New updates coming to Diablo 4 that were revealed on the campfire chat held by the Diablo Forest development team today. These include balancing changes they include Altars of Lilith and whether they'll need to be redone, they'll be covering gems in the stash as well as a few other things. The first thing is we know that they are working on a new season for Diablo 4. In this Diablo 4 Season 1 guide, we're going to be talking about the release date, Nightmare Dungeons, loots, bosses, unique drops, and more.
Diablo 4 Season 1 Update & Changes: Release Date, Nightmare Dungeons, Rewards, Renown & More
Diablo IV Season 1 is being wrapped up currently and is in QA testing, they mentioned that multiple expansions were in development or planned to be in development. So this is going to be supported for a very long time. There's also a huge patch coming that includes performance changes to it. That might actually need a maintenance takedown to do, a lot of the patches you've seen the hotfixes, etc. These have been on the fly where you have not had to log out of the game in order to update them, but some are expected before Diablo IV Season 1. Next, we are going to see all the important changes for D4 Season 1.
Diablo 4 Season 1 Release Date
D4 Season 1 start date is expected in mid to late July, so we should be expecting a huge update with balancing changes, etc to hit sometime in early July.
Diablo 4 Season 1 Class Changes
Now they didn't mention exactly what these changes are going to be for each class although they did mention a couple of specific changes mainly to do with resource generation. They're looking into buffing resource generation for classes that are struggling with this issue, though they didn't elaborate on what exactly that would mean. Another change they mentioned was the corpse explosion from Necromancer that leaves the shadow dot all over the screen that makes it so people can't see anything is going to be patched so that players can also you know be able to see what's going on in the ground.
Diablo 4 Season 1 Nightmare Dungeon
Another really Hot Topic in this live stream was dungeon elite packs and XP and how to balance that and make it standard across the board. What Blizzard basically said was that players were using regular dungeons instead of nightmare dungeons because they were more efficient to farm gear and experience. What they really intended the Nightmare and dungeons to be was the end game activity not regular dungeons, so they want to reward players more for doing nightmare dungeons. In order to make it more rewarding for them they're going to increase the XP that players gain from the mobs inside nightmare dungeons, it didn't sound like they were going to increase the mob density in these dungeons you were just going to get more XP in general.
Diablo 4 Season 1 Sigil Portals
Another notable change is that sigils will now create a portal for you to go into that dungeon specifically so that you don't have to travel all the way there. If you're at the end of a nightmare dungeon, you can just pop your next digital, or the portal will open and you'll be able to travel right next to the next dungeon. So it saves you a lot of travel time making it more efficient for you, pushing you more to the end game loop that was intended. This change is aimed to happen before D4 Season 1 launches so this should be part of the huge update that's expected.
Diablo 4 Season 1 Renown & Map
At the beginning of season 1 Diablo 4 was whether or not players would have to recollect all of their Altars of Lilith and rediscover the map again or how this would be handled on new characters that are starting from scratch on Season 1. What they revealed is that any fog of war that you've lifted on the map and any Altars of Lilith that you've acquired will remain that way on any new characters you make. So you will not have to find the Alters of Lilith again and if you've already uncovered the map once on the character that will remain uncovered and you will also gain the Renown that you gain from doing that instantly when you begin the season 1. This should be enough renowned to unlock the first two tiers of renown on the renowned board. However not all waypoints will be unlocked only the major cities will be unlocked, so you'll still have to go rediscover waypoints which will provide you with renown once you do. So clearing dungeons for the first time will also reward you with renown as will doing side quests so you can still do all these things. But you will have to grind up some renown on Season 1, it just won't be via Altars of Lilith or discovering areas on the landscape.
Diablo 4 Season 1 World Bosses
For those of you who have been doing little bosses on tier 4 and you've had locked world boss caches, these are going to be unlocked before season 1 in the next major update, you'll be able to open them and get the loot. Some of the loot might be higher level than you and you won't be able to use it right away but you will be able to open these this was a bug that was not intended and is being fixed.
Diablo 4 Season 1 Unique Drops
Another bug that's being fixed is that barred uniques have been dropping for Druids and this is planned to be fixed as soon as possible. This should be fixed before season one but it was noted that you will occasionally see other class uniques on your drops. So don't expect to never see in other classes unique when you're playing with your Necromancer, you see a unique drop.

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