We're gearing up for the April 28th Ladder Reset for Diablo 2 Resurrected. Here is everything you'll ever need to know about D2R Patch 2.4 Uber build tier list before the ladder is released. In order to give you the most accurate information to build strength in different situations.
D2R Best Patch 2.4 Uber Builds - Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Start Build For Ubers
Knowing which builds are strong at killing Ubers density, destroying elite hunting, and chaos prepare are important. Now, we are going to bring you the best D2R Ladder 2.4 builds for ubers based on their consistency, gear level, and speed. In the Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 1 Ladder start, ladder builds on our list that you can start with and there are a lot of builds you can play in the late game. Without a doubt, you can start with it you can play these builds in the late game as well. But they definitely lack effectiveness compared to everything. So it's just more versatility and more overall assessment versus specialized assessment. assessment.
Read more: D2R Best 2.4 Ladder Start & Reset Builds
S Tier In D2R 2.4 Best Ladder Uber Builds
1. Smite Paladin
Smite Paladin is still on top arguably on the D2R ladder start build tier list. It's just the cheapest, most consistent way to kill the Ubers period.
A Tier In Best D2R 2.4 Patch Uber Builds
1. Lightning Strike Amazon
For the rest of these builds in the A Tier, there might be some new ones like Lightning Strike, Because charged strike is so ridiculous. If you wear like an infinity spear, you can even kill Uber Mephisto using double plagues on an act 5 mercenary to proc lower resistance. Because it can break his lightning immunity.
2. Lightning Fury Amazon
Same thing with Lightning Fury, really strong at killing Uber bosses. You do need gear for this though and without gear, you can still kill d-clone pretty easily and you can kill many Ubers. But you might struggle more at the big Ubers.
3. Dragon Talon Assassin
Dragon Talon Assassin is kind of the same thing there, you just need a bit more gear. But arguably all these approaches are actually faster than a Smite Paladin once you get gear. They're just not as consistent and they require a lot more gear.
4. Zeal Paladin
Zeal Paladin is weapon-dependent. This is a Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Uber build that definitely needs a lot more gear than just Smite. It actually requires attack rating, but it's still insanely strong.
5. Zeal Sorceress
Zeal Sorceress is insanely strong.
6. Dream Paladin
Dream Paladin is also a solid build for Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder start. All these D2R Ladder Reset Uber builds are really strong like killing the Ubers.
B Tier In D2R Best 2.4 Ladder Reset Uber Builds
1. Lightning Sorceress
Lightning strike and Lightning Fury's ability to kill Uber Mephisto now using a specialized act 5 mercenary and killing the boss is arguably the fastest. Lighting Sorceress can do the same thing for the same reason using a charged bolt. Maybe lacks a little bit of consistency or tackiness compared to some of these D2R ladder season 1 builds.
2. Summon Druid
Now Summon Druid with reaper's toll and whatnot. If you summon all the summons and you have a pretty high skill level, you can clear Uber bosses pretty easily. Summon Druid can solo the big Ubers, maybe not as fast as these approaches. But it's pretty consistent, one of the best D2R 2.4 Uber builds for Ladder Season.
3. Summon Necromancer
Summon Necromancers are kind of the same thing as Summon Druid. But you can kill them even faster than the route. But unlike the Summon Druid, you need to farm up erdar monsters, crushing blow monsters beforehand. So it's no better than the Summon Druid, but it's not worse. There are just different pros and cons.
4. Werebear Sorceress
Werebear Sorceress would have still been in the A tier along with the rest of these Dream Paladin and D2R Ladder runeword-based approaches in the Zeal Paladin. Because of the drop in attack speed, she's not quite as effective as she used to be. So it's a B-Tier 2.4 PTR Uber build now. The loss of the shape-shifting attacks would really hurt those non-druid shape-shifters. That's the key non-druid shape-shifters, definitely come down a bit due to D2R Patch 2.4 update.
5. Frenzy Barbarian
Frenzy Barbarians have always been like B-Tier Uber killing approaches. Pretty solid, but not as solid as these approaches, not as much DPS, maybe a little bit less consistent.
C Tier In Best D2R 2.4 Ladder Start Builds
1. Fire Claw Druid
2. Whirlwind Barbarian
3. Jab/Fend/Impale Amazon
Once we get a C Tier on this D2R 2.4 build list. We're definitely getting into less consistent approaches here. That being said, Jab is probably the most consistent of all the Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 builds for Ubers in C Tier. Jab is pretty solid, you can make an argument for even being in the b tier. Because you don't need as much gear, but it's pretty solid stuff.
D Tier In Best D2R 2.4 Uber Builds
1. Fire Wall Sorceress
2. Meteor/Fire Ball Sorceress
3. Werewolf Barbarian
4. Maul Druid
Once we get to the D tier, these are builds you can kill the Ubers with if you had nothing else available. You use the Meteor/Fireball Sorceress approach which is pretty challenging, but you can do it. Fire Wall Sorceress definitely possible to kill Ubers. You can still do with the Werewolf Barbarian, even though it got a lot slower. As for the Maul Druid, you could do it with a Bear Druid as well, it's just a lot slower. Once again just slower attack speed, a lot of clunkiness coming out of the D Tier.
There is no F Tier for the Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Uber builds tier list. Because if it's a build that should be used for this function would be effective at doing this. Having an F Tier for that doesn't make a lot of sense. Why even bother killing Ubers with an f to your build. Above are all solid Uber killing approaches you will need.

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