Wow Tbc Classic Wow Tbc Classic Guide News
9/6/2021 5:51:30 PMWith the confirmation on Classic Fresh being worked on and which changes in this version of wow classic servers for those of you who might not be up to date?Blizzard recently confirmed in a wow development update that they are working on a fresh experience for classical players.Blizzard is looking t...
8/20/2021 4:23:22 PMWOW Phase 2 is coming to the burning crusade classic which means there are some great opportunities to make lots of gold. This guide focuses on the things you need to be stocking up on, which you can use, as an investment, to make more WOW TBC Classic gold in phase 2.Prepare and Make large amounts o...
7/30/2021 10:27:47 AMDungeons are instantiated areas through which advanced players and leaders can gain better rewards. At the same time, dungeon grinding allows players to quickly move from level 60 to level 70 in Burning Expedition Classic. This guide will focus on dungeon upgrading strategies and provide the best du...