We have the announcement of the New World Rise of the Angry Earth expansion. There are major new elements coming in the New World expansion, including new features, zones, levels, and items being introduced through this substantial post-launch content update. In our New World Rise of the Angry expansion guide, we talk about everything thing you need to know about!
New World Rise of the Angry Expansion Guide: Release Date, New Mounts, Zones, Items, Heartrunes & More
The New World expansion launches on October 3rd and it is the New World's first paid expansion so you will have to pay in order to get most of the content that is coming. The pricing for this expansion is 29.99. The base game and the expansion combined together if you want to buy it for a friend or if you haven't played New World before it's 69.99. Next, we are going to cover all of the big juicy stuff that is coming with the New World paid expansion “Rise of the Angry”.
New World Expansion Mounts
The most exciting thing coming with the Expansion is the addition of mounts. You're now going to be able to ride around on a horse or a lion or a wolf. They don't seem to be entirely cosmetic either, they will give you a movement speed increase maybe that was predictable but they also seem to have certain slots that you can craft or attach equipment to as well and there will be a trade skill or a riding skill associated with them as well which goes all the way up to 250. The higher your riding skill, the faster you seem to be able to move on the mount and it also unlocks a special ability is like the dash ability. If you want to summon your mount, you can do it anyway, they just sort of materialize underneath you.
How To Unlock?
You're going to unlock your mount around level 25 from a quest in Everfall.
New World Expansion Zones
One of the other big features of the expansion is the Elysian Wilds. This is a new Zone that is filled with the Angry Earth. It seems to feature the main antagonist that is Artemis if you do the Brimstone Sand storyline, you'll see her. It's going to contain a bunch of new enemies along with a new dungeon in here called the Savage Divide which is a level 62 plus dungeon. There are also going to be new quests and a new main storyline to go with the new Zone.
New World Expansion Level Cap Increase
One of the huge changes coming with the NW Rise of the Angry Earth expansion is a level cap increase. Right now the max level in New World is 60 and has been since the game came out but the level cap is going up to 65. It's not going to be a huge grind to get to 65, it's probably just going to happen naturally as you play through the expansion and do the new storyline. Along with this we're also getting a gear score increase as well gear score will now go all the way up to 700. With this, it's coming to some pretty huge changes.
New World Expansion Attributes
Because we have a level cap increase, we're also getting more attribute points to play around. Right now the attribute bonus threshold caps out at 300, but there's going to be a new one at 350. Basically, the attribute threshold bonus points are all changing. The total amount of attributes that you can get right now it's about 500. If you have 625 gear and food, it's going to be going up to 600 so you can have a lot of points to play around with.
New World Expansion Gear Score
If you want to get your hands on some of the max gear score items, the max gear score items are 700 now. You can just get them from enemies. The higher level enemies and also the more difficult the enemies featured in dungeon expeditions have a higher chance to drop 700 gear score items.
New World Expansion Artifact Items
On the topic of legendary gear, they are adding a new tier of items in there calling them artifacts. These are special items that have up to 6 perks on them. One of the perks on these items is like a special perk. The example they gave was a spear called scorpion sting and scorpion sting has its own exclusive perk. These you can think of as unique from Diablo 4. The unique items will be one per armor so you only be able to have a unique helmet a unique chest unique gloves, and one piece of unique jewelry. You'll have to choose your amulet, your ring, or your earring and one unique weapon.
New World Expansion Weapons
We also have a new weapon coming into the game as well it is called the flail. This is going to be a one-handed weapon that pairs with a shield potentially. If you run the one-handed sword, you may as well run it with a shield. The attributes for the flail seem to be strength and focus scaling off of strength primary focus secondary and it does have access to some healing. This looks like a weapon that will enable a Paladin play style. For PVP and healers, pairing with the life staff and the flail so you can dash in and out seems pretty good.
New World Expansion Heartrunes
We also have a new heartrune coming into the NW Rise of the Angry Earth expansion, it's called Primal Fury. It’s like a weapon but they just have one ability They have no basic attack so you can't click with them. It's just a weapon that has an ability and you press the ability and it does something cool. You're probably going to get from the new dungeon is called Primal Fury and it basically doubles your character's size and you can just start smashing things with your fists.
New World Expansion Crafting Changes
We're seeing some pretty big changes to crafting. The current state of crafting in the game is very RNG, they are now going to be allowing you to craft guaranteed 700 gear score items and also allowing you to guarantee the perks on them as well. Making an absolute best-in-slot item seems to be something that we're going to be able to do now. We will have special crafting materials the azoth conductor and prismatic scarab.
New World Expansion PvP Changes
From the PVP side of things, there wasn't really too much to report. They're going to be doing a territory-like overhaul push, so right now if you want to declare war in Everfall, you have to go run PVP missions for seven hours until you fill up the bar and then you can declare war. Instead, there's going to be two or three-hour window once a week or maybe twice a week wherever Everfall is, you can go for it. If you want to push Everfall into conflict and declare, you go at the specific time of day on the specific day of the week and hopefully, there's going to be a lot of other people there as well fighting for the zone.

New World Season 4 Best Artifacts (Weapon & Armor) - NW Artifact Tier List Season 211/7/2023 2:27:07 PM