Patch notes have arrived, there's quite some amazing changes to endgame loot item levels. Not only that, some new unique items and the Necromancer changes are amazing. Today we talk about all the new meta builds, items and aspects in Diablo 4 Season 3 patch 1.3.
Diablo 4 Season 3 Post Nerf New Meta Builds, Items & Aspects 1.3
The third season of Diablo 4 has brought with it a series of adjustments that have shaken up the meta. Patch 1.3 notably introduced nerfs to several over-performing builds, items, and aspects that dominated the early days of the game. Let's explore how these changes have affected the landscape of the game and what new meta builds have emerged as the community adapts to the latest patch.
D4 S3 1.3 New Uniques & Aspects & Changes
- Paingorger’s Gauntlets: These unique gloves mark enemies with a cast non-basic skill, and when a basic skill hits a marked enemy, it deals 100-200% [x] increased damage to all marked enemies.
- Aspect of Adaptability - Utility: This utility item provides resource management benefits. When cast below 50% maximum resource, bafsic skills generate primary resource, while above 5q0%, basic skills deal increased damage.
- Juggernaut’s Aspect: Gain 0.75-1.25 armor, but your evade has 100% increased cooldown.
D4 1.3 Items Updates
- Ring of Starless Skies: It received adjustments to its powers in the Diablo 4 patch 1.3 that make it more flexible and sustainable. Previously, its unique power only reduced the resource cost of core skills when cast and reset upon using non-core skills, incentivizing a restrictive build. Now, spending resources from any skills reduces costs and grants 10% damage for 3 seconds, up to 40%, rewarding broader resource usage. The Offensive Aspect of Expectant also changed from instant damage to a 5-second window, providing more flexibility to utilize the boost. These changes transform Ring of Starless Skies from an item demanding tight core skill focus to one that sustains benefits from all resource spending over a period of time, opening up new build possibilities.
- Melted Heart of Selig: All of its stats have been increased substantially, and its unique power reworked to better fit a resource-focused build. Previously, it granted maximum resources and drained some each time the player took damage instead of losing life. Now, it provides much higher maximum resources and drains two resources for 75% of incoming damage taken rather than the full amount, allowing defensive sustain through resource management. By shifting partial damage conversion to resources instead of full avoidance of life loss, and boosting relevant stats, these revisions transforms Melted Heart of Selig into a more robust enabler for skills-based survivability through maintaining ample resources even under fire. The changes facilitate more engaging combat centered around skill usage rather than immunity to direct damage.
D4 1.3 New Meta Builds
The Season 3 patch has introduced several changes to existing builds, as well as the addition of new powerful builds. Here are some notable meta builds to consider.
- Barbarian: Rend Build: The introduction of the Ring of the Ravenous has made Rend builds even more potent. The increased duration of Rend and the ability to apply multiple stacks of Rend's Bleed make this build a force to be reckoned with.
- Druid: Lightning Storm Build: With the Unsung Ascetic's Wraps, Lightning Storm gains additional strikes and increased damage on critical strikes. This build offers high damage potential and crowd control capabilities.
- Sorcerer: Meteor Build: The Sorcerer's Meteor build has received a significant boost with the introduction of new unique items. These items enhance the power of Meteor, opening up new build opportunities for Sorcerers.
D4 1.3 Class Nerfs
D4 1.3 Post Nerf Druid Class
Rabies, Lacerate, and Twister damage were increased, while Cataclysm received damage buffs. Prime Lacerate was reworked for sustainability. Passives like Mending and Thick Hide provide more defenses. New legendary powers like Unsung Ascetic's Wraps enhance Lightning Storm, while Virulent Aspect boosts Rabies. Existing items like Aspects were adjusted. Spirit generation was buffed on Aspect of the Unsatiated. Talents like Prickleskin and Poise offer defensive upgrades. Changes aim to strengthen underused skills and fix underperforming abilities, opening up more viable skill synergies and playstyles for Druids. By improving weaknesses and rebalancing strengths across their kit, the class updates give Druids a refreshed variety of competitive build options to experiment with.
D4 1.3 Post Nerf Barbarian Class
Damage was buffed on skills like Charge, Leap and Unconstrained. Passives such as Brute Force and Walking Arsenal were rebalanced. New items like Ring of the Ravenous enhance Rend builds. Existing legendary powers received changes to be less restrictive, such as providing damage bonuses over 5 seconds instead of instant. Skills no longer requiring terrain impact or boss hits gives more flexibility. The item and skill alterations empower mechanics like Overpower and allow for new synergies between skills and passives. Overall the updates aim to strengthen underperforming abilities while rebalancing overpowered ones.
D4 1.3 Post Nerf Necromancer Class
The Necromancer received significant skill, item and system changes in Diablo 4 patch 1.3. Many skills saw damage increases, such as Iron Maiden, Blight and Sever. Corpse skills received buffs and adjustments to balance areas of effectiveness. Passives and legendary items were reworked to synergize better with abilities or enhance underutilized mechanics. New items like Mutilator Plate open up builds around Blood Lance. Changes to Bone Prison and Golem interactions add utility. The Cult Leader overhaul and reworked legendary powers like Swelling Curse aim to diversify builds and boost underpowered options. These widespread updates refactor under-tuned areas of the Necromancer while preserving identity. By addressing weaknesses and imbalances, the patch revitalizes build variety for the class through new synergies and playstyle alternatives.
D4 1.3 Post Nerf Sorc Class
New items like the Starfall Coronet provide alternate playstyles around Meteor. Existing items received tweaks to increase synergies. Skills were reworked - Blizzard no longer requires a mana threshold while Lightning Spear now applies Vulnerable. The talent changes to Burning Instinct and Searing Heat increase damage scaling. The Elemental Summoner and Ball Lightning adjustments open options. These wide-ranging revisions refactor weaker areas of the Sorcerer's kit to open new skill combinations. By addressing underpowered abilities while rebalancing overperforming ones, the patch gives Sorcerers a refreshed variety of competitive build paths. The goal of the updates is to enhance build diversity through new synergies arising from a sharpened toolkit for the magic-focused class.
D4 1.3 Post Nerf Rogue Class
Many skills saw changes to increase viability through buffs to damage, utility and functionality. New items like Beastfall Boots provide new playstyle options, while existing items were tweaked. Core mechanics like Precision were reworked to enhance damage scaling. The patch aimed to address underpowered abilities and rebalance overperforming ones. This gives Rogues a refreshed variety of competitive build paths to explore. By strengthening weaker areas of their toolkit and opening new synergies, the widespread revisions help diversify viable builds. The goal of the changes is to refine existing synergies and foster new combinations through a sharpened toolkit. This revitalizes build variety for Rogues in the new season through both legacy favorites and unexpected new strengths.

Diablo 4 Season 3 Leaks & Update: Runes, New Character & Class, Changes and More1/15/2024 5:22:00 PM