If you are looking to have a lot of fun and be godly in Lords of the Fallen, then these are the builds for you! This is a compilation of best Inferno builds in Lords of The Fallen.
LotF Top 3 Fun S-Tier Overpowered Builds - Best Inferno Builds in Lords of the Fallen 2024
Lords of the Fallen offers a variety of powerful and fun builds for players to enjoy. Below, we explore top 3 S-tier overpowered and most fun inferno builds to play in Lords of the Fallen. They combine bleed, poison, status effects and dual-wielding setups along with a very strong 2 handed hammer inf/strength build. Let’s dive in!
Build 1 - Explosive Grin Reaper (Ignite Build)
Incinerating and slicing your way through hordes of enemies is an exhilarating and engaging approach to crushing content in Lords of the Fallen. Combining this with the ability to continuously ignite and detonate explosions that engulf your enemies in a Relentless Inferno of Hellfire whilst maintaining infinite stamina makes this build a number one choice if you want to see your enemies turn to ash in the wake of an infernal surge of destruction. If you want to play as an explosive unrelenting inferno focused melee character that has the ability to detonate explosive chain reactions of nuclear proportions all while surging through the battlefield, turning your enemies to ash wearing a grim and ghastly grin, then this spicy concoction is the build for you. Below, we're breaking down one of the best burn ignite builds that has the ability to do consistently high damage whilst maintaining almost permanent uptime even when out of melee range. We'll be going over the stats weapons armor Rings pendants and Rune choices that make this build a fire obsessed explosive Grim Reaper with incredibly synergistic mechanics to deploy.
Stats at Lvl 158
Strength: 10
Agility: 8
Endurance: 20
Vitality: 60
Radiance: 38
Inferno: 75
Weapons & Runs
Grinning Axe
Rings, Pendants, Umbral Eye
Pendent of Infernal Oblation
Pendent of Infernal Devotion
Umbral Eye of the Bloody Pilgrim
Catalysts and Spells
Queen Sophesia’s Catalyst
Rhogar Heart
Miranda’s Touch
Searing Accusation
Adyr’s Endurance
Adyr’s Rage
Adyr’s Hardiness
Infernal Weapon
Infernal Guardian
Lava Burst
2. Unstoppable Harambe (Physical Inf/Str Build)
Hammering sundering and quiet literally crushing your enemies under a slab of stone is an immensely fun way to spend your time in Lords of the Fallen. Combining this with the ability to bully your enemies with a Relentless wall of heavy Hammer swings make this build an banger of a build for those of you who enjoy a slower high damaging melee style of play. If you want to play as a relentless strength Inferno melee character that has the ability to one and two shot even the toughest of enemies via uninterruptible colossal Hammer swings all whilst doing so in the image of the late great harambe with an undead flavor, then this Unstoppable Relentless Undead primate is the build for you。
Stats at Lvl 162
Strength: 75
Agility: 8
Endurance: 20
Vitality: 40
Radiance: 18
Inferno: 54
Weapons and Runes
Queen’s Head Hammer
Jeffrey’s Dagger
Rings, Pendants, Umbral Eyes
Adyrqamar Ring
Warrior’s Claw
Umbral Eye of Loash
Catalyst and Spells
Queen Sophesia’s Catalyst
Rhogar Heart
Miranda’s Touch
Searing Accusation
Adyr’s Endurance
Adyr’s Rage
Adyr’s Hardiness
Inferno Weapon
Inferno Slash
Inferno Guardian
Lava Burst
3. Fungal Plague Doctor (Poison, Bleed, Wither, Burn Status Effect Build)
Assault of fungal encrusted pickaxes and swiftly counter any enemy attack with a well-placed infernal strike or two makes this build a build for those of you who enjoy a faster and more reactive play style. If you want to play as an infectious, relentless, Inferno Radiance melee character that has the ability to inflict huge amounts of damage via a cocktail of elemental damage and status effects, all while fulfilling the plague doctor aesthetic with a cursed sua strider twist, then this pestilent geological combo is the build for you you. This is one of the best elemental damage and status effect builds going at the moment, it does consistently high damage and maintains a very ferocious pressing play style.
Stats at Lvl 161
Strength: 10
Agility: 8
Endurance: 20
Vitality: 41
Radiance: 60
Inferno: 75
Weapon and Runes
Fungus-Encrusted Pickaxe
Rings, Pendants, and Umbral Eye
Rhogar’s Delight
Bloodbane Ring
Umbral Eye of the Bloody Pilgrim
Catalyst and Spells
Queen Sophesia’s Catalyst
Miranda’s Touch
Searing Accusation
Adyr’s Endurance
Adyr’s Rage
Adyr’s Hardiness
Infernal Weapon
Infernal Slash
Infernal Guardian
Lava Burst