Our Pindle farming Zerker barb focuses on stacking big MF, while still doing plenty of damage. Perfect for target farming champs/elites as Berserk sucks for clearing all mobs anyways. Don't worry about magic immunes. So infrequently encountered that either just ignores them or let the merc do those.
-Helm: Cham'd Shako (Cham'd AFace is better DPS and other benefits, but we wanted big MF)
-Armor: Enigma - nothing else considered. MF and Tele. Fort sucks if you're wanting to Hork as it'll shatter corpses. Movement speed is EVERYTHING.
-Weapon: Grief
-Weapon 2: 6 Ist'd PB
-Swap Weapons: Dual Wizardspikes
-Amulet: Any +2 barb/5+fcr ammy (just want to hit the 105fcr breakpoint on swap). Highlords is better DPS, but again, movement is king.
-Rings: Dual 30MF Nagels.
-Gloves: Chancies (LoH is better DPS, but again, MF for me)
-Belt: Upped Goldwrap. Dungos or SoE is great if you're just playing the game though and not target farming.
-Boots: War Travs
Max Find Potion
Max Zerk
Max Sword Mastery
1 point to: everything down to Battle Command, Increased Stamina, Increased Speed, Iron Skin, Natural Res.
Then enough points to Find Item till you get that to 29 after BO so you're at the capped 75% chance to find item.
All remaining points to BO.
We do like 9k DPS to Pindle on Hell. 3 Hits and he's down. Maxroll 18k DPS to their target dummy at level 93. If you're just playing through the game with this build, WW is better IMO. Life Leach being a big one. Berserk shines for these target farming builds where you literally don't care about trash mobs and just Howl them all away before zerking down the elites.
-Zerker doesn't need any skills to deal with magic immunes - merk will kill them for u, just jump a few times around to stun them for him.
-Berserk has a huge percentage of % damage from skill and other sources, so 300% from Forti is a crapy buff, even LoH gives more. If using WW with Berserk, u can wear fortitude, it doubles your damage. We personally prefer skull.
-Berserk doesn't leech, so ignore life/mana leech gear.
-WW is an optional skill, but it would be 95% ww barb, which kills stone-skin mobs via berserk.
-A good source of antifreeze is Trang`s belt of Rhyme shield if you want to prevent mobs to shatter when chilled.
-Merk: Might/Healer 2a with insight and cure.

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