The Elden Ring magic type tier list 2023 provides you with an overview of the best spells, incantations and sorceries for PVE & PVP. Learn which are the best magic spells in Elden Ring.
Elden Ring Magic Type Tier List 2023 - Ranking Every Magic Type From Worst to Best in Elden Ring
Magic plays a significant role in both combat and exploration. And it can be a challenging and strategic element of the gameplay, rather than a straightforward tool for defeating enemies. What is the best type of magic in Elden Ring? Check this ranking tier list for magic types, and find the Elden Ring's best sorcery spells for PVP/PVE.
C Tier Magic Type in Elden Ring 2023
Aberrant Sorceries
It’s a C tier magic, there are only two options and both are extremely mid, Briars of Punishment is okay. Briars of Sin is not really that great, Briars of Punishment is kind of of cool like in arenas and stuff like that, but it needs to do more damage and should not take away your health.
Claymen Sorceries
There are 2 options, Great Oracular Bubble and Oracle Bubbles. One is at the Arcane scaling or the Arcane requirement doesn't help it at all, being that there aren't really many Arcane slash intelligence weapons out there, so this type of spells are pretty much useless in that regard. They do decent damage however, they're still very slow and they do stagger nicely. But there's not much use for them in terms of most builds out there.
Full Moon Sorceries
The full moon sorceries don't like them at all, other than the fact that they kind of look cool and they go pretty full in terms of their distance. Both of them are kind of mid, way too high of a requirements, way too high FP costs for a hell like what they actually do, they need to have a larger AOE, they need to travel quicker on release as well.
Loretta’s Sorceries
Put them into C tier. It's good for horseback combat. There are two options, Loretta’s Greatbow and Loretta’s Mastery.
Servants of Rot Incantations
This one's probably just a C tier. Pest Threads is the only thing keeping it from going to the D tier. Pest Threads is very good at melting bosses but the rest of these options are very poor. Poison Armament doesn't even give you more damage, Poison Mist is useless.
B Tier Best Magic Spells Elden Ring
Crystalian Sorceries
There are 3 options, Crystal Release, Crystal Torrent, and Shattering Crystal.
Death Sorceries
Put this into the B tier, there is a couple of good options with Ancient Death Rancor and Explosive Ghostflame, Fla’s Mist is useless to you. Tibia’s Summons are still useless as well, but your Ancient Death Rancor is probably one of the best tracking spells that you can get, and Explosive Ghostflame is very powerful, it does a lot of damage, obviously expect into the correct build, however intelligence and faith builds are not really existent into this game. There are only weapon that you can use, so having a build around this is not really that great.
Night Sorceries
They're only going to get a B tier, but the reason they get a B tier is because there's one spell in particular, there's a lot of damage. But Ambush Shot is very mid, doesn't really do its job correctly, too much FP, doesn't do enough damage for what it actually is supposed to do, it's really sold as a PVP type as well but it's very easy to dodge. Eternal Darkness is way too nice for to be usable. Knight Comet is by far like the best spell kill, probably one of the best spells in the entire game. It works like regular comet, however it just doesn't do as much damage, doesn't go as far but enemies don't input rated and dodge. Knight Shard works the same way as Knight Comet, enemies can't dodge it, but it doesn't really do that much damage. Unseen Blade is useless, Unseen Form is almost useless.
Frenzied Flame Incantations
This one is at B tier. Frenzied Burst is a good stiping options probably like the longest range incantation. Unendurable Frenzy is okay as well, but a lot of these other ones are just not that viable in PVE, so it's probably just a B tier.
Golden Order Incantations
With how bad holy damage is at the end of the game, we can' put this one that high, it's probably just a B tier. Triple Rings of Light can be a very nice but they do require intelligence and there aren't many viable options for an intelligence and faith build as it pertains to weapons. So being that holy damage is ass at the end game, all these options are mid. So the B tier is as high as it can get.
Two Fingers Incantations
It just gives you a bunch of buffs, that can go to the B tier.
A Tier Best Type of Magic Elden Ring
Gravity Sorceries
There are a couple of problems we have with these. Collapsing stars is cool like that it's very situational in terms of trying to pull enemies towards everyone, ledge kill them or whatnot. A Meteorite and Meteorite of Astel are very good in terms of high damaging, the only problem with Meteorite of Astel is that it consumes way too much FP, if it consumed a little bit less and it can probably one of the best spells in the entire game, because it does a lot of damage. Rock Sling is very good for posture breaking enemies. So all in all, this magic is very solid, it's an A tier.
Magma Sorceries
They can go into the A tier. The spells themselves are kind of mid, but the concept of having to do fire damage, part of an intelligence build, is kind of cool because you only really get like nothing but magic spells. So having fire spells is very nice. The faith requirements can be a bit of a downside, however it doesn't require that much faith like the highest one is 18. And the good thing is that at 15 faith you can get the incantation flame grammy strength which that inherently boosts your fire damage that will work well. Anyway, you actually do benefit off putting a little bit of stats into faith with this build if you are going to use this. There are a plenty of options to choose, Gelmir’s Fury, Magma Shot, Roiling Magma, Rykards Rancor.
Snow Witch Sorceries
Adula’s Moonlight did get enough to us, Freezing Mist doesn't do damage while you're inside the mist. Frozen Armament doesn't buff you with more damage, it just adds frost to it, kind of useless. Zamor Ice Storm has been due to trash, should be a much larger AOE.
Bestial Incantations
Put it into the A tier, it got nerfed way too many times for it to be usable anymore. Beast Claw is very good now, Stone of Gurranq is still a very good range option and Beast Vitality is the longest period of time in terms of health regen last like a minute 30. Those 3 spells are very good. Gurrang’s Beast Claw is mid, but be still sling got enough way too many times in both PVE and PVP.
Blood Incantations
Probably another A-tier, once again the nerfs stopped it from being an S tier. Bloodboon has terrible hit detection, doesn't have much range, very hard to use. Bloodflame Blade is absolutely amazing, you buff your weapon with fire as well as buffing it with a bleed as well and it's like the bleed over time which is very cool. Bloodflame Talons is a very solid melee option. Very cheap, very quick cost does fire damage very well and it blades up very quickly also and it staggers enemies nicely as well. Swarm of Flies has got enough to the ground.
Erdtree Incantations
Put into the S tier purely because of Golden Vow, but it has Elden Stars it drops it down to the A tier. The Aspect of the Crucible Breath indications are okay, the Aspect of the Crucible Horns is okay, they're not that bad, Crucible Horns goes pretty far and posture breaks nicely. Black Blades kind of mid because it does holy damage something great in PVE. Wrath of Gold is not that bad as well.
Fire Monk Incantations
This one's probably just an A tier. Catch Flame is by far the best one, but O,Flame is okay, Flame Sling is just mid, Surge, O Fames, Flame,Clease Me, Flame Deadly Sin is trash unless you use the glitch, then it's absolutely busted and broken and then Flame,Grant Me Strenth is good buffing option, so just a solid A tier.
S Tier Best Sorceries & Incantations Elden Ring
Carian Sorceries
Put straight into S tier. There are plenty of good options, Carian Slicer is probably like the best sorcery in the entire game. The Phalanx ones are okay, they do their job in flight going, it's like a new area for the first time. Carian Pieces is very good for staggering enemies as is Carian Greatsword.
Glinstone Sorceries
Comet is absolutely amazing best PVP sorcery in Elden Ring, there's a bunch of just decent ranged options like Glinstone Pebble and stuff like that. Terra Magica is obviously like a guaranteed to have in any single type of magic build. Cannon of Haima is good for role catching and PVP. Cavel of Haima is good for posture breaking and things. Rock Blaster is kind of cool, a lot of the other ones are all literally the exact same. But there are some cool tracking spells as well. It's a solid magic type overall.
Primeval Sorceries
This one probably gets an A tier. Comet Azur is obviously the best one, it's a solid S tier, it pretty much like cheeses the entire game, you can melt a lot of different bosses, it does consume a lot of FP, it has high requirements and you can't really move it at all once you do cast it. But once you time it correctly, use it against a large bosses is going to melt them very quickly. Founding Rain of Stars is complete due to trash like terrible hit detection, terrible damage. Stars of Run is no longer as good but it's still okay in terms having a tracking spell, but it does consume 32 FP which is way too high.
Dragon Communion Incantations
It did receive its fair share of nerfs as well, but it's probably still an S tier because there are very good options, so you can have any single type of element, you can do frost damage, you can do scarlet rot. Greyoll’s Roar still like one of the best debuffs in the entire game, Dragonclaw is very good for posture breaking enemies, you can still proc Scarlet Rot.
Dragon Cult Incantations
Another S tier, probably the best spell in Elden Ring. All of them are very good, you have good melee AOE options, you have a very good high damaging AOE options, you have very good buffs and you probably have the best range incantation that you can get in Lightning Spear and you also have another range speed that can process as well, very nice wide variety, not many enemies in this game are resistant to lightning, so it's a very solid magic type.
Fire Giant Incantations
This one's just an A tier. Burn, O Flame is a really solid AOE spell, it's probably just as good as Ancient Dragons’ Lightning Strike, probably even better in some cases. Flame of the Fell God is bad though but Flame Fall Upon Them is a very solid AOE spell. Giantflam Take Thee is very good as well.
Godskin Apostle Incantations
Give it an S tier. It has everything, Black Flame is a very solid range option, all of these spells obviously do that decrease and damage over time as well and percentile damage over time. Noble Presence is very underrated, does very nice posture damage. Scouring Black Flame although has some weird hit detection issues when you're fighting up or downhill, still does decent damage. Black Flame Ritua is kind of trash, Black Flame protections are very good defensive spell.

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