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Horizon's Tornado

Horizon's Tornado [Uniques Items]

Horizon's Tornado One-Hand Damage: (9-11) To (264-304) (136.5-157.5 Avg)
Required Level: 64
Required Strength: 100
Required Dexterity: 62
Durability: 65
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+230-280% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+50% Damage To Undead
+50% Increased Attack Speed
Slows Target By 20%
20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Tornado On Striking
Requirements -20%
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
Horizon's Tornado


Price 2.63 USD

What is Horizon's Tornado in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Horizon's Tornado is a unique Druid skill in the game Diablo II: Resurrected (D2R). When activated, it creates a large swirling tornado around the Druid, dealing damage to any enemies caught in its path.

The tornado lasts for a short duration, and its damage increases as the Druid gains levels and invests skill points into the Horizon's Tornado skill. Additionally, the tornado has a chance to knock back enemies it hits, making it useful for crowd control.

Horizon's Tornado is a powerful skill in the Druid's arsenal, and it can be especially effective when used in combination with other skills like Cyclone Armor or Hurricane. However, it does have a high mana cost and a relatively long cooldown, so it's important for players to use it strategically in combat.

What is Horizon's Tornado Good For in D2R?

Horizon's Tornado is a versatile skill that can be used in a variety of situations in Diablo II: Resurrected (D2R). Here are some of the ways that it can be useful:

  • Crowd control: The tornado has a chance to knock back enemies it hits, making it a useful tool for keeping crowds of enemies at bay.

  • Damage over time: The tornado deals damage to any enemies caught in its path, and this damage increases as the Druid gains levels and invests skill points into the Horizon's Tornado skill. This makes it a good choice for dealing consistent damage over time.

  • Area denial: The tornado creates a large area of effect around the Druid, which can make it difficult for enemies to approach. This can be useful for controlling choke points or protecting a specific area.

  • Mobility: The tornado moves with the Druid, which can be useful for quickly moving through areas or for escaping from danger.

Horizon's Tornado is a versatile skill that can be used in a variety of ways depending on the situation. It's especially effective when used in combination with other skills, such as Cyclone Armor or Hurricane, which can further enhance its crowd control and damage capabilities.

How To Get Horizon's Tornado in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

To get Horizon's Tornado in Diablo II: Resurrected (D2R), you must play as a Druid character and invest skill points into the Elemental skill tree. Here's how to get Horizon's Tornado:

  • Choose the Druid class: When creating a new character, select the Druid class. You can choose the Druid from the character selection screen.

  • Invest skill points into the Elemental skill tree: Horizon's Tornado is located in the Elemental skill tree, which is one of three skill trees available to the Druid. You will need to invest skill points into this tree to unlock Horizon's Tornado.

  • Reach the required skill level: To unlock Horizon's Tornado, you must invest at least 20 skill points into the Elemental skill tree and reach level 24. At that point, Horizon's Tornado will become available to you.

  • Allocate skill points to Horizon's Tornado: Once you have unlocked Horizon's Tornado, you can allocate skill points to it to increase its damage and duration.

It's worth noting that in D2R, you can reset your skill points and choose a different path if you decide you don't like your current skill choices. To do this, you will need to find the appropriate NPC in the game and pay a fee. This can be a useful way to experiment with different skill builds and find the ones that work best for you.

Which Build is Good To Use Horizon's Tornado in Diablo 2?

Horizon's Tornado is a versatile skill that can be used in a variety of builds in Diablo II: Resurrected (D2R). However, there are a few builds that work particularly well with this skill. Here are some popular builds that make use of Horizon's Tornado:

  • Wind Druid: This build focuses on the Druid's Elemental skills, particularly those that create tornados and other wind-based effects. Horizon's Tornado fits well into this build, providing an additional source of damage and crowd control.

  • Summoner Druid: This build focuses on the Druid's summoning skills, which allow the player to summon animals and other creatures to fight alongside them. Horizon's Tornado can be used to keep enemies at bay while the player's minions deal damage.

  • Hybrid Druid: This build combines the Druid's Elemental and summoning skills, creating a character that can deal damage with both spells and minions. Horizon's Tornado can be used to supplement the player's damage output and keep enemies under control.

In general, Horizon's Tornado works well in builds that focus on crowd control and area damage. It can be particularly effective when used in combination with other skills that create areas of effect or deal damage over time, such as Hurricane or Cyclone Armor.

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