For those of you unfamiliar with the old Star Wars EU. Darth Krayt was the “Dragon of the Sith” in the times of the New Republic. We wanted to make a Sith Lord build, but since all the skills are dragon-based, the name fits. So we put this build together and it's so ungodly powerful that we decided to write it down. First time doing something like this. If needed, this build can tank through an absolute beating and hit like an absolute freight train. If you want to be a Sith Lord in Elden Ring, this is the build for you.
Attribute & Stats
Primary Stat - Faith: Get this to 80
Secondary Stats - Vigor/Mind: This will largely be a “you decide” area, with black flame protection and med armor you can get away with lower vitality but if you find yourself running out of mana throw more points in mind.
Vigor: 46
Mind: 46
Endurance: 12
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 16
Intelligence: 10
Faith: 80
Arcane: 9
Weapon 1: Gravel Stone Seal +24/25
Weapon 2: Erdtree Seal +9/10
Any set w/ good poise that allows you to Med Roll, the highest poise set w/ lowest weight, we’ve found is Malaketh’s Armor but we're sure there are other options.
We recommend the Bull-Goat talisman for clearing mobs/legacy dungeons as this will allow you to poise through a beating to get your spells off. Godfrey’s Icon is the boss killer or for when you have your tank ash summoned.
1. Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman - 20% Physical Damage Reduction
2. Flock’s Canvas Talisman - 8% Bonus to Incantation Potency
3. Lightning Scorpion Charm - 15% Bonus to Lightning Damage
4. Godfrey’s Icon - Raises AP of Charged Spells/Skills by 15%
1. Golden Vow - 15% damage and 10% defense increase
a. 80 sec duration
2. Black Flame’s Protection - 35% Physical Damage Reduction, Reduces heal by 20%
a. Duration - 30 seconds
3. Fortissax’s Lightning Spear - Conjures 2 Lightning Spears that strike the ground around the caster. Grants extra armor, damage reduced w/ distance from caster.
a. Main Damage Dealer on smaller Enemies
4. Lansseax’s Glave - Conjures large lightning sword in 1 hand that sweeps in front of caster
a. Excellent frontal Cleave w/ knockback
b. Poor single target damage
5. Ancient Dragons’ Lightning Striike - Conjures lightning “storm” of strikes that proceed outward from caster in all directions.
a. Larger/Huge enemy Mulcher
b. The stirkes hit independently so this will one shot dragons
6. Frozen Lightning Spear - Conjures spear that strikes ground and creates approx. 10 meter ground that after a brief moment strikes again.
a. This spell applies frostbite
i. Frostbite lowers the target’s defenses, applying this to enemies that have higher defenses is crucial
b. Frost/Lightning Damage
7. Death Lightning - Conjures Lightning storm of caster that deals fire and lightning damage. strikes 3m diameter, applies 50 death blight initially and a remaining cloud that deal 30 per tick for around 8 seconds
8. Lightning Spear - Hurl Lightning Spear
a. Trash Clearer
b. Enemy finisher
c. Does respectable damage, easy to get off if you’re finding you’re having trouble with an enemy (fast attack speed, 2 health left etc)
9. Flex
a. We use another erdtree incantation here, I picked heal because it heals for about as much as my flask does at this point in the game and we prefer to have it as an option if we run out of health flasks.
Your choice, but we lean towards mana with 4 charges in crimson vial and the rest in blue.
Lhutel the Headless - Arguably the best Tank ash in the game.
Physick Flask
Lightning Shrouding Cracked Tear/Cerulean Hidden Tear (boost lightning dmg/eliminates FP cost for a short time).
The way this build works takes some getting used to but you can pretty much face roll most content. Because of the high stat requirement and the fact most of the equipment/incantations are late game this is only going to work around lvl 140-150 or higher.
This is NOT a ranged caster build. These abilities are meant to be used in melee range w/ the exception of lightning spear and to an extent Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Strike. That is why we go for such high defense and poise. w/ Black flame protection and the bull-talisman you can constantly spam Forty’s spear w/o getting interrupted or taking any real damage.
If you have an enemy who’s resistant to lightning you can switch to fire giant incantations and swap the lightning scorpion for fire scorpion.
You’re basically gonna want to always keep Golden Vow up and use Black Flame Protection before boss fights/enemies that hit hard. Summon spirit ash when you want to have a tank cause being able to spam these spells is your goal.
Large Enemies will be erased when fully buffed w/ a charged Ancient Dragons’ Lighting Strike and Godfrey’s Icon.
Fortissax’s Lightning Spear does massive damage to single targets/small groups that are right up on you.
Death Lightning is a good fire damage option and deals a ton of damage but has limited range. Deathblight build up is a nice touch.
Frozen Lightning Spear applies frostbite and should be cast on a boss first if possible. Useful for hallway clearing as the “cone” of the attack isn’t very wide.
Lansseax’s Glaive - Great cleave option when needed, also knocks back.