The time has come where so we could bring you a Diablo 4 endgame tier list for launch. We talk about the leveling process particularly the 1 to 70 process once you get to world tier 4, you start to unlock the build options for these really really amazing scaling classes, so we're going to break this tier D4 endgame list up into three parts, we're going to have the 1 to 70 or roughly early leveling process, we're going to have the end game pushing in a solo area and end game pushing for a group play.
Diablo 4 Best Endgame Class For Leveling, Solo & Group - D4 Endgame Tier List
Endgame is Nightmare Dungeons, nothing else is End Game, World bosses are not end game, hell tight zones are not end game the only other end game potential content is PVP and obviously, that's super unbalanced. You just have to go with the flow for PVP. But if for PVE, at least Nightmare Dungeons are going to be the goal. So when we consider late-game XP grind or late-game pushing, we consider nightmare dungeons and scaling up those tiers. With that said, let's start off with our Diablo IV leveling, solo, and group endgame class tier list!
Diablo 4 Leveling Tier List
S - Rogue
Rogue is still S Tier.
A - Sorcerer
Sorcerer however going to be dropped to A tier from S tier. There is a noticeable difference between the Sorcerer and Rogue. The Sorcerer has a lot of damage and lots of AOE which is very good. But this Rogue is just such good single-target damage and such good mobility. Before you get your mount, you're going to struggle to get through things as the Sorcerer or as any other class in fact.
B - Necromancer
Necromancer has very good damage. The problem with the Necromancer is that if they had some sort of way to boost their movement speed or to teleport or to dash, they'd be on the same tier as a Sorcerer. Why? Because they do almost as much damage if not more in some cases than the Sorcerer. But the problem is that they don't move, they just are slow and snaily and they just can't move anywhere.
C - Barbarian
Barb is going to be a c tier on this Diablo 4 tier list endgame. We don't think any class is D tier by the way because any class like doesn’t that hard. But Barb and Druid both struggle quite hard.
C - Druid
There's a discussion between which one's worse Barb or Druid, Druid is worse during the leveling process. The problem with Druid is that you really have to kind of play around these timing aspects which slow you down a ton. Whereas the Barbarian although you do a lot less damage than the previous aforementioned classes and you have to dive in to generate resources, you could actually alleviate that to some degree with some of the codex of power legendaries whereas the Druid kind of feels like you need those ones outside the codex to even be remotely powerful in terms of just start to scaling up.
Diablo 4 Endgame Solo Tier List
S - Barbarian
Barb S tier and in fact, they are the only S tier best D4 solo endgame class.
A - Druid
Druid is very good and people are commonly saying they're both S tier on the Diablo IV endgame tier list for solo. However, there's a noticeable difference between Barb and Druid. The thing with Barb is that they have one really strong build right now. Upheaval Barb is pretty okay, Rent Barb is pretty okay, and Hammer the Ancients is okay. They're solid builds and they do a lot of damage. But then there are some really gross Whirlwind aspects and uniques that just break the game. with those aspects and uniques which is why we have to get to world tier 4 to start to get to those pieces. We're just going to be absolutely destroying everything once we get them. The problem is that they have just such insane options with the aspects and that's what's breaking the Barb right now. They have four aspects on their weapons two two-handers and two one-handers, it is just destroying the game!
B - Rogue
Rogue is very good and tanky and that is something that's really important in the end game. When you're pushing nightmare dungeons that tier 100 is level 155. Going in there as a level 60 or 70 Rogue, you just get one shot. In fact, even if you're level 100 and you have a lot of damage reduction built into your kit, you're still almost getting one shot and in fact, you still can get one shot. So survivability is more important than anything generally speaking when it comes to pushing. If you're hardcore, that's all that matters. But if you're a softcore, nightmare dungeons have a revised counter, which means that you can only die so many times before you fail the dungeon. Survivability is going to be even more. Important. Not only about that but the Druid has some really really nice overpower, scaling mechanics, and just in general ramps up its AOE damage and even single turret damage a far more as you get later on in the game.
Rogue definitely earns B tier in D4 endgame class rankings solo. Rogue is your damage dealer, they do damage but the problem with that is that's the core and only thing they are offering even in solo play. But they don't really have a nice way to just stack damage reduction, besides the general use legendary items like the basic attacks generate damage reduction and attacks give you armor. Those are very good and they're very core aspects for the Rogue but the problem is their damage is good but their survivability is not as good and that's the key. In fact even with it comes to damage, the Barb outclasses the Rogue. If we're talking about farming nightmare dungeons, Rogue is still competitive and still very good and arguably better than the Druid in some scenarios. But when it comes to pushing solo, Rogue's going to be worse.
B - Sorcerer
We’re going to put them in the B tier as well along with the Rogue on the Diablo 4 endgame class tier list. The reason for this is they do good damage, they're safe they're really solid just to outrange your opponents and just to chill in the back line. But they're worse than the Rogue. The Rogue is going to have a couple of options, you can spec into a ranged favorite version to be similar to the Sorcerer. But if you go with a high-risk high reward melee payoff, you can actually outpace the Sorcerer by a good margin.
C - Necromancer
Necro is in a B tier and C tier kind of mix here. We put it on the C tier on the D4 Solo endgame tier list because the thing with Necromancer is that the minion build just dies when it comes to the end game. You can't minion build at all, it's not possible even earlier than that, it just dies. The only option you have is to play a Caster Sorcerer type build but you're a Necromancer. Which means you're just worse at it than the Sorcerer. So if Sorcerers are in the B tier, we’d put Necromancer C tier. Since you don't have as many survivability options as the Sorcerer, you don't have as many damage-amping options as the Sorcerer. Even though the Necromancer has a really nice use of vulnerability with their bone spear but between trapping builds on the Rogue, you're going to get a lot more damage and be able to run around. Sorcerer you're going to have that ranged Cannon effect and then you got Necro, we can't move can't run away from enemies which is a possibility that you have to do and they don't do as effectively as a Sorcerer when they're kind of playing the same class.
Diablo 4 Endgame Group Tier List
S - Barbarian
Barb is S tier on the D4 group endgame rankings. In the times where you're having the Barb in the game in your world ending, you run oftentimes multiple shouts in that build and you can offer so much support for your squad. Even if you don't want to run, let's say a whirlwind Barb and just one shot everything while also supporting your team, you could also just support your team with massive abilities to do so and you're going to do some really amazing things with the Barb in group play.
A - Druid
Druid is a step down for Barbarian group play since Barbarian is just that good. Druid has a lot of potential to give you damage direction for your team, a lot of ways to support your team in terms of just AOE CCing, ways to amp up and really crush through, and do offer a lot of damage and that's a key component as well. We're considering group play you need damage, you hope that people can support you while also doing damage or just straight up supporting you. Barbarian and Druid both do that where they actually offer some of the highest DPS while also supporting your team. Druid is going to be a tier.
A - Necromancer
Necro is A tier. Necro has such powerful supporting abilities for group play. Barb is one-shotting things, Druid doesn't really do that, and Necro they have the pixel pull, they can group everyone together and have people absolutely annihilate which is really good for Barb as well. They have things like bone prison which can really help out a lot, they have things like Decrepify they have things which can curse enemies right and offer extra damage to your team. This is a really powerful supporting class while also offering potentially permanent vulnerability across everyone with a bone spear. This is a really powerful group play class in Diablo 4. In fact, Necromancer has a problem where it does not support summon builds very well just in the game itself. It's not that the summons are bad, it's just that they scale so poorly. Overall, Necromancer actually ends up in the A tier in the D4 tier list endgame.
B - Rogue
Rogue is honestly the worst in group play. Here is the problem with the Rogue in group play, you have the Barbarian, why would you need a Rogue? The problem with them in group play is when you get to the end game pushing is like Barb's going to one-shot anything and everything anyways, why do you need a Rogue to kill things when Barb is one shotting and providing support and the Druid is providing support and doing good damage as well. Running a full trap support build Rogue slash DPS and that's probably worthy of a B tier for the Diablo IV endgame group rankings.
B - Sorcerer
Sorcerer does offer some CC potential, vulnerability potential, and just overall solid options for very base support. Not that you’re going to be setting up players, but you’re going to be contributing in terms of CC and options like that.

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