K23 Season 3:
Limitless Takeoff (S Tier)
Acrobat (A Tier)
Aerial Wizard (A Tier)
Dropstopper (A Tier)
Fearless Finisher (A Tier)
Posterizer (A Tier)
Pro Touch (A Tier)
Rise Up (A Tier)
Slithery (A Tier)
Backdown Punisher (B Tier)
Bully (B Tier)
Dream Shake (B Tier)
Fast Twitch (B Tier)
Giant Slayer (B Tier)
Masher (B Tier)
Post Spin Technician (B Tier)
NBA 2K23 Shooting Badges Tier List
Now let's rank all shooting badges to determine which are the best ones to equipe for shooting with high efficiency and dominating the court in MyCareer and MyPark in NBA 2K23 Season 3:
Agent 3 (S Tier)
Blinders (S Tier)
Catch & Shoot (S Tier)
Claymore (A Tier)
Clutch Shooter (A Tier)
Deadeye (A Tier)
Green Machine (A Tier)
Limitless Range (A Tier)
Space Creator (A Tier)
Amped (B Tier)
Comeback Kid (B Tier)
Guard Up (B Tier)
Middy Magician (B Tier)
Volume Shooter (B Tier)
Slippery Off-Ball (D Tier)
Corner Specialist (D Tier)
NBA 2K23 Playmaking Badges Tier List
Now let's rank all playmaking badges to see which are the best ones to use for getting exceptional dribbling and passing skill for your player in NBA 2K23 Season 3:
Ball Out (S Tier)
Break Starter (S Tier)
Clamp Breakder (S Tier)
Hyperdrive (A Tier)
Killer Combos (A Tier)
Needle Threader (A Tier)
Post Playmaker (A Tier)
Quick First Step (A Tier)
Unpluckable (A Tier)
Vice Grip (A Tier)
Ankle Breaker (B Tier)
Dimer (B Tier)
Floor General (B Tier)
Handles For Days (B Tier)
Mismatch Expert (B Tier)
Special Delivery (B Tier)
NBA 2K23 Defensive Badges Tier List
Now let's rank all defense/rebounding badges to learn which are the best defensive badges to master for granting the best chance to lock up opponents and crashing the glass with authority in NBA 2K23 Season 3:
Gloves (S Tier)
Anchor (S Tier)
Boxout Beast (A Tier)
Brick Wall (A Tier)
Challenger (A Tier)
Chase Down Artist (A Tier)
Clamps (A Tier)
Interceptor (A Tier)
Pick Dodger (A Tier)
Pogo Stick (A Tier)
Rebound Chaser (A Tier)
Ankle Breaces (B Tier)
Menace (B Tier)
Off-Ball Post (B Tier)
Post Lockdown (B Tier)
Work Horse (B Tier)
That all details of our NBA 2K23 Badges Tier List, hope to help you pick the right badges for your player easier. And if you want to improve your gameplay, check out more professional NBA 2K23 guides, and buy cheap NBA 2K23 MT here!

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