Upon the launch of Diablo 2 Resurrected's first ladder season, rune words were acting pretty weird. Many players reported making very expensive rune words such as infinity in the newly allowed spear bases and let's just say they didn't become infinities, sort of brings back flashbacks to the ptr. It's rumored that ladder-only runewords can be made on non-ladder. In this guide, we are sharing a D2R ladder-only runeword glitch to get D2R ladder runeword for your non-ladder characters.
D2R Ladder-Only Runeword Glitch - How To Get Ladder Rune Word For Non-Ladder Characters
In light of this blizzard released a quick fix patch which allowed players who just wasted two bel runes in their spears to breathe a sigh of relief. The patch retroactively recognized these failed rune words as correctly made items. While this wasn't the expected and intended thing on the ladder, it came with a potentially unintended consequence on the non-ladder. Because of this hotfix, you can actually create ladder-only rune words on non-ladder. You better stay tuned for this D2R ladder-only runeword glitch. Because there's no telling how long that'll last. Here's how to do the ladder rune word glitch in Diablo 2 Resurrected.
Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Ladder Rune Word Glitch
First, gather all the necessary runes in your desired base item on the non-ladder. Make sure that you know the correct order of the runes and place them into that base item. You will immediately see a gemmed item. Even though you've put the runes in there correctly, it will not register that this is a rune word. Because it's supposed to be ladder only. But thanks to this hotfix, there is a line of code in the game that when you fire up the ladder, it just fixes all this. What you'll want to do is put this gem base item in your shared stash. From there, what you'll want to do is log out of the character, and go back to your character select screen. Either create or join a game with your ladder character.
Once you do, you can jump in the game, you can mf, you can do whatever you want, or you could just quickly save and exit. Once you've done this and saved and exited your game, wait a few seconds, go back into the character select screen, and go back into your non-ladder characters. Go check that shared stash and enjoy your ladder-only rune word on non-ladder. This is likely because the same line of code that was used to fix all of the ladder only rune words that didn't work, also just kind of launches it to your entire account when you join a ladder game. So that's probably why even your non-ladder characters get this sort of fix to rune words that are supposed to be rune words but somehow aren't.
Enjoy this Diablo 2 ladder only rune word glitch while it lasts. If you need to buy D2R ladder items, Utplay sells cheap and reliable D2R items!

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