In today’s guide, we’ll be going over how to get all your badges maxed out fast, the best methods to do everything in NBA 2K23 and try to make it as easy as possible for you to finish your builds.
Fastest Way To Get Max Badges in NBA 2K23 - How To Get Maxed Badges on NBA 2K23 Next Gen
One of the most frustrating aspects of NBA 2K23 can be grinding badges. However, it need not take an eternity. Here we have the fastest max badges method, so look no further.
Before diving into the method, there are certain things you can do in advance to make sure you're set up to achieve the most success possible. The first thing you should do is join a team with excellent passers or dunkers. Then, before you reach your initial 90 overall, work on improving your three-point shot, driving dunk, pass accuracy, acceleration, defensive rebound and speed stats to a respectable level (70s or 80s). Finally, set the game difficulty to the highest that is comfortable for you to consistently make shots and the Quarter Length to 12 Minutes. This maximizes the MyPoints and VC you earn per play.
1. Fastest Way To Get Max Playmaking Badges in NBA 2K23
When you make your build, try to at least upgrade your pass accuracy to a 47. Because once it's a 47, you can throw lobs a lot better and you also unlock special delivery bronze and it helps out a lot whenever you're trying to throw lobs. So here comes the method on how to maximize the amount of lobs throw, the actual method of how to throw the oops.
All you want to be doing is standing right above the hash, doesn't matter which side and you want to call for a center or someone on your team that can dunk the ball really good. So in this case, number 30 has a really high driving done, it's like an 80 or 86. So tap L1 on controller and pull up the icons, it's L1, then R1 and then you choose whoever you want to set the screen for you. When you do that, you are a whole triangle and it tells him to set you the screen. So he's going to come and send you the screen. And once he gets right there like you don't want him to fully set the screen, once it gets like right about to, you want to tell him to cut and to tell them to cut you just tap L1. So in this case, it didn't happen when tapped L1 you see the little mini popped up, but either way he's still cut and it's an easy done.
2. Fastest Way To Get Max Finishing Badges in NBA 2K23
With the finishing badges, you want to equip Aerial Wizard at least silver or bronze, you don't need a gold. Slithery also helps as well, you don't need Limitless because you're not taking Limitless dunks. You don't need Pro Touch, you don't need Posterizer. Just equip Slither or Aerial Wizard, those are the only two badges you need for this. Also if you can buy the alley-oop packages like Zion Williamson, Elite, or the Pro Contact, put them on.
The method for finishing maxed-out badge is really easy. All you want to do is stand the same place where you're calling for the screen for playmaking. Just like a little bit extended out the wing and you want to tap L1, so when you tap L1, there is a little circle, it's pretty much calling for a back door screen. So when you call for that back door screen, Dennis shooter is going to run up, set that screen. Defender gets hit by it call for it by double tap and triangle, time it, easy as that. Once again, you just want to make sure that the person at the top of the key is not moving, because LeBron has this ball and he's starting to move forward, he might try to score the ball. So make sure that person at the top of the key is not moving, call tap L1, he didn't even set the screen but it was open anyways still call for it. Once again, tap L1, Pat Bev set the screen didn't work, call for it again, Dennis Schroeder is trying to score but we get open.
If you know the Takeover glitch, put on that takeover for whatever you're doing. So if you're getting your play making badges, put one play take, if you're getting your shooting badges, put on sharp tape. So that’s the method to get finishing badges maxed in NBA 2K23.
3. Fastest Way To Get Max Shooting Badges in NBA 2K23
For the shooting method, you really don't even need any badges to be real with you. In 2K23, there's not really like badges that you need, they're pretty much badges that just help you, like in other 2Ks you needed certain badges, you don't need any of these. But getting into the method, all you want to do is just make sure you have the ball, and so the AI he was crowding crazy on this play, it was that Jamal Murray, all you want to is do a snatch back shoot. So we got a steal, we got it on ball, a 99 steal would take, open three shoot, literally to get your shooting badges, shoot. But you want to make sure you're making your shots, so do a little snatch back on Nikola, it's green. That's literally the method to get your shooting badges. So if you do this, you could score like 130 points just doing snatch back, step backs alone green. This is on Hall of Fame. Once again, you don't need to touch the difficulty, keep it on Hall of Fame, do your snatch back, you're going to be making shots if you time it right.
Bonus tip to get maxed badges shooting: Put on sharp take if you need to or shot create and take whatever, do the snatchbacks and it's green pretty much every single time. Shooting is by far the easiest ones to get.
4. Fastest Way To Get Max Defense Badges in NBA 2K23
It’s not hard but it takes the longest. You don't need specific badges, you're probably not going to have many like starting out. But if you can't get glove, put glove on, maybe Interceptor on, these are going to help you get on ball steals, bump steals, lane steals, blocks. So go over the method of getting the defensive badges maxed in NAB 2K23.
Mostly bait out shots from your match-up and close out to contest them. Essentially, whether you're defending on-ball or off, you'll want to sag off them enough to get them to start up a shot, then contest them to make them miss. If your build can get Steals easily, another tip is calling for a Half Court Trap Defensive Set. This causes your teammates to double the ball, allowing you to play the passing lane for steals. For those on Next Gen, be sure to advantage of those team practices, Coach Drills and Chris Brickley drills in-between NBA games as well.

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