Which build is the fastest Uber Lilith Killer for each class after 1.0.4 patch? We've sorted out the new Diablo 4 Uber Lilith Skill Tier List for you!
Diablo 4 Uber Killer Tier List: Fastest Uber Lilith Kill Builds For Each Class
One of the biggest challenges in the entirety of Diablo 4 is the Uber Lilith boss fight, the Echo of Hatred Capstone activity that is intended to only be done at level 100 even if some people that were abusing exploits have done it maybe a little bit earlier than that, this is the hardest mostly single Target fight in the entire game, it has so much health and does an insane amount of damage, as well as having a number of actual boss mechanics that you have to actively dodge unless you're playing an insanely tanky build. As a result, the way that people are killing this boss with each class is actually really cool to see and so now that we are in patch 1.0.4 in this new version of the game we thought it would be good to take a fresh look at what the fastest kills are of this Mega boss for each class and give you an updated ranking of which class is the fastest at doing it as well as talking a little bit about the builds and strategies that they use to achieve this.
No. 5 - Barbarian: Whirlwind Build
Ever since they fixed these strange interactions and exploits that Barb was using with Whirlwind and Edge Masters aspect a couple of weeks back, to hit for over a hundred million with Whirlwind takes in this fight Barb has dropped off a bit of a cliff here.
The new best build Barb is using for this is actually a Hammer of the Ancients, the current fastest time as of literally is 2 minutes and 6 seconds from user Huxley and a lot of this is just sort of getting enough survivability to not get destroyed while also playing around with the Hoda crits and the strange hitbox of the aspect of ancestral Force for barbarians. This aspect adds a shock wave on Hammer of the Ancients and for whatever reason if you specifically hit an enemy with the edge of this Shockwave instead of the hammer itself, it does more damage. The devs seemed pretty convinced this isn't a bug but they were also quite vague about it, so it's entirely possible this could get nerfed in the future, but the only real Barb kills of Uberloth at this point are the Whirlwind explo and the HotA kills. But the reason this one is almost three times as fast as even the other HotA kills is that it uses only two shouts called the Ancients as an ultimate as well to deal grass to apply vulnerably and give you more Berserking than they have the Rage of Haragath chest unique equipped and they use Flay as their basic skill to just repeatedly activate the cooldown reductions by applying bleed to Lilith with Flay itself. It's actually an ingenious way of reworking the Hammer of the Ancient's build specifically to apply to this one fight and it actually brings Barb right around the same kill times as all the other classes, even though this is still in last place as far as fast as skill for each class, it is still more than strong enough to be really genuinely impressive nonetheless.
Check out the Best Barb Build to kill Uber Lilith fastest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oa2aUctY5g
No. 4 - Sorcerer: Blizzard Sorc Build
Sorcerer is pretty nuts because it's the exact same strategy really that shot Sorcerer up into first place a couple of weeks ago, but a slightly faster time just from having stronger stats on gear and also a slightly tighter timing on the gear swapping. This comes from the user Youkranian and it is a 1 minute 58 seconds kill which is incredibly quick, in this, the strat here which originally came from Northwar's Arc Lash build, but this player adjusted it just a little bit is a heavy Blizzard build with CC buildup out the Wazoo then swapping items as the stun is about to proc to use the aspect of control on a 200 weapon instead of using a one-handed and offhand for faster CC application, and then the aspect of Retribution for tons of bonus damage while Lilith is staggered. There's nothing particularly different about this setup, just stronger gear, better stats, and a faster reaction time on the gear swapping which tightens the timing window. The result of this is simply a faster kill by a decent margin.
Check out the Best Sorc Build to kill Uber Lilith fastest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02IuB4-9er8
No.3 - Rogue: Twisting Blades Rogue Build
The sorcerer build that was first placed two weeks ago has not gotten any weaker, it's even gotten a faster kill time but other classes have just found ways to speed up the fight and simply overtaken it which is nuts, our Rogue kill here is about 1 minute and 57 seconds literally just the tiniest bit ahead of the sorcerer kill and that comes from the user Chai Latte. This is the classic concept used by Rogues for this fight of poison imbuement twisting blades stacking on top of the poison puddle legendary aspect, just applying poison after poison to really stack up the damage over time, but with a combination of better stats on gear than the other Rogue kills that we've seen, and also using the Penitent Greaves unique boots for an even further damage bonus. Basically just forgoing a bit of survivability in order to boost the damage specifically in an effort to get a speedier kill. As a result they managed to push this build even further and drop its kill time all the way down to 117 seconds which is an immense feat to say the least.
Check out the Twisting Blades Build killing Uber Lilith in 120 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJVbviQrA5I
No.2 - Druid: Shred Poison Druid Build
Then in second place we actually now have the Druid which is incredibly interesting for a couple of reasons. First up a couple of weeks ago, there were genuinely no legit Druid kills of Uber that you could find just anywhere, the only kills that were out there at that point were exploits with poison werewolf was the Blurred Beast aspect was stacking incorrectly with toxic claws. But Blizzard removed that exploit quickly, and that build stopped being able to do Uber Lilith, as a result of that then though patch 1.03 happened a week ago they actually buffed poison werewolf conceptually a pretty massive amount - adding in Buffs for shred and a big buff to the Blurred Beast aspect, which actually brought this build back from the dead as an Uber Lilith killer, but without any exploits. The new fast kill is from the user Creepjacker who managed to kill the boss in 1 minute and 42 seconds - an absolutely insanely quick time. The main thing that causes this to function is the interaction between toxic claws which makes crits with werewolf skills apply a percent of their damages poison over 4 seconds. This player has bonus ranks without on their amulet as well which makes these crits apply up to 45% of their base damage as more poison buildup. The aspect of Blurred Beast does not consume the poison that it uses for its damage, it does a big pop of damage when you dash to a target with Shred dealing up to 100% of their current poison damage. The neat interaction here is that if this also crits if that hit crits then it applies to damage as poison because of toxic claws stacking on top of the poison that was already there, then you can keep this up over and over and over and over into stack increasingly higher poison on Lilith. But the real cherry on top of this here is actually the Storm Clause aspect being used on the amulet, this makes critical hits with shred due up to 45% of their damage as lightning damage too around the target but that is as a base damage number - that number can then also crit itself.
Check out the Shred Poison Build killing Uber Lilith in 90 seconds: https://youtu.be/_jKAxy-zTPw
No.1 - Necromancer: Bone Spear Build
The new fastest Necromancer kill completely outclasses everything. Bone shards and bone spear has been known as the general strongest Necromancer setup for everything outside of Chair 100 nightmare dungeons for quite a while, now it is not a new concept by any means, but this kill from SKULM is quite clearly a scarily accurate Necromancer name gets the kill in 1 minute and 36 seconds - edging out the Druid by a few seconds to claim the fastest clear of this fight at this particular moment in time. This essentially just takes advantage of high crit chance and high crit damage multipliers in a tiny arena which lists the bounces of these abilities actually hit the boss in significant amounts causing a lot of damage buildup. Using Deathless Visage as well to add a sort of Shockwave effect to the bone spear itself, the aspect of grasping veins to increase both crit chance and crit damage after using corpse tendrils, as well as bone storm for even more crit chance. This is essentially just a version of this build that foregoes any and all defense outside of disobedience in the aspect of might in order to really just pump out as much damage as it physically can, the result of this is a 96-second Uber Lilith kill which is genuinely insane when you consider how much of a challenge this boss actually is.
Check out the Bone Spear build killing Uber Lilith in 90 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HODtHLvc2CM

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