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Heavenly Garb

Heavenly Garb [Uniques Items]

Heavenly Garb Defense: 216 (Base Defense: 90-107)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 41
Durability: 60
+100% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana 25%
All Resistances +10
+15 To Energy
+50% Damage To Undead
+100 To Attack Rating Against Undead
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Heavenly Garb


Price 2.63 USD

What is Heavenly Garb in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Heavenly Garb is a set of unique armor in Diablo 2 Resurrected. It is also commonly known as the Angelic Raiment set. The set consists of four pieces: the Angelic Mantle (ringmail), the Angelic Sickle (sabre), the Angelic Halo (ring), and the Angelic Wings (amulet). When all four pieces of the set are equipped, the player receives a number of bonuses, including increased attack rating, increased life, increased mana, and increased resistance to magic and lightning.

The Angelic Raiment set is particularly useful for characters who specialize in melee combat, such as Barbarians, Paladins, and Assassins, as it provides significant bonuses to attack rating and life. It can also be useful for any character who wants to boost their resistance and survivability in general.

The Heavenly Garb is a powerful and highly sought-after set of armor in Diablo 2 Resurrected and is a popular choice for players looking to maximize their combat effectiveness.

What is Heavenly Garb Good For in D2R?

Heavenly Garb, also known as the Angelic Raiment set, is a powerful and versatile set of armor in Diablo 2 Resurrected that provides a number of benefits for a variety of playstyles.

  • First and foremost, the set is ideal for characters who specialize in melee combat, such as Barbarians, Paladins, and Assassins. This is because the set provides significant bonuses to attack rating, life, and resistance to magic and lightning. The increased attack rating can help melee characters hit enemies more frequently, while the additional life and resistances help to keep them alive in the midst of battle.

  • In addition to its benefits for melee characters, the Angelic Raiment set is also useful for characters who rely on ranged combat or spellcasting. The set provides bonuses to mana, which can be especially helpful for spellcasters who need to cast spells frequently. The set also provides resistance to magic, which can help to mitigate damage from enemy spells.

Overall, the Heavenly Garb is a well-rounded set of armor that provides significant benefits for a variety of playstyles. Whether you're a melee fighter, a spellcaster, or something in between, the Angelic Raiment set can help to boost your combat effectiveness and survivability in Diablo 2 Resurrected.

How To Get Heavenly Garb in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Heavenly Garb, also known as the Angelic Raiment set, can be obtained in Diablo 2 Resurrected through a combination of monster drops and gambling.

Here are the ways to obtain each piece of the Angelic Raiment set:

  • Angelic Mantle (ringmail): This piece can be dropped by monsters in Acts 2-4 of Normal difficulty and above, or it can be purchased from vendors in Act 4 and Act 5.

  • Angelic Sickle (sabre): This piece can be dropped by monsters in Acts 1-3 of Normal difficulty and above, or it can be purchased from vendors in Act 1 and Act 2.

  • Angelic Halo (ring): This piece can be dropped by monsters in Acts 1-3 of Nightmare difficulty and above, or it can be purchased from vendors in Act 2 and Act 3.

  • Angelic Wings (amulet): This piece can be dropped by monsters in Acts 1-3 of Hell difficulty, or it can be purchased from vendors in Act 3 and Act 4.

Alternatively, players can try their luck at gambling for the pieces of the set. Gambling is a feature in Diablo 2 Resurrected where players can spend gold to buy D2R items from a vendor. The items that are available for purchase are randomly generated, but there is a chance that players may be able to gamble the pieces of the Angelic Raiment set.

Obtaining the Angelic Raiment set may take some time and effort, but it is a powerful and highly sought-after set of armor that is well worth the investment.

Which Build is Good To Use Heavenly Garb in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Heavenly Garb, also known as the Angelic Raiment set, can be used with a variety of different builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Here are a few examples of builds that can benefit from using the Angelic Raiment set:

  • Melee builds: The Angelic Raiment set provides significant bonuses to attack rating, life, and resistance to magic and lightning, making it an excellent choice for melee builds such as Barbarians, Paladins, and Assassins. These characters rely on close-range combat, so the increased attack rating and life can help them to survive in the thick of battle, while the resistances can help to mitigate damage from enemy attacks.

  • Caster builds: The Angelic Raiment set provides bonuses to mana and resistances to magic, making it a good choice for caster builds such as Sorceresses, Necromancers, and Druids. These characters rely on spells to deal damage, so the increased mana can help them to cast more spells before running out of resources, while the resistances can help to mitigate damage from enemy spells.

  • Hybrid builds: The Angelic Raiment set is versatile enough to be used with hybrid builds that combine melee combat and spellcasting, such as Paladins or Druids. These characters benefit from the increased attack rating, life, and resistance for melee combat, as well as the increased mana and magic resistance for spellcasting.

The Angelic Raiment set is a versatile and powerful set of armor that can be used with a variety of different builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Whether you prefer melee combat, spellcasting, or a combination of both, the Angelic Raiment set can help to boost your combat effectiveness and survivability.

Created with Highcharts 4.2.3Prices (USD)Heavenly Garb Price HistoryPCPC LadderPS LadderSwitch LadderXbox Ladder27/0228/0201/0302/0303/0304/0305/0306/0307/0308/0309/0310/0311/0312/0313/032.62.652.72.752.8

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