If you're looking for a powerful and versatile build for both bossing and mapping in Path of Exile 3.24, the Fire Trap Ignite Elementalist build is an excellent choice. This build focuses on utilizing the Fire Trap skill to deal massive fire damage and ignite enemies, making it a great option for melting bosses and clearing maps efficiently. Here's a comprehensive league starter build guide for Fire Trap Elementalist build POE Necropolis.
What is Fire Trap Ignite Elementalist Build for in POE 3.24?
Hybrid Bossing/Mapping build with several layers of defences and damage scaling. Great for all content including POE 3.24 Necropolis League mechanic. This is another easy build to level and farm difficult content, such as Essences and even Pinnacle bosses. You can cruise through the maps with shield charge while throwing your traps. With the 3.24 update, Frostblink got a massive buff, while flame dash was not so fortunate. Once you hit the maps, try to get a level 20 version of the fire trap. This is a skill that massively scales with gem levels, and damage over time multiplier mods. But why not the Explosive trap? There are 3 sources of damage from a single fire trap skill, one being the flat fire damage from the hit, the second being the ignite caused from the hit, and the third being the burning ground that it produces. All of which scales from all the modifiers to fire damage.
Mechanics & Playstyle
The Fire Trap Ignite Elementalist build revolves around the Fire Trap skill, which creates a trap that explodes and deals fire damage to enemies in its area of effect. The build utilizes various mechanics and playstyle elements to maximize damage output and survivability.
Ignite Damage: The build heavily focuses on scaling ignite damage, as the Fire Trap's explosions can ignite enemies, dealing damage over time. This allows you to deal significant damage even after the initial explosion.
Elementalist Ascendancy: Choosing the Elementalist ascendancy provides several benefits, including increased elemental damage, elemental proliferation, and immunity to elemental ailments. These bonuses greatly enhance the build's damage potential and survivability.
Trap Support Gems: To further boost the Fire Trap's damage, you can link it with support gems such as Increased Critical Strikes, Controlled Destruction, and Combustion. These gems increase critical strike chance, damage, and provide additional fire damage bonuses.
Leveling is so smooth and progressive for this build. You start with rolling magma while dual wielding goat's horns. Your projectiles that passes through the flame wall gets buffed with extra fire damage. Consecrated ground from Holy flame totem is a great way to regen during boss fights. Switch to Fire Trap before Merveil by using the dexterity amulet. Once you grab the Shaper of Flames and level up your Fire Trap, your damage will exponentially start to rise up. If you have Mastermind of Discord but not the Eldritch implicit in your gloves for fire exposure, you can link wave of conviction to arcanist brand along with flammability and elemental weakness. While leveling, you'll need some extra strength and dexterity, which you can temporarily grab from these passive points. Or you can get it from amulets.
Gears for Fire Trap Ignite Elementalist Mapping Build
Weapon 1: Vengeance Gnarl, Opal Sceptre
Weapon 2: Chimeric Song, Walnut Spint Shield
Helmet: Eye of Malice, Callous Mask
Armor: Torment Coat, Blood Raiment
Gloves: Woe Clutches, Shagreen Gloves
Boots: Horror League, Dragonscale Boots
Amulet: Rune Rosary, Citrine Amulet
Rings: Pain Eye, Amethyst Ring
Belt: Sol Bond, Stygian Vise
Playstyle Tips
To maximize the effectiveness of your Fire Trap Ignite Elementalist build, keep the following tips in mind:
Trap Placement: Strategically place your traps to cover a wide area and hit as many enemies as possible. Aim for clusters of enemies or chokepoints to maximize damage output.
Flame Dash: Use Flame Dash to quickly move around the battlefield and reposition yourself for optimal trap placement. It also helps you avoid dangerous boss mechanics and dodge incoming attacks.
Flammability Curse: Apply the Flammability curse to enemies to increase their fire damage taken, further boosting your damage output.