With this overpowered Elden Ring 1.09 Dex build, you can play through the game easier and get more fun from leveling.
Elden Ring 1.09 Dex Build - Best Dexterity Build in Elden Ring 2023
The whole Dexterity build in Elden Ring is around with the following weapon that you can get early on in the game, along with best talismans, ash of war, stats, armor, summons, etc. Here are two versions of the build, one of them is going to be the leveling option and the other one is an endgame build about level 130 to 150.
1. Stats
- Vigor 45
- Mind 20
- Endurance 35
- Strength 20
- Dexterity 68
- Intelligence 9
- Faith 8
- Arcane 20
2. Weapon & Ash of War
- Guardian’s Keen Swordspear +25: it is one of the best scaling weapons with dexterity, and you can get it super early game on the border of Limgrave and Caelid by farming the Guardians that are on the trail down to the Erdtree. This weapon makes killing bosses and NPCs extraordinarily easy. It is going to have physical damage of 312 plus 425 at the end game, and it's also going to have a dexterity scaling of A, which is absolutely phenomenal, it only takes 17 strength and 16 dexterity to wield this weapon, making it one of the most overpowered weapons you can get in Elden Ring.
- Sword Dance: the Ash of War is what you need to make this build as good as it can be when you are leveling. Once you get that, you're gonna put that on your Swordspear.
3. Leveling Talismans
- Radagon’s Soreseal: this is going to greatly increase your attributes, but it's also going to increase the damage you take, so the attributes that it increases are vigor, endurance strength, and dexterity, and it's going to increase those by five, and then it's also going to increase your damage taken by 15. In the early game to mid-game, this is a really solid talisman to use because you're not going to be taking a ton of damage from NPCs and you kill them so fast.
- Arsenal Charm: this is going to raise our maximum equip load and that's only going to make it easier for us to dual wield both of these Swordspears and use a little bit of beefy armor.
- Axe Talisman: this is going to enhance your charge attacks by 10 this is going to enhance your Ash of War and the skill that you're using with these weapons.
- Green Turtle Talisman: this is going to raise your stamina recovery speed, with this build, you are going to need as much eminently as humanly possible.
4. Endgame Talismans
- Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman: it's going to enormously boost your physical damage negation and what that means is you are going to take 20 percent less damage from bosses and from NPCs, this is going to help us out a ton in the end-game.
- Erdtree’s Favor +2: this is going to raise your maximum HP, stamina, and equip load, it is going to increase your HP by 4%, your stamina by 10% and your equipped load by 8%.
- Axe Talisman: keep this talisman on because it makes your Ash of War hit a lot harder.
- Rotten Winged Sword Insignia: this is going to greatly increase attack power with successive attacks, the more attacks you do, the higher the attack power boost you're gonna get.
5. Armor
The Crucible Tree set is used for this build, but you can use whatever armor you want.
6. Summons
- Mimic Tear Ashes +10
- Marionette Soldier Ashes
- Omenkiller Rollo +10