Today we are going to be presenting a WoW tier list for classes, we'll show you the best and worst classes for Mythic+ 2023 because certain specs are winners and others are losers, altering the ranking of their respective classes and not only that you will see that when choosing a class to play, there are definitely things you haven't yet considered.
Classic WoW Best and Worst Specs for M+ in 2023 - WoW Classic Class Popularity Tier List
Let’s dive deep into the M+ specs tier list in 2023, breaking down the best and worst classes for you to play in WoW Classic.
Death Knight - B Tier
Blood is doing probably the best out of all the other specs and obviously we're not talking about damage, but overall Mythic+ performance with Frost kind of being middle of the pack and Unholy. Death Knight is still a pretty good class and if we're going to think about the whole class as a whole like averaging out each spec's performance, that's not would probably end up in a round B tier, it's likely that Unholy isn't that bad based on people's popularity and overall attachment to it. So we don't see Death Knight being worse than B tier.
Demon Hunter - A Tier
Demon Hunter is also in a similar boat although likely a little bit better than DK. Vengeance is a little bit better than Blood and Havoc is clearly better than both Frost and Unholy. Overall in terms of performance, Demon Hunter is a class that you usually do want to have because it brings a lot of good utility for Mythic+ granted Havoc at the very least is a little bit under tune compared to the other specs, but it's still doing above average which is why it's hard not to put Demon Hunter into A tier. Druid is probably the hardest rank because it has 4 specs and they all span across the board, not as widely spread as Death Knight.
Druid - S Tier
Obviously, Bear is the best tank in the game, Boomkin has been an S tier’s backup until Augmentation came around and just simply for Fire Mages. But Balance Druid is still third best caster in the game. We have Fire Mage, Shadow Priest and Augmentation, the best casters although two of them are kind of supportish, Balance really is still really good. Feral is kind of middle of the pack and Resto Druid is also middle of the pack, so like kind of the worst performing specs of Druid are middle of the pack where the best ones are top of the pack which is why because we have to have this somehow Druid has to be an S tier spec.
Evoker - S Tier
Similar to Druid, Augmentation is clearly crushing it right now, so strong and before Augmentation was crushing and Devastation was doing pretty good. Devastation has taken a dip and that's most likely because a lot of people are playing Augmentation because there's not much reason to play Devastation and that's not because of its performance. Preservation is still middle of the pack and the fact that Augmentation is such a big kicker and meta shifter we have to put Evoker into S tier as well. If you don't want to play Augmentation, you can still get really good performance because everything that Augmentation brings outside of the actual buffing is brought by the other two specs. The Evoker essentially has really good utility in terms of sooths, in terms of mobility, in terms of fuels, in terms of all sorts of cool downs that you can definitely use to get a lot of value.
Hunter - C Tier
Hunter on the other hand is a different story, the best of the best specs Survival and BM is little bit more survival is average at the very most with Marksmanship really pulling the class really down. Hunter will go into C tier, there's a clear difference in terms of overall class performance as opposed to DK, Hunter is in need of some love, it's not D tier, it's still good, obviously Survival and BM are doing a lot of the heavy lifting, but even that heavy lifting is just average at best.
Mage - A Tier
Mage is an interesting story. Mages definitely have fire which is crushing it right now, Frost and Arcane which are a little bit above average, they're kind of like Havoc range. We don't want to put it into S tier and the reason is Fire Mage only started to crush it really hard and it's only crushing it in groups with Shadow Priest and Augmentation considering that it's getting buffs Galore from everyone and everything at the same time. That kind of takes a little bit away from the individuality of the actual spec considering that is being propped up, Fire Mage can hold its own. It’s doesn’t mean that the Fire Mage is not that good, but as opposed to something like Balance Druid as opposed to something like Augmentation, this is a weird comparison but Augmentation definitely stands on its own. We cannot in good faith put fire Mage or rather Mage in general along the S tier classes, but we can put it at the top of the A tier.
Monk - B Tier
Monk is an a kind of a sad story, Wind Walker is clearly a very good spec, surprisingly though Brewmaster is overall doing better in terms of key clearing than Wind Walkers, since it's once again it's not about the damage, it's about each role fulfilling what they need to do in a group and Brewmaster fills the tank roll better than Windwalker fulfills the DPS role, and Mistweaver will remains still a very unpopular respect to play. It's probably not doing very bad from what we've seen in terms of the data, it's average-ish, but that's pretty much the other specs as well. So we put it in B tier.
Paladin - S Tier
Paladin definitely has the ret speck which is what everybody's talking about, but mostly, Holy Paladin has surged up and is now the best healer in the game, Prop Paladin is not the best tank anymore, it has fallen actually quite a bit. And Ret is still top of the melee, it's not the best but it's pretty tough. But because of all of that, we will put it into S tier. Because Paladin is obviously the most recently designed class likely what it's lacking is just some number tuning on ret and prot, but holy is crushing it, ret and prot are still really good in their respective roles, so S tier.
Priest - S Tier
When you look at Priests, you're probably just thinking Shadow Priest. Discipline however is still second best healer in the game, it was doing fairly well until Holy got it, it's reworked, it’s buffed and things like that. So it's still a good spec, but holy priest is the worst healer in the game, and even with it being the worst, it's still not that bad clearly. Because of the Shadow Priest being such an overpowering DPS and it has been at the top of the meta no matter where Augmentation was before, rework it constantly is pulling the class ahead and now that Discipline has gotten a big up in its kit and Priest just has a really good kit for dungeons, we have to put this class into S tier.
Rogue - B Tier
Rogue is a different story now. Subtlety is obviously one of the best melee specs in the game. Outlaw however it's probably good, but similar to Devastation has taken a big dip in popularity or rather similar to Windwalker, what we don't see Outlaws clearing anything related to high keys anymore, last season they were clearing higher keys than now, they were kind of nerfed slightly and we don't know how much that affected their overall performance but it definitely doesn't feel very nice. Assassination is the worst spec in Mythic+ period depending on where you're looking right now, Assassination is not doing very well although salty is pretty good, so we can put it into B tier as well.
Shaman - A Tier
Enhancement is definitely crushing it, Elemental is kind of like creeping behind, so the Shaman is not doing that bad, it's worst spec in terms of performance is Resto and that's you average at worst, so that's not that bad, obviously in A tier.
Warlock - C Tier
Demo being below average and affliction being low average. Marksmanship does indeed suck, but a hunter, survival and BM are definitely doing both better than demonology, so put Warlock in C tier.
Warrior - A Tier
Now Arms and Fury are rushing it right now, they're really good melee, if you're a little bit better than Arms, but still surprisingly as opposed to other seasons in the past, they're very close. Usually Arms just falls way behind in terms of overall performance. Prot is a average ish but probably is still very good, it's still very strong, it's definitely not the strongest anymore, it's around prop paladin-ish performance maybe slightly lower, but even with that probably it's not that bad. But because of probably problem because none of them the melee specs are actually duking it out with the best of the best, we put it into A tier.

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