In this article, we are going to show you early-game Elden Ring rune farms in 1.09, including four rune farming glitches that are still working in 2023 after Patch 1.09.
Elden Ring 1.09 Rune Farm 2023 - Working Rune Farm Glitches After Patch 1.09
The rune farming glitch in Mohgwyn Palace is one of the most popular methods to do. The good news is that it still works in Elden Ring 1.09. In order to get to Mohgwyn Palace, you need to talk to white mask and beat Margit and Godrick, after you beat Godrick, the white mask will move, but before he moves to right there, you have to go to Roundtable Hold and talk to the Two Fingers, then go to the Rose Church and complete the questline until he gives you a Medallion that will teleport you, all you got to do is walk up these stairs, grab the map, take a left and get this Grace, once you're at this Grace, you are ready to start the rune farms. In terms of early-game rune farm in Elden Ring, here are four glitches by CrazySwayn that are working in the game after Patch 1.09.
1.09 Rune Farm Glitch 1
For the first one, all you're going to do is jump down the cliff and go directly to the left of the stump, then you're gonna use that tree, jump once, jump twice, and land, once you are land, all you're going to do is keep jumping until you get up to a darker gray rock, jump twice and swing every three to five seconds, you're gonna fall for about a minute to a minute and a half and you'll get about 100 to 150K Elden Ring runes. You're going to keep falling just a little bit longer to get more runes, once you get those runes, all you got to do is pull up your map and go back to the Dynasty Mausoleum entrance, once you do that, you are ready to do the next rune farm.
1.09 Rune Farm Glitch 2
For the second rune farm glitch, you're gonna jump off the cliff, run directly forward, turn left, and stay up against the cliff, a skull will spawn every now and then, all you're going to do is keep jumping and then up, he's gonna shoot the laser but you will already be out of range, you should be good once you get up, then all you're going to do is fall to the ledge and then jump twice, like the last one, you're going to swing every three to five seconds and you're gonna be falling for about a minute to a minute and a half, this allows you to get 150 to 200K runes.
1.09 Rune Farm Glitch 3
Go back to the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum, to do the third rune farm glitch, all you have to do is go directly the way again, hop on torrent and you're going to go up against this cliff, but instead of keep going left, you're gonna go straight behind the front guy, you're going to end up at a tree, you're going to come directly and jump twice to this ledge, once you are up, you're just going to keep jumping all the way up until you see a hole, it means you're in the right spot. Then what you should do is jump once, save your double jump, and jump again, swing every three to five seconds and you're gonna fall for about a minute to a minute and a half just like the other two.
1.09 Rune Farm Glitch 4
For the last one, you are actually going to go to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road, once you get here, you're going to come directly to the right of the rock, drop down, sprint forward, jump once and jump twice to land on a rock, you're gonna stay up along this cliff until you get up, jump once save your double jump and jump twice, you're going to fall for about a minute and a half to two minutes on this one, you're gonna swing every three to five seconds until the level deloads and then you will get your runes.

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