As people progress through Diablo 4, they're going to jump from World Tier 2 to World Tier 3. Most people will get there and feel weak. They'll rationalize in their head is because their level is low but the reason for this is more likely that you haven't been gearing properly. So today we want to go over how gearing is going to work in Diablo 4. Include all the different gear rarities, possible rolls, and how those are going to change once you get into the end game and start progressing through the world tiers.
Diablo 4 Gear Rarities
We have five different rarities of gear. We have a normal with no affixes, we have magic that can roll one to two affixes, we have rare that can roll two to six affixes, then we have a legendary that roll four affixes plus their legendary aspect, we have unique d4 items that aren't randomly rolled that are going to roll with four affixes and then their special power. But uniques are all statically rolled so if you get one unique it's always going to have the same affixes on it. Now gearing is going to change pretty significantly as you progress throughout the game.
Diablo 4 Gear Progression
Once you first start off the game, you're only going to be able to obtain normal up to legendary items. You have to complete the main campaign get to level 50 and complete the first caps on the dungeon which will unlock your world tier 3 and that will allow you to start obtaining unique items as well. So you're not going to start getting unique items until you get into the end game. Likewise, rare items are going to change pretty significantly as well. Because once you first start the game, rare items are only going to be able to roll with up to 3 affixes. But as you start to progress throughout the game and get into the end game, get into the higher world tiers, they will start to be able to roll with more affixes on them. Rare items are going to be some of the most important items in the game specifically because of how many affixes they can roll. But that's not where the changes are going to end because once you get into World Tier 3 and then into World Tier 4, you're actually going to get different tiers of these item Rarities. So magic, rare, legendary, and unique can be considered the base tier.
Diablo 4 Sacred & Ancestral Gear
Once you get into World Tier 3, you can start to get sacred items which are essentially a different tier of all of these base rarities. So you could get legendary sacred items, rare sacred items, and unique sacred items. What sacred items are going to do is allow these items to roll higher than the base versions could. So if you could compare a base legendary item with a sacred legendary item, the sacred legendary item could roll higher than that base legendary could actually roll and we don't know the exact amounts. Sacred legendary items could at the max be 20% better than just normal legendary items and that's going to end up meaning that these higher tiers have rarities that will just end up being better if you can get those better rolls on them.
Because they're not necessarily always going to roll better than the base rarities will, but that's just in world tier 3. Because once you get into world tier 4, you can also now get ancestral items that work as just a higher tier past sacred. Ancestral legendary items and ancestral are going to work exactly the same as sacred. So now the stats on that ancestral item can roll higher than sacred control but it doesn't mean it's always going to roll higher than sacred or normal legendary items. But there is one drawback with this you're not going to be able to take the legendary aspect from a base legendary and put that on a sacred item. So if you want to put a legendary aspect on a sacred piece of rare gear, you would have to get a sacred legendary item, take the aspect off and then put that on it. So these higher tiers have items that are kind of clumped into the same pool and you can't change legendary aspects between the different pools. On top of all these changes, you'll also continue to be able to get new unique items as you progress higher into the world tiers.
Diablo 4 Legendary Gear
Once you get into world tier 3, that's where you can first start to obtain unique items. Once you get into world tier 4, there are also some new unique items that can only be obtained in world tier 4. These new unique items don't necessarily have to be sacred or ancestral, you just now have the possibility of getting any version of these new specific unique items. So speaking of legendaries, the legendary aspect system is going to be one of the most important parts of gearing in Diablo 4. How this system is going to work is all legendary aspects or powers are going to randomly roll on a designated set of gear pieces and they're going to be split into five different categories. For instance, offensive legendary powers are some of the strongest in the game, but these can only roll on amulets weapons gloves, or rings. Likewise, you have defensive powers that can only roll on shields, helms, chests, pants, and amulets. So every legendary power in the game randomly rolled on this designated set of gear pieces. But you're able to take any legendary item, take it to a specific NPC in the game called the occultist and actually pull that legendary power off of that legendary item. It'll destroy that item and give you a one-time use legendary aspect that you're now able to go put in either a rare item or another legendary item.
If you put it in a rare item, it just adds it to that rare item, keeps all the normal affixes it already had, turns it into a legendary and you're good to go. If you put it on another legendary item, it just removes the legendary power from that item and adds the one you're adding to it. So this is going to end up meaning that once you get into the end game, the vast majority of your gear is going to be legendary gear. Whether this is just a legendary you found in the world and equipped it or if you took a legendary power off a piece of gear and put it on say a rare item. All of these legendary powers or legendary aspects have a roll range just like normal affixes do. So maybe a legendary power could roll from 10 to 30%. So that also means, there's going to be a good amount of chase to get that perfect legendary aspect with the best role it can get. This is also going to progress once you get into World tier 3 and 4, as you can't take a normal legendary power and put it in a sacred rare item. So you don't need to be saving every legendary item or power you get while you're progressing throughout the campaign because you're not going to be able to use them and infuse them into sacred items anyway once you start your end-game gearing.
Diablo 4 Codex of Power
There's also going to be another system tied into legendary aspects, it's going to help you quite a lot as you're progressing through the game and getting into the end game and this is called the codex of power. How this is going to work is completing dungeons throughout the game is going to unlock a codex in this codex of power. Now codexes are a permanent version of different legendary powers or aspects, but this codex can be applied to infinite items. So once you unlock a codex and say you unlock a codex it gives you a legendary aspect that's really good for your build. Now no matter what you can have that legendary power and apply it to any piece of gear you want. So you never have to go without having this specific legendary power as you progress throughout the game. A pretty big upside of this is that these codexes can be applied to any different tier of gear.
So you could apply the codex power to normal items sacred items or ancestral items but there are two big downsides with the system. The codex does not have all the legendary powers in the game. It only has around half of them and it currently has around 115 powers, so you're not going to be able to get every legendary power in the Codex and the Codex gives you the weakest version of those legendary powers. Legendary powers can roll like normal affixes so maybe if one rolled 10 to 30%, the codex would give you the 10% version. It would always be the lowest role so even if you had the codex power which was the legendary power you wanted, you would still want to be farming for legendary pieces of gear to give you a higher-rolled version of that specific power.
Diablo 4 Unique Gear
Ultimate chase items in the game and these are going to be incredibly rare. You can only start obtaining these once you've gotten into World Tier 3 and you're still not even able to obtain all uniques. Because once you get into World tier 4, you now have more uniques. You can obtain and these things are going to be ridiculously rare. Most players should only expect to get 2-3 of these per season. Now seasons are going to last for 3 months, so for most players, you're only going to be getting around one unique item per month. Uniques are going to be just incredibly strong and a lot of these uniques are going to be so strong that they actually allow builds to exist.
Diablo 4 Gearing Tips
People seem to be ignoring secondary stats in Diablo 4. Secondary stats are so important in your ability to get stronger. Every build has its own identity and focuses on different sources of damage and while you can just follow guides blindly, it's important to realize that your gear heavily dictates your ability to find success on certain builds. All you need to do before gearing is ask yourself what's going to benefit you the most. Any source of vulnerable damage, any buffs to imbuement skills, and then crit strike chance and damage are base-level great stats for almost every class and every spec in the game.
Different classes and specs are going to have different stat priorities. The Ice Shard Sorc build needs a lot of CDR in resource regeneration. Whirlwind Barbs need a lot of crit, damage to close enemies, CDR, resource generation, etc. If you don't know what stats you need, either consider following a build guide or do what theory crafters do and break down what types of damage you're dealing with and think critically about what stats would best amplify your damage. Every spec has some slight changes in what they need or what can be good for them, but understanding these stats is so important.
A lot of people need to understand what secondary stats actually benefit them before they blindly see a green number and equip the weapon. Defensives are also important to evaluate this way. If you're in a melee class, you're going to value damage reduction from close enemies. But for range players, you'd better value damage reduction from distant enemies way more. This Diablo IV gearing guide is more meant for anyone who doesn't understand how to evaluate the stats on their gear.

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