Great runes are something that you will obtain when you defeat some of the major story bosses in Elden Ring. A lot of you may well be walking around with these in your bag wondering what exactly you're supposed to do with them. In this Elden Ring great rune guide, we tell you how to get and activate, as well we the best great runes.
Elden Ring Great Runes Drop Locations
Godrick the Grafted
Drops the First Rune. Its effects increase all attributes when activated.
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Drops the Great Rune of the Unborn. Grants the ability to rebirth at sites of grace.
Upon defeat, drops the Rune of Death. Its power allows destruction of Deathroot without negative health effects.
Morgott, the Omen King
His Cursed Sword Rune increases all attack power when activated.
Malenia, Blade of Miquella
Defeating her rewards the Frenzied Flame ending Great Rune. Exposure builds Frenzy and increases attributes.
Mohg, Lord of Blood
In the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds, he drops the Rune of the Unborn. Boosts HP, FP and equipment load when activated.
Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Ghost)
His rune isn't carried as an item, but activating it at the Elden Throne boosts all attributes greatly.
How To Activate Great Runes In Elden Ring?
Obtain a Great Rune by defeating its corresponding Demigod boss. The rune will be automatically added to your inventory.
Head to a Divine Tower - large structures situated across the lands between. The earliest accessible ones are in Limgrave and Liurnia.
Make your way up the tower, defeating enemies if encountered. At the top you'll find an ethereal beam of light.
Interact with the beam prompt and select "Activate Great Rune" from the menu.
Select the Great Rune you want to activate from your inventory.
Use a Rune Arc item (obtained from defeating Erdtree Avatars or purchased).
The Great Rune's power will now be temporarily activated, granting its attributes bonus for a limited time.
If you die while active, the power deactivates. Use another Rune Arc to reactivate it later.
Late game, Divine Towers can be strengthened to enhance Great Runes further.
Elden Ring Best Great Runes
Godrick's Great Rune
Considered the best overall Great Rune for early-mid game (levels 1-90). It provides a flat +5 bonus to all attributes, which is very helpful at low levels. Stays useful even later due to stat requirements for weapons/spells.
Radahn's Great Rune
Recommended for mid-late game builds (levels 60-150). Provides an FP and stamina boost that is useful throughout later areas and boss fights. Radahn's has good all-around benefits.
Morgott's Great Rune
Suggested for late game and high level builds focusing on vigor (health). Gives a huge health boost that scales well very late when vigor soft caps are reached. Useful if survivability is needed.
Malenia's Great Rune
Can be situationally useful on dexterity or bleed builds that aim to hit enemies quickly to trigger health regeneration. Window to activate it is small though.
Rykard's Great Rune
Good for PvE builds that want essentially infinite health flasks by regenerating health from enemy kills. Doesn't help as much against bosses.