The Breaker, Lost Ark's newest addition to its roster of playable classes! Announced during the recent Lost Ark Winter Showcase, this powerhouse warrior has quickly captured the imagination of players with its flashy combat style and devastating power. Read our Lost Ark Breaker class guide, we’ll talk about release date, playstyle, identity, engravings, and skills of male Scrapper.
Lost Ark Breaker Class Release Date
The Lost Ark 2024 Roadmap implies the male Breaker class will be released sometime in early March 2024, alongside events to boost players leveling the new addition.
Lost Ark Breaker Class Playstyle
It is described as the male version of the Scrapper class. The Breaker uses heavy gauntlets in combat and focuses on relentlessly bashing enemies through mobility and combos to deal massive damage. Focus on melee damage through combos and movement.
Lost Ark Breaker Class Identity
"Overdrive" - A meter-based system that empowers the Breaker's attacks and unlocks special abilities. It seems like the identity of Breaker in Lost Ark enhances the skills for several seconds.
Lost Ark Breaker Class Engravings
There are 2 forms, and each of the graving enhances each form.
Punch King Form
This looks like the non-entropy version. It increases the duration of the identity. So the identity skill when you press Z, you go into a transformation form and that duration is increased and enables a special skill in that form which is the one where you charge up jump in the air and slam down. The more shock meter you use in this form, the more Z skill that punch skill will do. You're going to cycle through all your shock skills in this form whether that be the green skills or the blue skills.
Asura Form
The second form is going to be the Asura form and this is the head attack style entropy form. Because from the trailer, it cancels the attack then go back into a standstill form, that's pretty much all taunt skills do. When you head into the red animation, the red identity it is a taunt. Because of that, the red one is going to be the entropy style of engraving. It enhances the auto attack.
Lost Ark Breaker Class Skills
In Asura form, there’s a system that increases the damage of this skill scaling with the crit rate. They pop an X skill which gives tenacity and shield. When you pop the skill, you get a buff, and during that buff window, that is when your parry duration is. So when you get hit during that window when you're parrying, it'll increase the duration of that parry. Z is identity. C is an enhanced auto attack. A skill is either a pump or a counter. Because they use the skill in the different trailers it's not a counter skill in those situations, it is just a regular attack skill.
Skill Rotations:
From the footage we've seen so far, the Breaker looks incredibly fun to play. Its punches and kicks pack a serious punch, and its Overdrive abilities unleash a torrent of destruction upon enemies. Players who enjoy fast-paced, in-your-face combat will likely find the Breaker right up their alley. We’ll keep updating more leaks for the Lost Ark Male Scrapper class. If you need cheap Lost Ark Gold, Welcome to visit Utplay.com - the most legit Lost Ark gold store

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