For Season 4, the developers should consider a few more improvements to the Barbarian's repertoire to further expand build diversity.
Leaper Barbarian
The Leaper Barbarian is a high mobility build that jumps in a pack of monsters inflicting massive damage to a single target, yet the AoE damage is very subpar in the current state. The developers could add a new War Cry synergy to boost the AoE damage to help w/ swarming enemies.
Leap Attack Synergies
Leap: +10% Damage per level
War Cry: +10% AoE Damage per level
Singer Barbarian
The Singer Barbarian is a fun build, but the damage ultimately tops out a bit lower than one would like, making it less than optimal. To improve War Cry, the developers could replace Battle Cry synergy w/ Grim Ward as it doesn't benefit from lowering enemy defense, but it does benefit from reducing enemy physical resist. As War Cry damage is insanely low and the fact monsters can block you, the new Grim Ward synergy would help make monsters more vulnerable by making skill unblockable. Lastly, adjust other two synergies as follows.
War Cry Synergies
Howl: +10% Damage per level
Taunt: +10% Damage per level
Grim Ward: -5% Enemy Block Chance per level
Concentrate Barbarian
If you’re a Concentrate Barbarian, you’re going to want to use Iron Skin to maximize your defense. Therefore, it makes sense to replace the Bash synergy w/ Iron Skin as it better compliments the skill while adjusting the other synergies as shown below...
Concentrate Synergies
Battle Orders: +15% Damage per level
Berserk: +3% Magic Damage per level
Iron Skin: +1% PDR per level
Frenzy Barbarian
With the high attack and movement speed of the Frenzy Barbarian, this character can quickly dispatch his foes. The main drawback of this skill is the sheer number of skill points required to maximize frenzy damage, often requiring you to sacrifice Battle Orders. To improve Frenzy, the developers should remove Taunt synergy and adjust other synergies as follows.
Frenzy Synergies
Double Swing: +15% Damage per level
Berserk: +3% Magic Damage per level
Increased Stamina: +0.4 Seconds per level
Whirlwind Barbarian
The Whirlwind Barbarian is an iconic build that revolves around Whirlwind, a skill that allows the Barbarian to move and attack simultaneously. Weapon selection for this skill is greatly affected by Increased Attack Speed (IAS) along with the natural base weapon speed. Therefore, to help slow 2H-weapons become more competitive with this build, the developers should consider a new synergy with Increased Speed as shown below.
Whirlwind Synergy
Increased Speed: +1% IAS per level (1H-weapons) and +2% IAS per level (2H-weapons).
Bash Barbarian
Saved the best for last. In all seriousness, this is not even a build, but we can all agree Bash is one of the worst skills in the game. With that said, the developers could improve Bash by changing the useless Stun synergy w/ Battle Cry and now this opens up new possibilities as no monster is immune to the effects of Battle Cry, not even bosses. Adding crushing blow as the synergy bonus is a thematic change and could now be a poor man's uber killer. Lastly, Bash should get a damage synergy bonus from Double Swing like the way Double Swing gets one from Bash in lieu of the Concentrate synergy as follows.
Bash Synergies
Battle Cry: +1% Crushing Blow per level
Double Swing: +5% Damage per level

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