The first season is just around the corner, today we’ll take you to go over the five best Diablo 4 Season 1 leveling builds for all classes.
Top 5 Diablo 4 Season 1 Builds for Leveling - Best D4 Season 1 Leveling Build
These Diablo IV builds by Ben Lee Gaming are very efficient for Season 1 leveling, and they do not require unique D4 items, but only a few legendary aspects.
1 - D4 Season 1 Leveling Build for Rogue: Shadow Imbue Twisting Blades Rogue
Starting with the Rogue build, Shadow Imbue Twisting Blades is great at leveling and you’ll have a lot of fun doing it, they will smash through the game, and they are very mobile with incredible sustain, high damage, good AOE as well as single target burst. This build focuses on Twisting Blades and Shadow Imbuement, which gives us a lot of AOE clear. The Shadow Imbue Twisting Blades Rogue build also has insane movement speed and heals on crit, your Shadow Step is used as an Unstoppable to get you out of CC, simply spam twisting blades use puncture for vulnerable and your imbuement for AOE.
Legendary Aspects:
Aspect of Disobedience
Aspect of Unstable Imbuements
Edgemaster's Aspect
Ravenous Aspect
Bladedancer's Aspect
2 - D4 Season 1 Leveling Build for Barbarian: Rend Bleed Barb
The next great leveling build in Season 1 of Diablo IV is a Rend Bleed Barbarian build that comes with a staggering amount of bleed damage and big hits from Death Blow that also reset and generate large amounts of Fury. It starts with Upheaval until about level eight and then swaps over to Rend, you can hit multiple enemies with your bleed. You are going to focus on using Rend in big packs to do large bleed, you can then even run away and let them die, most of the time use your all in big packs and on bosses to get some real good damage off and then use Death Blow to get insane amount of Fury back, if you get the killing blower instantly resets and this is one of the main ways to keep your Fury generation up and also apply Vulnerable.
Legendary Aspects:
Aspect of Numbing Wrath
Aspect of Disobedience
Edgemaster's Aspect
Aspect of Echoing Fury
3 - D4 Season 1 Leveling Build for Sorcerer: Ice Shard Sorc
Ice Shard Sorcerer build has a very good sustain, good CC, good damage, and really good clear speed as your Ice Shards bounce off and hit other enemies when you freeze them your enchantment also just automatically fires out, making clearing out a group of enemies really quite easy, you can also stack them together with your Inferno, you do also have the chance to completely outright freeze an enemy with one hit and also a chance to reset the cooldowns of our defensive skills. When it comes to leveling, this build starts with ice shards enchantment, once you reach level 30, spec into Fireball, and use it to make sure things are burning to be able to apply extra damage from the Devouring Blaze passive. With the build, you want to use your teleport for mobility to get out of tricky situations you've got your frost shield for an extra barrier, but also extra Mana regen.
Legendary Aspects:
Aspect of Disobedience
Aspect of Piercing Cold
Aspect of Control
Prodigy's Aspect
Aspect of the Umbral
4 - D4 Season 1 Leveling Build for Druid: Tornado Druid
Compared to other classes, the leveling experience of Druid is not great, but Tornado is one of the best options you can go with. You can feel reasonably tanky and Tornado does a pretty good job at clearing out mobs of all kinds ultimately with Druid, it's about pushing through the early game as kind of a long-term investment to end up with potentially the most powerful class currently at endgame. The main thing to use is Tornado for a good bit of damage, then get Earthen Bulwark, which is an Unstoppable as well as Trample travel also stuns enemies against the wall and will generate 20 Spirit when you use it, you will be fortified a lot with this build and feel quite tanky as well as having reduced crowd control duration on you.
Legendary Aspects:
Aspect of Disobedience
Aspect of Mending Stone
Aspect of Retaliation
Rapid Aspect
Aspect of the Umbral
5 - D4 Season 1 Leveling Build for Necromancer: Bone Shards Necro
Coming to the final one, this Bone Shards Necro is a truly ranged build that requires basically no setup in order to deal massive damage, bone spear makes enemies vulnerable and adds a ton to you and your team's damage leveling experience is great, you'll feel very strong consistently, a little clunky as you'll be spamming corpse explosion a lot to generate resource, which can slow you down a bit. The build doesn't actually use any minions, it's a sacrifice build to buff yourself to do the most amount of damage possible with a bone spear. The necromancer class does suffer from a lack of mobility early on, but if you find move speed on your boots and amulet, equip it.
Legendary Aspects:
Aspect of Disobedience
Aspect of Grasping Veins
Splintering Aspect
Aspect of the Umbral
Aspect of Torment

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