NBA 2K24 is hyped the new MyPlayer Build System will celebrate all heights, and focus on balance to empower players to master their player craft. So that, no matter what role you play, from a small or tall guard to a stretch, inside big, post scorer, slasher, or lockdown, you'll find your niche. The real skill gap will show when a player makes a balanced build that is so good, it's called a DemiGod. But in the early stages of the game, when you haven't unlocked too many badges and reps, what kind of builds will make you invincible on the court at the beginning of the season? Let's take a look at these builds that work in any version of NBA 2K that you should try at the launch of the game, as well as go over what we can expect with the new NBA 2K24 MyPlayer Builder in MyCareer mode!
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NBA 2K24 MyPlayer Build System (Changes & Improvements)
NBA 2K24 will keep the same four game modes as before: MyTEAM, MyCAREER, MyNBA, and Play Now. Whether you want to experience the NBA life in MyCAREER, create your own All-Star squad in MyTEAM, or run a franchise as a General Manager in MyNBA, you’ll find something to enjoy in this game. But every year, they will make some changes to the four modes to retain old players and attract new players. 2K has confirmed that we're getting a new balanced player Builder, but it's not so much the player Builder that you should be concerned with, more so you should be concerned with the changes that this player Builder is going to bring to gameplay.
So, first of all, let's take a preview of some main changes to the NBA 2K24 Builder System and MyCareer mode:
The 6'9" and 6'1" demigods are now gone, this was a build that could do everything on the court and they have now tweaked the stats and allowed that 6'9 build to not happen in NBA 2k 24, so expect a more diverse Builder.
2K drop a screenshot of the all-new rep system from Rookie to Veteran 3, and they even included a top rep called OP 10. They haven't gone into detail about it yet, but based on past 2Ks, we know what the rep grind is going to be and by the way, this is for New Gen.
NBA 2K24 MyCareer lets you play full-court games in the Rec Center or join smaller teams on other courts in the City (which is coming back). The ultimate challenge is to shoot on Hall of Fame difficulty. You’ll need perfect timing to “green” your release, otherwise, you’ll miss your shots. This makes the game more skill-based than NBA 2K23.
NBA 2K24 will have one Seasonal progression system and a new battle pass system for MyCareer and MyTeam. You can get Level rewards including NBA 2K24 MT and VC in both modes for reaching a tier, but only one is free.
NBA 2K24 Current Gen (Old Gen) will have the NBA 2K23 Next Gen builder and takeover system, and Next Gen 2K24 has a new Builder and new takeover system.
Takeover Abilities are different in NBA 2K24 Builder. You don’t choose them when you make your build. You pick them in real-time and attach them to specific attributes. That means your build's takeover is not decided in the builder anymore, instead, it's decided in the real-time game and equipped to individual attributes.
NBA 2K24 Best Builds at MyCareer Early Game
Based on the above information and past experience, we give some MyPlayer builds that are most suitable for the early game in NBA 2K24 MyCareer:
Center Big Man Builds
The first build that we recommend here is a center build that would be dominant on the boards, get rebounds, and make the best out of the beginning of the game until we got to learn what the game has to offer. And with that inside big although, we could bring them out every now and then and feel dominant in today's gameplay for 2K23. At the beginning of the years, without question, he reigned Supreme a 611 inside bigs was just going insane but that was mostly because players did not have their Badges and ratings up the par and that's exactly what Mike Wang said. But once people get some reps in their rating slash badges up, it'll even out very quickly. From our experience on 2K23, it didn't necessarily even out and went in favor of those Rim running slashers and those Masher-type of builds.
What's more, about one years ago when the NBA 2K23 was about to release, Mike Wang ever responded to one player and said that "Early will usually favor the Bigs. Lots of bricks are gonna go up which means lots of easy boards and putbacks. But once people get some reps in their ratings to slash badges up, it'll even out pretty quickly. Slashers should have a good year too."
Slasher Builds
Though Mike Wang replied to this tweet on September 4th so that was extremely early in the 2k23 cycle, now we can say that we all can agree that Slashers had a very good year and it would be still OP in NBA 2K24. The slasher build is a great choice for players who want to attack the rim and score with dunks or layups. The slasher archetype will still be a viable option for players who want to dominate with their athleticism and finishing ability. The slasher archetype can throw-down monster jams that posterize defenders, utilize the high agility to get momentum and the high finishing ability to take on defenders, and also use the One-Man Fast Break badge for coast-to-coast jams. There are different ways to create a slasher build, depending on your position, height, weight, wingspan and attributes.