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Today we are going to be showing you the storm blade build in Elden Ring after level 150. This is a build that can be used all throughout the game. A lot of people have been asking for a build that you can use at the beginning of the game or a low level build in addition to the new game plus builds, and in this build, we want to show you a build that you can basically use from the very beginning of the game all the way through NG and into NG plus.
Best Elden Ring 1.8 Stormblade Build Guide (Level 150) - How To Storm Blade Build 1.08
How To Make Stormblade Build Work
Ash of War: Storm Blade
This is an ash of war that was actually buffed with patch 1.07, it's had its motion speed and range of the projectile increase as well as the damage detection of the weapon part added meaning. If you connect with the weapon and the projectile both will deal damage, previously it was only of the projectile and also the delay between the ends of various actions and being able to use. This skill has been reduced meaning that like you can roll and use it faster or do a regular attack and use it faster, so it's just easier to use in general. All of this is great the kicker here is the damage detection being added to the weapon itself. When you play this build, you have a ranged option by using stormblade obviously that that gives your melee build a ranged option but where this build really shines and where it really melts bosses as that Point Blank Range when you're connecting with both the projectile and the weapon at the same time.
Knight's Greatsword
Banished Knight’s Greatsword
Iron Greatsword
Flamberg is by no means the only weapon you can use for this build. So first of all, stormblade itself's damage doesn't seem to increase or decrease much or hardly at all depending on what weapon you're using. If you're using a weapon with the same scaling at the same stats, it doesn't seem to matter the damage comes out to be about the same. It might be a few points different here and there on different weapons. It doesn't seem to matter, you're going to get the same damage if you're using the same scaling and the same stats with whatever weapon you're using. So that's not really a factor. Where it really comes into play is when you're getting those Point Blank hits, the damage of the weapon itself comes into play here, so if you're using a weapon that deals less damage on average for a regular attack, you're gonna get less damage when you connect with attacks than if you're using a weapon that has higher base attack ratings. So great swords are gonna outperform katanas generally and katanas are going to outperform straight swords Etc. So you can't use twin blades or colossal swords for this.
So these are the weapon types you're going to use, maybe curve swords or curved great swords, but the attack ratings of higher weapons are going to outperform those of lower weapons. And additionally, the attack speed of stormblade is the same no matter what weapon type you're using. So if you can attack faster with an R1 of a weapon press like if a curve sword or a dagger, then it's probably not as good to use stormblade because stormblade really excels with weapons that attack slower and great sword attacks are a little bit slower than storm blade's use. So not only are you going to get more damage per hit by using a great sword when you're up Point Blank, but you're also going to attack faster than you would with regular great sword attacks meaning it's better to just use this as your attack if you're point blank than it is to attack with a regular attack. And that's also because the damage is higher with stormblade than a regular R1 would be anyway.
There are arguably better great swords with higher attack rating that you can use for this build like the knight's great sword which has longer rage. Banished Knight’s greatsword, iron greatsword. All these are arguably better choices if you're going for a first playthrough.
Finger Seal: When it comes to the seal for this build, using the finger seal and that's because we have 25 Faith here, we don't have very high faith, we have just enough to use Golden Val in these spells, so we don't really need a lot of faith as we move forward and progress this build further into NG plus you'll keep increasing your faith.
Armor for Storm Blade Build 1.08
When it comes to the armor set for this build, using the night set, this was patched in 1.07 to give you exactly 51 points. It's a very light armor set for 51 poise, it's easy to get and this will allow you to get one attack off or one storm blade off through one regular attack without being interrupted which comes into handy on the landscape and also comes in handy in boss fights when you're just spamming L2.
Stormblade Talismans
Shard of Alexander: To further increase storm blade damage.
Ritual Sword Talismanl: To give you even more damage with it, you don't tend to get hit that often with this build because you tend to stay at range most of the time unless you're like rushing a boss and getting up close to him. In that case you might make some trades and you might want to swap it off.
Millicent’s Prosthesis: This gives you 5 dexterity, the flamberg scales off dexterity, that gives us extra damage that the flamberg which translates to extra damage with stormblade and it also increases our damage if we hit rapidly. When your point blank with stormblade you get, you'll build this up but otherwise you're not going to get much out of this. So it's primarily for the dexterity.
Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman: This is great for boss fights where you're not worried about regaining FP from killing enemies and extra protection comes in handy. But what you can do besides using this one in this place is you can either put carry and filigree crest which will reduce the initial cost of storm blade to 10 or from 10 to 8 and then successive strikes from 6 to 5. Or you can use Ancestral Spirit’s Horn which will give you 3 FP or you can replace Millicent's Prosthesis and the Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman with both of these talismans to give you further FP cost savings.
Level 150 Stormblade Attributes & Stats
Vigor: 50
Mind: 25
Endurance: 28
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 80
Intelligence: 16
Faith: 25
Arcane: 10