In this valtan phase 1 guide, we're going to cover everything you need to know before attempting your first valtan raid in Lost Ark. We will be going over the sidereals mechanic, battle items, the core mechanics of the fight and some random patterns you should be aware of for Lost Ark valtan release.
Lost Ark Boss Raid Valtan Phase 1 Guide - How To Prepare For Valtan Release
Sidereals Gauge
With valtan release, you will be getting access to something you haven't seen before which is the sidereal mechanic. For those of you that have played final fantasy 14, the sidereal mechanic is like a limit break, it has a gauge that fills up over time and once it's full you have access to three different sidereals, each having their own special ability to either inflict massive damage or save your team from a wipe. Please note that only the party leader can use the side drills and remember to set a keybind as otherwise you cannot use them. For valtan, we have access to three sidebars that come to our aid.
1. Thirain: He is usually summoned for additional damage and has some niche usages where he is also used for his weak point destruction. Out of our three sidereals we have access to, Thirain has the highest damage.
2. Wei: He summons his big tiger while hitting three times in front of him, causing very big stagger damage. He usually is summoned for stagger checks and will come in handy for valtan for most parks due to the way that we handle the staggered check.
3. Balthorr: He summons a huge aoe that will once it's triggered give everyone inside of it a buff that makes them immune to everything. Very good usage to make some of the mechanics easier and it will also be used by most pucks to cheese vaulting phase 2 mechanics. The sidereals will appear in future legion rates, so make sure you get accustomed to using them so you too can lead your team to victory.
Battle ltem
As we have received hundreds of battle item chests, do not be stingy when using battle items especially when you are probing this fight. Use as usual potions to stay alive during this fight as the damage output can be significant, if you are programming in a set rate group, start with green potions until you are going for a clear where then suggest to run purple potions. In pucks, run blue or purple potions to not grieve your teammates. Next up on the nearly mandatory list is the panacea which is used to remove a specific bleed debuff in this phase of valtan. It is very important to cleanse that debuff as it is part of one of the core mechanics in this raid. Lastly, you should always bring wall wind grenades seeing as this fight has multiple stagger checks.
For optional items, bring the sacred charm to cleanse even more debuffs on your teammates, this item is near mandatory if you are running without paladin or gunlance in your group. Furthermore, a time stop potion will always come in handy no matter what as does a dark grenade for additional damage, which is usually carried by support. Lastly, you can of course also bring items like an awakening potion or adrophine potion if you want to push more damage.
Hp bars make a return, unlike in argos you can see the remaining hp at in legion rates. Seeing as mechanics are tied to those hp bars, it is quite important to keep an eye on them. For valtan in phase 1, we have the following timeline:
x 50 purple wolf
x 45 split - red wolf
x 30 orb phase
Blue wolf
x 15 orb phase
Purple wolf
Red Wolf - Blue Invader
While this bit is happening, make sure to keep your distance from the transforming wolves as it does quite a lot of damage once the animation ends and if you are too close. For the red wolf face, we have one very important core mechanic which is the bleed debuff.
Bleed debuff 3x causes line aoe
Use panacea to cleanse at 2x
Split red + blue wolf
If you have buff, attack blue
Buff on your bar
Buff indicated by floating lights
Most attacks you see will cause you to get a bleed debuff if you get hit by them. This buff stacks up two times and will disappear if you get hit a third time. Once it does disappear, it will trigger a line that goes through the red wolf and cause big damage to everyone that stands in it. This is where it is important to stay at two bleed stacks or lower and try to dispel it with your paladin, gunlance or your battle items. If everyone ignores their bleed stacks, many lines will be triggered and surely will cause someone to die. The rest of the red wolf fight is mostly again random patterns once the blue wolf akd invader appears, you will have to pay attention to your buff bar or your character. Four random party members will get a buff that will allow them to attack the invader. This buff can be found on your buff bar or by looking at your character. This can also randomly change at any point so be aware of it at all times. Besides that, it is also crucial to bring the two wolves far apart from each.
Orb Mechanic
It is crucial for you to learn this mechanic as it can cause a wipe if not executed properly. Playing on russian servers, we encountered multiple ways of handling this mechanic, so we will explain all of them.
What is about to happen? The red wolf will disappear and reposition himself in the middle of the arena, he then summons eight orbs around himself in red and blue order. At the same time, you can see a staggered check bar appearing below him.
Original / Oldschool Orb Strat
How this mechanic is solved properly? All 8 players spread out clockwise around the boss and grab aggro of an orb, the orbs are targeting the closest player to them, then everyone takes their orb in the order from first to last player. It is important to note that taking more than one orb will cause massive damage as they apply a debuff to you once you consume them and they need to be taken in the right order. So in a perfect setting, everyone takes their orb in order as they should. Once the orb has been taken, you then head over to the red wolf and use high stagger skills to meet the stagger check. This basically is the og strat that does not require you to have any sidereal up because you should be able to meet the stagger check without issues. Usually strat is not used in pucks but in pre-made parties to speed up the raid.
Pug Strat 1 (3-4 Orb Strat)
Now that you know how the mechanic would be done properly, here are two pug strats that we encountered on Russia. It is important to already take your position before you even enter, people spread out in a circle to indicate at which direction they will be standing for the orb mechanic. It is important to have high stagger classes at the first three to four positions. Usually, the part leader will take the first orb starting at one o'clock.
Now that you have your positions, as the mechanic happens, people spread out just like they would in the original strat. But with a few changes, usually only the first three to four people take their orb to make it easier and avoid any mistakes during this mechanic. The remaining four players just kite their orb until they disappear. The purpose of this is to make it easier for pugs to just run around like a headless chicken once they have picked up aggro from their orbs. Sometimes when trying to take an orb, you might not see if the person in front of you has taken it already, so you can just kite it in this case. In order to then also fulfill the stagger check that the red wolf presents to you, you use the sidereal way. He has a lot of stagger to help you make it without issues.
To sum up, go to your clock position, partly the user's way once the stagger appears and then the first three to four players, pick up their orbs in order and then head over to the wolf to stagger it while the remaining players simply kite their orbs until they disappear. Please make sure to kite at the edge of the arena and to not mistakenly drag an orb through someone else.
Pug Strat 2 (All South Strat)
Towards the end of Lost Ark career on the russian servers, come across a new threat for this orb phase called the all south strat. It is mega brain that requires way as well, but has more room for errors. To explain it swiftly, once the orbs are appearing, everyone besides the part leader should be standing at the most south point of the arena. While the part leader is using way again at this moment, he will grab aggro of all the orbs and kite them around the north part of the arena. Once all orbs have aggro depart leader, they can then move on to the wolf and meet the rest of the stagger check.
Blue Wolf - Red Invader
You now will fight the blue wolf instead of the wet wolf and have him as the invader. For the blue wolf, everything is pretty much the same as for the red wolf besides the core mechanic.
3 different types of bomes / explosions
Ice explosions star like freeze explosion
Green explosion safespot in middle expands slowly
Brown explosion big aoe avoid immediately
This time you won't be having any lines or bleed debuff but rather explosions of different kinds. He will throw out certain bombs on the ground that will explode after a while and do different things depending on their type. Light blue ak ice bombs will explode in a star pattern and if they hit a target will then again expand in the same pattern. Green explosions will form an aoe save space in the middle of them but make a big aoe around them unsafe and it is best to stack them, but usually this doesn't work in pugs, so just make sure to stay away from the green bombs. For the brown or red bombs, they will just explode in a big aoe. Once you then reach 15 bars, you will again have the orb face happening just like before.
Purple Wolf
Once you're finished with it, you will then fight the final purple wolf. The purple wolf has the same mechanics as the two wolves before besides the line aries. Additionally, he brings in two more small mechanics, one is a big aoe that causes damage over time if you stand in it which is quite easy to spot. And secondly, he will sometimes fear a random player who cannot move anymore and appear behind them. The player who has been feared needs to ping their position asap, so the whole party can run towards them. Once the wolves reappears, he has a stagger bar and if you do not stagger, he will deal massive frontal damage and most likely kill the feared person. If you are not feared, avoiding the front unless you want to have additional stagger damage with classes like gunman's or destroyer.

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