The best good boy in the world has finally become a mount for the patch 1026. Taivan, the friendly Barkar can finally be obtained as a rioting reward by complaining a long and lengthy quest line that has you finish out all the content that's available in Dragonlight. Everything is included in this one from exploration of rares and treasures to bolstering your standing with major factions, completing every major and minor quest and storyline as well as finishing out your raids and dungeons. In today's guide, we go over all of the steps that you need to take to get your Dragonflight completionist achievement and like Taivan, the very first Bakar mount of Dragonlight.
Dragonflight 10.2.6 Taivan Mount - How to Get Taivan As a Mount in Dragonflight 10.2.6
Taivan is a loveable bakar, a hound-like creature, that players can ride as a mount. If you're looking to obtain Taivan as a mount in Dragonflight 10.2.6, you'll need to complete a specific set of achievements and tasks. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to acquire Taivan as a mount in Dragonflight 10.2.6 Season 4.
Complete All 3 Dragonflight Raids
Let's go over some of the easier raid in dungeon achievements, starting off with complete Vault the Incarnates, Aberrus raid and the Amirdrassil raid. Completing the Vault the Incarnates in the Aberrus raid might be a little bit more difficult currently. However, after a few weeks into the patch 10.2.6, we will see a launch of Season 4, which is where we will see The return of all 3 raids during that season which will make completing Vault the Incarnates and Aberrus a little bit easier. As for the Amirdrassil raid, you can actually take care of that right now currently in Season 3 you can finish the raid on any of the four difficulties.
Myths of the Dragonflight Dungeons
We have to complete the 8 base Dragonflight dungeons of Mythic difficulty. And doing it right now in Season 3 before Season 4 is actually the easiest way to do it. Especially since during weekly dungeon events which is out next week by the way, there's a lot of people out there in lfg looking for groups to finish up Mythic zero Dungeons. And with this many people queueing up, you should be able to get all of these dungeons done all in a single week.
Loremaster of the Dragon Isles
This is an achievement where you have to do all of the main story quests and even the side quest of every one of the Dragonflight zones. There's a good chance that you have done majority of these throughout your leveling journey the first time around through the Dragon Isles. And there's a pretty good chance that you've done majority of the side quest also while trying to get a little bit extra XP on the side. If you were to retrace your steps and follow the main quest lines for each of these zones, you should be able to spot some of these side quests along the way.
Friend of the Dragon Isles
The next achievement is Friend of the Dragon Isles. You need to complete the renown story campaigns as you advance through all of the different renowned ranks with the original 4 Dragon Isle factions. Getting these quests out of the way as soon as possible is also pretty important since quite a few other quest lines as part of this full completionist achievement will be relied off of the renown story chapters also. However, if you find yourself behind on some of the renowned ranks for all of the major factions, you can always utilize the quests and dailies in the Forbidden reach to get your renowned catch up a little bit quicker.
Dragon Quests
The next achievement is called Dragon Quest. We have to complete some of the bigger major side quests of this expansion.
Progress through the Dragonflight Storyline: Start by progressing through the Dragonflight storyline and completing all major and minor quests.
Defeat Bosses and Clear Dungeons: Take on the challenge of defeating all bosses in the Dragonflight raids on any difficulty and clear every Dragonflight dungeon on Mythic difficulty.
Finish Quests and Storylines: Complete all main and side quests in the Dragonflight zones. Make sure to finish quests related to the Blue Dragon, Rebel Dragonkin, Tyr's Guard, Old Hatreds, Innovation, and Whelp Daycare storylines.
Maximize Reputation: Earn maximum reputation with important factions such as Soridormi, Sabellian, Wrathion, the Artisan's Consortium, the Cobalt Assembly, and the Winterpelt. Additionally, reach maximum reputation with all six Renown factions.
Earn Meta Achievements: Work towards earning the meta achievements associated with every faction, zone, and world activity in Dragonflight. This will require completing a variety of tasks and achievements.
Explore and Collect: Explore every zone in Dragonflight, participate in Dragonriding races, and collect Dragonriding Glyphs scattered throughout the world.
Oh My Gold, They Were Clutchmates
For the next achievement titled “Oh My Gold, They Were Clutchmates”, you only need to achieve the highest standing with every major faction and character of this expansion. This includes reaching maximum renown with every major faction available. But also reaching legend of the most multiverse rank with Sorldormi with a time warp event, but also reaching maximum friendship with Wrathion and Abyssion through several quests and activities. You also need to reach the rank of Esteemed with the Artisan Consortium which is the faction that handles all of the work orders. And depending on your professions chosen, they'll have a weekly quest lane for you to complete in order to gain additional rep. You also need to reach maximum rep with the Cobalt assembly by killing things and loading it in the Cobalt assembly area. You also need to reach 100 skill with a Winterpelt language. But first, you must unlock the activity that allows you to learn the Winterpelt furbolg language. To do so, you first need to head over to Theron's Watch and Camp Nowhere to begin some of the quest lines that has you interacting rather violently with a lot of the local furbolg. After you complete both of them, you'll unlock a quest line that allows you to start mending relations with that faction unlocking their language slowly over time and gaining access to the new Quarter Master as well as other vendors.
The next achievement is the Pathfinder achievement which a huge majority of been playing Dragonflight would have unlocked by now. For Pathfinder, you need to explore all of the zones do the main quest line and then afterwards you can normally fly not just Dragon ride on top of any kind of mount you want within the Dragon Isles.
Across the Isles
Across the Isles is the next achievement that needs to be unlocked. For this one, you basically need to complete every single zone of the Dragon Isles which includes farming a ton of different open world quests and even other daily activities. Things like completing 100 tasks for the grand hunts or completing 100 tasks within the community Feast and completing a variety of zone specific objectives which will vary depending on the zone. Some of the parts of this achievement will have you interacting with certain NPCs. So if you utilize add-ons such as NPC scan or TomTom, Wowhead will have the coordinates you need to help you complete some of these zones.
You Know How to Reach Me
The next achievement on the list will be how to reach me which is a completionist achievement for the zone of the Forbidden Reach. To unlock the zone, if you haven't done so already, you'll need to do a small quest line which begins at the Seat of the Aspects. As part of this achievement, you'll need to explore the entire zone, complete the main story of this area, dive into the Zakera Vaults and unlock all of the doors, collect a variety of books and journal entries.
Que Zara(lek), Zara(lek)
We need to complete the entirety of that zone with exploration, the main story quest, as well as unearthing some of the fragments from the public events, as well as the Niffen explorations and find all the rare treasures and encounters within the zone.
Dream On
The second to last achievement will be Dream On which you have to complete the entire zone of Emerald Dream. Though unlike the other zones, this one is much smaller in scope, you have to find all of the different known locations to plant seeds, find all the Hidden Treasures, do the main story explore the zones and participate in the Super Bloom and obtain a epic reward from the super bloom.
Now This Is Dragon Racing!
The final achievement for this list will be now this is Dragon Racing which is going to be an achievement where you have to find all the flying glyphs in every one of the zones which most of you have done if you were trying to maximize your movement within the Dragon Isles. But also you need to complete all of the races within Dragon Isles, you need to complete the normal, the advanced, and the reverse version of these races. You don't even need to do them quickly either the minimum you need in order to complete these races is a bronze medal which is fairly easy to achieve for a large majority of players.

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