It's time to set up these best Colosseum Build with the best PvP weapons in Elden Ring 1.08, that will help you dominate the new arenas no matter in Duels, United Combat (3v3), or Combat Ordeal (FFA)!
Top 1 - Bolt of Gransax Dexterity PvP Build
Our best OP weapon choice for Arena is the Bolt of Gransax, we're just going to spam L2 for days, clean up kills knight people from across the map, and just hit people when they're not looking. We use two of Bolt of Gransax because our spear moveset is actually insane and the power stands really good. Counter attack damage did this get nerfed but it's still really good, the moveset's incredibly quick has a lot of range does a lot of damage. It's exactly the same as regular PVP but this time it takes even less skill, basically, the entire premise of the game mode is that you just have to create the cheesiest build.
Build Setup (150 Level)
- Vigor: 50
- Mind: 15
- Endurance: 22
- Strength: 30
- Dexterity: 80
- Intelligence: 9
- Faith: 14
- Arcane: 9
- Weapon: Coded Sword +10 (Right Hand), Coded Sword +10 (Left Hand)
- Armor: Old Aristocrat Cowl / Fingerprint Armor / Perfumer Gloves / All-Knowing Greaves
- Talisman: Godfrey Icon, Shard of Alexsander, Ritual Sword Talisman, Lightning Scorpion Charm
- Flask: Lightning Shrouding Cracked Tear, Crimsonburst Crystal Tear
Top 2 - Gold Epitaph Faith PvP Build
Faith build seems to be absolutely bonkers in the Colosseum arena, needless to say, the main power of this build is flexibility. Accessibility to all these weapons that either deal a very decent safe poke or a lot of damage, you can utilize the heals, buffs, and lots of them work not only on you but also on your teammates. So faith build was always a king of flexibility and it's even more in the new PvP arenas now. Here we share a new ultimate faith warrior build which is actually a sword combo that actually game-breaking in the 1.08 patch. This build all starts with the last rates where we're going to buff ourselves up and give ourselves over a 10% damage increase even against those that are completely not relevant to those that live in death.
Build Setup (150 Level)
- Vigor: 60
- Mind: 17
- Endurance: 21
- Strength: 18
- Dexterity: 18
- Intelligence: 9
- Faith: 80
- Arcane: 7
- Weapon: Gold Epitaph +10 (Right Hand), Inseparable Sword +10 (Left Hand), Miquellan Knight's Sword +10 (Left Hand), Erdtree Seal (Left Hand)
- Armor: Haligtree Helm / Twinned Armor / Twinned Gloves / Twinned Greaves
- Talisman: Shard of Alexsander, Carian Filigreed Crest, Bull-Goat's Talisman, Erdtree's Favor
- Flask: Holy Shrouding Cracked Tear, Crimson Bubblertear
Top 3 - Godskin Peeler Dex PvP Build
Here we share pure dex build using only the best dexterity weapon - Godskin Peeler. What makes Godskin Peeler outstanding is its great weapon skill - Black Flame Tornado, it enables the character to surround themselves with a cyclone of black flames that harms adversaries across a large area of effect. This weapon's skill provides great damage, especially against late-game bosses with their absurdly high health bars, and its highly quick moveset lets you deal many hits to an opponent in a relatively short period of time.
Build Setup (125 Level)
- Vigor: 48
- Mind: 12
- Endurance: 27
- Strength: 10
- Dexterity: 85
- Intelligence: 10
- Faith: 8
- Arcane: 9
- Weapon: Godskin Peeler +25 (Right Hand), Keen Shamshir +25 (Left Hand), Keen Shamshir +25 (Left Hand), Erdtree Seal (Left Hand)
- Armor: Finger Maiden Fillet / Nox Swordstress Armor / Guardian Bracers / Nox Monk Greaves
- Talisman: Crimson Amber Medallion +2, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Millicent's Prosthesis, Shard of Alexander
- Flask: Thorny Cracked Tear, Stonebarb Cracked Tear
Top 4 - Sword of Night and Flame Mage PvP Build
This is a mage build that has high intelligence but is also heavily involved with the gods. These types of Mages are shunned by everyone for their lack of moral code but they are specialized in very potent magic arts and possess rare weapons that are so diverse and lethal they destroy everyone instantly. There's only one weapon in the game that comes with scaling in both fiath and intelligence, this is the sword of Knight and Flame. If you remember when Elden Ring launched, the Sword of Knight and Flame was one of the strongest weapons in the game but then it was completely nerfed, the sword barely lasts for three weeks enjoying its popularity afterwards it went missing from the and a few people that still wielded this sword after that dark day. But now it's about seven months later and recently a batch went live changing Sword of Knight and Flame yet, again for the third time giving it multiple buffs and it is now back with a vengeance because this sword is incredibly powerful again, add to that that a lot of sorceries and incantations that scale with int and faith got a buff as well, making an end faith build now more interesting than it has ever been.
Build Setup (150 Level)
- Vigor: 19
- Mind: 15
- Endurance: 14
- Strength: 13
- Dexterity: 17
- Intelligence: 24
- Faith: 24
- Arcane: 9
- Weapon: Sword of Night and Flame +6 (Right Hand), Prince of Death's Staff +16 (Left Hand), Meteorite Staff (Left Hand)
- Armor: Royal Remains Helm / Royal Remains Armor / Royal Remains Gloves / Royal Remains Greaves
- Talisman: Radagon's Soreseal, Carian Filigreed Crest
- Flask: Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Crystal Tear
Top 5 - Bloody Helic Arcane PvP Build
The Bloody Helice is one of the best PVP weapons in Elden Ring, it has standard and piercing pure physical damage and passive blood loss build up that scales with arcane, but the strongest feature of this weapon is the unique skill dynast finesse which allows you to Nimble Dodge an incoming attack securing some distance from the enemy and follow up with a long-range forward thrust. You can also continue the combo with two additional hits one trust and one slash for maximum damage and blood loss triggered. We will also use the Dragon Communion Seal that scales with Arcane, so we can have access to some supporting incantations.
Build Setup (150 Level)
- Vigor: 40
- Mind: 20
- Endurance: 32
- Strength: 16
- Dexterity: 38
- Intelligence: 7
- Faith: 16
- Arcane: 60
- Weapon: Bloody Helice +10 (Right Hand), Dragon Communion Seal +10 (Left Hand)
- Armor: Bull-Goat Helm / Bull-Goat Armor / Bull-Goat Gloves / Bull-Goat Greaves
- Talisman: Great-Jar's Arsenal, Shard of Alexander, Pearldrake Talisman, Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
- Incantations: Gloden VoW, The Flame of Frenzy, Frenzy Burst, Lord's Heal