In Lost Ark, if you want to progress quicker, you need to build alts (at a rate of 2 to 3 alt for a main) to support your main characters, and some investments are required to ensure a proper return from them. In order to make sure you get the most out of your alt characters with the easiest experience, you need to figure out which are the most efficient classes for alts. So in this article, we'll filter out the Best Alt Classes in Lost Ark for you.
Lost Ark Best Alts To Build For Farming & Fun Gameplay
If you are asking “Should I Make Alts in Lost Ark?”, most likely the answer is “Yes!”. Thanks to the in-game sharing system, you can easily use gear and materials collected on multiple characters for your main classes. Not only provide new experiences on the same content but also effectively assist you in grinding out the several different resources required to move into the Tier 3 endgame, alts are remarkably beneficial.
In order to get a good amount of mats and Lost Ark gold income with the least investment, you should create alts with the below features:
Easy to play and high efficient progress till to the high level and endgame
Need the least amount of material and engrave
Setting cost for Tripod and Jewels is cheap
Have transformation ability which is good for doing the chaos dungeons
Regardless of efficient, just play what you find fun
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Now you would like to know which classes work better as alt or which are the most efficient alt classes for clearing weekly PvE content. Therefore, we sort out the below best alt classes for you:
Top 1 - Mayhem Berserker
Berserker is the best alt to make in the game. The class engraving mayhem is super powerful because it makes you extremely tanky and allows you to deal a ton of damage, you zoom around ultra-fast and are actually quite potent even at level one. On top of that, you can mix mayhem with like raid captain or master tenacity and you will actually start pumping really good numbers when you start getting into t3, that means that it doesn't take a lot of investment to actually have this class do a ton of damage. It's also very simple to play, you essentially just buff yourself and you unload your damage.
The other thing that makes berserker super powerful is his ability to stagger and do weak point damage, every single thing berserker does have stagger on it and a lot of his skills also have weak points on them.
Realistically for anyone who's in a t1 or tier 2, Guardian recently is probably the hardest content in the game to do with a party, you have to solo it if you want to run them. However, Berserker is able to solo quite easily, they don't need a ton of engravings to come online and because you have a ton of stagger and weak point damage however the monster is built you are probably going to just destroy them easily and quickly.
The other thing that makes having a Berserker alt in tier 3 just absolutely is his AOE spec, when you're in the chaos dungeon, you're just spinning around and clearing every single mob with ease.
The last thing that makes Berserker a great alt is that green potions are a full heal for berserker, the reason for this is because Berserkers stay at 25 health the entire time, which means a 30 potion heals them completely and that's when you actually need to heal because you've stood in so many mechanics and Berserkers also synergize with some card sets that in also improve their damage reduction beyond the baseline 65 that is given from mayhem.
Top 2 - Surge Deathblade
Deathblade is a very good alt to have, probably one of the cheapest ones, also have as well the reason for this is because of Surge. Surge is a very powerful class engraving that you literally just need one of to actually start mvping rounds. The way Surge works are actually very simple, once you have full death orbs which are very easy to get, you're going to activate your identity skill, this is going to reduce the cooldown by 50% of all of your skills. You're going to then start to generate stacks for all of your abilities, so you're going to go through your rotation and have a bunch of abilities that are a little cool down but generate a lot of stacks, and then once you're at 15-20 stacks you just dump your load and then reset it. It does an insane amount of damage and there's a reason why surge deathblade is getting nerfed the hardest for this in Korea server. Surge can like easily synergize with things like ambush master because as a deathblade getting around the boss is very easy.
Surge is all-around skill and makes deathblade super cheap to run, because you can just run around with surge one and like ambush master three or cursed all three, which doesn't cost a lot to actually put together if you aren't going for a ton of engravings and you are going to absolutely demolish.
Surge deathplate doesn't have any gimmicks like let's say berserker or only green potions heal you to full or whatever you're going to get clapped when you get hit and have to actually learn how to play this class. Deathblade is going to require you to understand how to do positioning better and boss mechanics a bit more, especially if you are used to play berserker.
Top 3 - Shadowhunter Build
Shadowhunter is a little bit more expensive alt than previously, but it is very satisfying to play when she is in demon form because she's a builder spender and obviously transformation class, she needs a ton of spec to build up her bar quickly and that is going to be your bottleneck in a lot of tears. But to be honest, it isn't that bad to fix up early - in Tier 1 and 2, this class can be a little bit hard to play and probably you're better off playing perfect suppression.
In Tier 1 and 2, it will be difficult because you need to build a lot of spec, we suggest you in tier one save all your spec jewelry or even pick up spectrum, in tier two save all the spec jewelry that you found and put it on to help build meter to turn into a demon. and that would work out pretty well.
However in Tier 3, this class pops off, the thing is early on that could feel a little bit annoying is that you can't one rotation your demonic impulse or your demon form, what that means is that you want to go through your entire set of non-demon abilities once and then that'll put you in to your demon form. Once you're in tier 3 and the Julia actually gives you enough specialization to do that, you're good to go with even just epic jewelry you will be able to do that and you just need something like demonic impulse 3. As much as journalists are going to maybe general T3, it's not going to be that expensive to put together because again just getting two engravings is not very expensive, and then you will be doing a ton of damage and having a ton of fun because this class feels so good to play when you're just transforming into demon form super quickly.
The other thing that makes this class really cheap in tier three is that you only need like two gems. Because everything you do is in demon form, you have a gem called demon skill damage and then demonic skill cooldown, this affects all of your demon skills, which means that you essentially just need two gems to make this class pop off.
Top 4 - Gunlancer Build
Gunlancer is another character that fits into that really good alt category, it takes the best parts of Berserker and of deathblade as alt characters. He's like a circuit because a ton of his skills have weak points kind of his skills have staggered, there also is a lot of nuance to this class where there are a lot of different ways of building them if you look on loa. A lot of gunlancers play differently which we think is kind of interesting for an alt, where there's a lot of like nuances you can learn and a lot of adaptability to your play style. It's like deathblade, you don't need a lot of engravings to pop off, when you get level one in combat readiness and then you can get barricade three, which is very cheap to put together. Besides that he's a great class to actually get into raids with if you need to do your Bissell raids whatever it is, he's kind of like a suit of support.
The other thing is that he clears chaos dungeons really quickly, that's important because if you're doing chaos dungeons every day, it gets kind of monotonous classes that clear it really fast and really easily are always very valuable.
Honestly, his only downside is the fact that he dodges backward, every single person who plays this class must have their head messed with because if you main gunlancer, it means you probably dodged the wrong way on every other class, and if you play every other class and you of this one, you probably are going to dodge the wrong way every single time you try to dodge on your gunlancer. But just stand in the mechanics, it's literally built into the class just stand and eat every single mechanic, pump tons of damage, and just murder whatever the hell's in front of you.
Top 5 - Glaivier Builds
This last one is depending on whatever you're maining but we would say make more of your main class, let's say when Glaivier comes out, planning on making two Glaiviers, one as a main and one as an alt. It really fun to play and that's something really important, you save a ton of gold right because you share engravings with that class, meaning if you get full legendary engraving books in your class engravings, you get full legendary engravings on the secondary engravings, that is all useful for the alts. So they're always going to be pumping, be able to share gems with them. But besides the fact of all the money you save from sharing everything with them, it's just fun to play the most in your day, there's a reason why the main character is your main character, and one is your alt character.

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